
To all board posters -- please read- Page 2

To all board posters -- please read

#25re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/7/03 at 10:15pm

BG2, why leave if you enjoy reading and responding to the posting? If someone doesn't like you it's their issue. A differing opinion is acceptable, deliberate cruelty is not (to paraphrase Tennessee). My advice is not to take postings so seriously or personally. Enjoy them for what they are--other people's opinions that, sometimes, might cause each of us to rethink our own.

Cheers, Broadway Bulldog

Yours for a better Broadway!

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#26re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/7/03 at 10:23pm

So when I first starting reading this thread I thought what a waste of time. But then it turned into a discussion about Popeye and instantly became one of my favorite threads of all time. I LOVED that movie when I was little. In fact, I remember I audio taped it from the TV onto casette so I could listen to it over and over. Of course now when I watch on DVD I see what a bad movie it was...but in such a good way.

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#27re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/7/03 at 10:38pm

" Apparently, according to a certain board poster who has taken issue with me since their first post on this board..."

No, that would be compulsivebowlers.

Don't be such a drama queen.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#28re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/7/03 at 10:43pm

To Broadway Bulldog

I couldn't have said it any better. I agree 100 % . Though I may disagree with everything someone says, they have a right to their opinion & I respect that. This is all I ask in return . Disagree with me all the time, if you want, but just respect I have a right to my opinion also. As long as my opinion is not personnally offensive, we should respect everyones opinion.

I have changed my opinion over the years on many issues. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. A closed mind is a waste.

I done with pithiness for the evening. Thank you very much

Poster Emeritus

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#29re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 12:05am

Broadwayguy- you are my favorite poster. I love you- don't leave. You are so smart, sarcastic, and funny. Please stay. And screw all of those who don't like you!

Rob Profile Photo
#30re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 12:18am

As Rodney King said "Can't we all just get along?" I think the answer to that in a place as passionate as a theater community is probably "not always!" But, what everyone can always do is to show respect for one another, and to post as such. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, and with it comes responsiblity. If we all remember that we're not just saying something nasty to a computer icon, but a real person - I think we'll be A-OK. I think over the past two months that 99% of the time everything has run wonderfully because most people realize that.

Let's keep it up!


TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#31re: re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 1:15am

BroadwayGuy2, I don't always agree with some of the things you say (lol I know his original post was not intended for me in any way...we have never had words), but that doesn't mean I don't respect your right to say those things. This is America. Stay here because you enjoy posting and reading; not because people like or don't like what you write. There will always be a difference of opinion, and that's what makes us human.

I enjoy reading your posts for the most part. If others don't, then they don't have to read them or continue to post here. They can find a website where they will get along with every single member (news flash: That will never happen).

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#32re: re: re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 2:12am

Frankly, I enjoy this website -- as I have told Rob, I even made it my homepage. It just severely disturbs me the way some people on this board seem to take issue with me. I believe we all have seen who these individuals are. I do make an attempt at ignoring these oposts, but certain people who dilike seem to find pleasure in responding to my posts for no purpose other than to attack me for what ever reason. I also believe certain individuals frequent certain other site(s) and trash me there as well and then try to shoulder blame on myself when I have done nothing to deserve such treatment.

#33re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 7:41am

Oh come on....

It's not like you've been attacked for little to no reason like....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

Melanie Griffith, shall we say..(LOL)

Please stay....

I think this board is becoming quite fun.......

orion59 Profile Photo
#34re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 8:04am

Is this some ploy to get people to compliment you?

If not, why bother? Does the opinion of a total stranger on a message board impact your life that much? The issue seems a bit childish.


#35re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 8:21am

Why would i use a "ploy" to get poeple to compliment me?? That uis totally ridiculous. Excuse me, I am sorry. It was brought to my attention that people on this board take issue with. Their ipproval frankly is not that important to me, but I would like to be able to visit this site without certain people being competely rude to me and this letting this place become a 'slam Bwayguy' forum like a certain other board. Excuse me for wondering if what I was told about poeple didtaste of me is true and wanting to make a decision of where to visit based on the FACTS of that situation.

alterego Profile Photo
#36re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 8:32am

I have no problem with you or your opinions. It is the various thoughts and observances of all here that make this messageboard worth visiting.

