
Jessie Mueller Stagedoor- Page 2

Jessie Mueller Stagedoor

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#25Jessie Mueller Stagedoor
Posted: 7/31/16 at 8:13am

Okay. It seems this thread is going somewhere near an attack on Jessie's character, so I admit that I went to the first preview and joined the insane stage door crowd in hope to have my poster and playbill signed, finding out that Jessie, as mail handler described, is one of the nicest people I've ever met. Since the crowd that day was literally insane and a lot of people in it probably wouldn't get the chance to meet the cast or get a signed playbill, I was helping someone behind me who passed me another poster and several playbills. When Jessie came out, she was really nice and kindly reminded me not to smack other people because I was holding the posters over my head (Yes, that sort of crazy). I wouldn't do stage door if I don't like a show, however big the star name is, but I won't be upset if the cast doesn't come out. You are paying serious money for the show, not for being starstruck. Moreover, she might opt not to come out because after doing such a physically and emotionally taxing role, going through the stage door mob every night is a total nightmare and potentially keeps her from giving the next day's audience their money's worth. 

#26Jessie Mueller Stagedoor
Posted: 7/31/16 at 8:34am

I met her after the Tony luncheon.  She couldn't have been nicer.  I asked if I could take a picture and she stated yes.  I told her how much I enjoyed her performances in Beautiful and Waitress.  She seemed  genuinely touched by the compliments. Brief encounter, but still she came across very sweet.

#27Jessie Mueller Stagedoor
Posted: 7/31/16 at 11:07am

I have to admit, I have never heard an unkind word about Ms. Mueller.  I really think the stage door stuff has gotten out of control and I do remind my niece that these performers work hard and must be wiped after a show.  I think the young people are a bit star struck.  I personally like the fact that she is not on social media. I think everyone is entitled to a bad day - I have seen Waitress and her performance must be emotionally draining.  I have much respect for her and she does seem genuinely nice.

#28Jessie Mueller Stagedoor
Posted: 7/31/16 at 11:43am

She does do the stage door, but only rarely. It took me more than a week of trying. (During the week, I saw her leave via the back door numerous times, but didn’t bother her, since she was clearly not up for interacting with fans.) When she finally worked the line, I thanked her for her performance, and told her that I was glad to see that she was well enough to come out the stage door. She apologized and said that she was trying to stave off a perpetual cold from her allergies.

Performers are human. They have off days, they have bad days, they’re just not in the mood. This doesn’t excuse rudeness, of course – but we should try to be a little more forgiving towards people who are on such a punishing schedule, who are 99% of the time really nice and polite and grateful.

It sucks to be on the receiving end of that 1% of human weakness, though. bltl812, I’m sorry you and your daughter didn’t see Jessie Mueller at her best. I hope you’ll try again. From interviews, she seems like a more introverted person who isn’t comfortable with the intense attention. So maybe write to her – a friend of mine who sent a letter to the theater received a handwritten/signed postcard in return.

#29Jessie Mueller Stagedoor
Posted: 7/31/16 at 1:18pm

I’ve been watching lots of interviews and videos Jessie has done recently (even one recorded on Thursday) and find it very hard to believe that she is a rude/ignorant person. She always seems very grateful and grounded. Maybe there’s more to it than anybody realises considering she used to stage door? I’ve seen pictures which show the stage door at Waitress tends to be really busy and I can’t say the thought of people who I don’t know approaching me and shouting my name would be particularly enjoyable. She seems to have many loyal (!) fans and there have been lots of stage door horror stories (not from Waitress necessarily but definitely other shows with a similar fanbase) so maybe she’s worried about her safety? Seems to me as though she’d rather focus on the job in hand and not feed the madness.

#30Jessie Mueller Stagedoor
Posted: 7/31/16 at 1:24pm

dissimilate said: "From interviews, she seems like a more introverted person who isn’t comfortable with the intense attention."

I get that vibe too and, as an introverted person myself, the thought of such intense attention 8 times a week gives me palpitations! I don't blame her for trying her best to avoid it all.

#31Jessie Mueller Stagedoor
Posted: 7/31/16 at 2:45pm

I met her a couple years back at Beautiful. It was probably about 5 mths after she won the Tony so her star was starting to rise. She couldn't have been nicer or more genuine if she tried. There were probably only like 20 ppl waiting but she took time to speak with absolutely everyone, looked you straight in the eye and seemed genuinely interested in what you had to say. That Beautiful stage door had to be the most pleasant experience I've had after a show. Maybe it had to do with the location of it but it seemed that everyone had actually seen the show. I get the impression that she is somebody who loves what they do but just wants to live their life. I don't think she can be faulted for not coming out into the madhouse of a stage door. At the end of the day it is a job- I know there are many times at the end of my work day that I don't want to talk to anyone and just want to get home. Performers are no different and I don't think they can be faulted for that. 

#32Jessie Mueller Stagedoor
Posted: 7/31/16 at 2:45pm

I met her a couple years back at Beautiful. It was probably about 5 mths after she won the Tony so her star was starting to rise. She couldn't have been nicer or more genuine if she tried. There were probably only like 20 ppl waiting but she took time to speak with absolutely everyone, looked you straight in the eye and seemed genuinely interested in what you had to say. That Beautiful stage door had to be the most pleasant experience I've had after a show. Maybe it had to do with the location of it but it seemed that everyone had actually seen the show. I get the impression that she is somebody who loves what they do but just wants to live their life. I don't think she can be faulted for not coming out into the madhouse of a stage door. At the end of the day it is a job- I know there are many times at the end of my work day that I don't want to talk to anyone and just want to get home. Performers are no different and I don't think they can be faulted for that. 
