
Dido and Aeneas tonight....- Page 2

Dido and Aeneas tonight....

NYadgal Profile Photo
#25Dido and Aeneas tonight....
Posted: 4/30/16 at 7:20am


"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#26Dido and Aeneas tonight....
Posted: 4/30/16 at 7:38am

I had such a great time last night at this concert.  I was so sucked in to the story by Kelli and Vicky that it didn't really matter if I understood the words.  I loved the emotional ride between being awestruck by Kelli's voice, movement and sophistication to grinning from ear to ear by Vicky's delicious portrayal of the sorceress.      They both looked exquisite in the Siriano gowns.

The orchestra sounded terrific with period piece instruments.  Not sure exactly why they placed the harpist center stage.  Aren't they usually to the side?  That blocked my view a bit but really who cares.  To be able to witness this in person felt really special.  When Kelli sang "Dido's Lament" I sat there thinking Robert left, the King died and now this.  Give the poor girl a break.  When is she going to get her man?  Kelli is so good to root for in everything she does that your emotional investment is always rewarded handsomely.

It was an added bonus to listen to the majestic choristers.  Very lovely.  The Doug Varone dancers had an effortless grace and complemented the piece in ways I had not expected.  It really is a shame it's only two nights and more people won't have the opportunity to see it.  A very memorable evening.


bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#27Dido and Aeneas tonight....
Posted: 4/30/16 at 9:11am

Caught this last night from the balcony. I am not really an opera person, and I could not tell you one word that was sung even though the opera was in English. However, I didn't even care because the voices of those two women are just heavenly.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#28Dido and Aeneas tonight....
Posted: 4/30/16 at 9:20am

I loved this! The music, the chorus, the dancers and of course the leads’ voices were great. I couldn’t understand most of what they said, but it didn’t matter. I’m glad I saw this.

OlBlueEyes Profile Photo
#29Dido and Aeneas tonight....
Posted: 5/1/16 at 5:51am

Those who are able to appreciate Purcell and appreciate "Dido's Lament" as a masterwork of Western music are blessed. I'm not a stranger to Baroque; for several years I regularly listened to Sunday Morning Baroque on my local public radio station. But that show mostly played the music of the late Baroque period with which Americans are most familiar: Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Scarlatti. Purcell is not for me, but my favorite novelist is Henry James, who is despised by many a college student. James and I are both verbose.

I interjected here to address a loyal group of Kelli O'Hara fans that, if they didn't already know it, Kelli is giving her first solo performance at Carnegie Hall on Saturday, October 29th. If you wait until August, when tickets go on sale to the general public, be prepared to act fast. 

Right now tickets are being sold only as part of a subscription with two other shows, including the New York Pops holiday concert which will include among its guests Ann Hampton Callaway and Liz Callaway.



NYadgal Profile Photo
#30Dido and Aeneas tonight....
Posted: 5/1/16 at 9:04am

She is also opening Caramoor on June 18th.  

If you've never been to that beautiful venue, give yourself a gift.  

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