#37re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 8:46am

I'm with Tuttle and Orion. When Orion asked you if it was a ploy to gather compliments about yourself you answered with "Why would I use a ploy....?" You just reasked the question without ever answering it. And it's kind of shameless.

I vote that you either end this thread with a Sally Field-like, "You like me! You REALLY like me!" or that you, in fact, leave and find someplace where you don't feel a need to poll other members to find out their opinions of you.

#38re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 10:44am

Stay crazy8 -- I like ya!

While going through almost the same kind of thing myself last year on another message board, one of my good friends said to me "a forum wouldn't be a forum if everyone agreed." which is absolutely true on every spectrum. Just do your thing and forget others who can't respect an opinion. It's SO not worth it to get hot and bothered over.

Honestly. It took me some time to be able to do that myself re: re: re:   To all board posters -- please read

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

Albin Profile Photo
#39re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 11:16am

Guy...don't sweat the small stuff and believe me, what people think about you on a message board is definitly small stuff!!!
Life's is too short to be worried about insignifigant comments posted here. I for one hope you stay. I don't always agree with your opinions but some of your posts are very funny.

orion59 Profile Photo
#40re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 12:26pm

Maybe my next question is why are you so defensive about my comment?

You have to realize that when you ask for feedback, you may not always like what you hear. I'm one of those people who warns frioends "Don't ask my opinion if you're not willing to hear an honest answer that may not be what you are hoping to hear". You put a general question out tehre and ask from opinions from posters. As a regular poster, I feel I am being asked my opinion.

You ask "why would I use a ploy to get compliments?" I don't know. I don't know if you would. I never met you so, i posed a question. And that is my whole point. We don't know you, you don't know us so why should it matter what we think of you?

What I or anyone else thinks about you is not based on any personal knowledge and therefore can't be considered valid. You can't get the "facts" of the situation by asking our opinions of you. Anything I say about you is not a fact since we have never met.


TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#41re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 1:17pm

"I'm one of those people who warns friends "Don't ask my opinion if you're not willing to hear an honest answer that may not be what you are hoping to hear"."

OMG, me 2! re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read I'm a little too honest at times. LOL one of my friends (in particular) will alway ask my opinion, even if we're with other friends because she says, "Christine will tell me the truth." She doesn't always like my answer, but she likes that it's an honest one. I'm sorry, but if an outfit doesn't look right, or your hair is screwed up, I'm gonna tell you for your own benefit.

Sorry for rambeling. re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#42re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 1:24pm

OMG...Have we regressed to elementry school?

#43re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 1:26pm

only recently.

orion59 Profile Photo
#44 re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 1:58pm

I know what you mean TheaterBaby. I certainly don't try to hurt anyone by being honest but will be very frank if I think it benefits someone. Like recently when a friend was in danger of pushing away a great relationship because of her fears and past relationship problems. Or, in the case of this thread where someone is willing to allow the comments of another to prevent him from participating in something he enjoys.

People ask for the truth then get upset when you give it to them. It may be considered elementary school level to some but, my feeling is that if I enjoy posting I will continue reagardless of what another poster says and if you don't like what I say, you just don't read it.

I honestly think BWayguy2 is giving people on this forum lot more over his actions than they deserve to have.


#45re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 2:11pm

to the people who bag on other people on this board.

Are you really that bored with your life that you feel the need to constantly bag on someone on the internet!!??

They're just words, people have the right to voice their opinions, but it shouldn't be personal attacks, there's a difference!

Think about this people.

Duane Reade
#46re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 2:13pm

I can't believe this discussion is still going on. It all started because BG2 got his feelings hurt by me. But I think that there are plenty of people who get their feelings hurt by him, constantly. Starting with my good friend Melanie.

#47re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 2:14pm

your good friend Melanie?

Duane Reade
#48re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 2:15pm

Mrs. Banderas. He was MEAN to her.

#49re: re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 2:19pm

ok, but initially was he mean, personally to you??? It wasn't a personal attack, but somehow this was made into a personal attack. When a person voices his of her opinion on how good or crappy an actor is or is gonna be we simply voice our own opinions back WITHOUT personal attacks. That's what this board is for. It went horrible wrong in broadway.com THAT'S WHY IT WAS SHUT DOWN.

I REFUSE the fact that this board might be shut down due to more personal attacks!

please voice your opinions as much as you want, just try not to make it personal. :)

