
Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.- Page 2

Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#25It has all become clear
Posted: 9/15/04 at 12:47pm


CallyGal, here is a code: EISNER878, it's very "hush hush"..if you whisper it into Cyber-Nathan's ear, he'll not only happily sign your Playbill, but show you around town too, maybe even sneak a carriage ride around Central Park and end the evening with a Frrrozen Hot Chocolate at Serendipty3...but remember this is just between us.....

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Updated On: 9/15/04 at 12:47 PM

CaTheatreGirl Profile Photo
#26It has all become clear
Posted: 9/15/04 at 1:10pm

Oh, Eddie my love, thank you! Are you sure the secret code will get me all of that and a signed Playbill, too?! Might the spell be broken at midnight? Look what happened to poor Cinderella. I'd hate to see something go bad over chocolate imbibing at Serendipity 3!

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#27It has all become clear
Posted: 9/15/04 at 1:20pm

Well I know a few tourists from Iowa who tried it out last week and it worked like a charm.
They said he was better than "CATS"!

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SamIAm Profile Photo
#28It has all become clear
Posted: 9/15/04 at 2:56pm

Oh, CATheatreGirl...look at it this way, Nathan's head is probably in the same freezer as Walt's down there in the bowels of Disneyville.

As for photos with the boy...bring your camera phone and have a fellow fan take some shots of you with Nathan's back a blur in the background as he runs in the opposite direction.


"Life is a lesson in humility"

SamIAm Profile Photo
#29It has all become clear
Posted: 9/15/04 at 2:57pm

With code in hand, go get your NYC tour...but be sure to have him home by midnight or he will turn into Matthew Broderick.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
Posted: 9/15/04 at 9:51pm

Hey guys! I saw "The Frogs" at today's matinee (got front row center last minute - wheeee!!!) and good news! Nathan's head is back on his neck!! It was all a big rumor!

Of course, there was a lot of glue on his neck and a few staples, but maybe it's a fashion statement?

(P.S. - The show is better than ever and the man is just AMAZING!)

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.
Updated On: 9/15/04 at 09:51 PM

Posted: 9/15/04 at 10:02pm

A rumor? You mean, Roger Bart lied to me? *gasp* How dare he?

Staples, you say? Why, he'd make a fantastic Frankenstein.

I wish I could see The Frogs soon(er). I have to wait...nine and a half days. *bites fingernails* A friend of mine is at the show right now, so exciting. She baked Roger a cake and she's giving it to him at the stage door. I would do that...but I'd embarrass myself to death.

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
Posted: 9/15/04 at 10:37pm

Yes, Mythus, he would make a wonderful Frankenstein! Are you a casting agent? Those staples really spoke to you!

You will love the show. It's actually my favorite show Nathan's ever done, and that's saying a lot. And as for your friend who is bringing Roger a cake - what a sweetie, and how brave! Roger is such a nice guy, I'm sure he will be more than receptive. I'd like to bake Nathan a cake, but I really don't want to be wearing it on my head all the way home. (It clashes with my outfit.) Surgery?

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.

Posted: 9/15/04 at 11:11pm

You caught me, Heart! I'm really a casting agent. I'm actually scouting for a new Elphaba - it's been decided that an enthusiastic fourteen year old should take over the part. So, come on, girls (and effeminate guys), start posting those résumés! Updated On: 9/15/04 at 11:11 PM

SamIAm Profile Photo
Posted: 9/16/04 at 9:26am

HeartInNYC: You are right on. Do NOT...repeat DO NOT bake a cake and attempt to deliver it to Lane at the stage door.

a) everyone knows he runs out the other way and you will be left with cake in hand, tears streaming down your apple cheeks

b) if, by some miracle he should come out through the stage door because it happens to be closer to Starbucks, and you try to give him the cake, he is likely to spew a stream of obscenities at you, grab the cake and (if it is chocolate) take a huge bite and throw the rest in your face, leaving you with frosting to be licked off by some street person...YUCK

c) if it is NOT chocolate, he will most certainly use language formally only known to longshoremen, grab the cake, push you to the ground and sit on you, squashing the cake into your eyes, nose and mouth...and then kicking your best friend before he steps back into his town car and is whisked away

None of these things sounds pleasant but then Cyborgs can be very touchy.

Happy to hear his head is sewn back on. I really hope the doctors used nylon thread so it doesn't stretch.

As for listening to Roger Bart. The next time he tells you something, I'd suggest you take into consideration that Roger is a lifetime member of Liars Anonymous and can't be trusted to tell you the correct time of day.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

Caravaggio Profile Photo
#35awwww, bummer, man
Posted: 9/16/04 at 9:34am

Gee.....I guess he DOESN'T sign, then.

I'm happy as long as there are brownies in the green room.
Updated On: 9/16/04 at 09:34 AM

SamIAm Profile Photo
#36awwww, bummer, man
Posted: 9/16/04 at 9:57am

Only on alternate Mondays, in months that begin with a 'W' and only during a full moon.

Good luck

"Life is a lesson in humility"

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#37awwww, bummer, man
Posted: 9/16/04 at 9:59am

Sam is correct, there was a tragedy that occured during the run of LOVE!VALOUR!COMPASSION!, a brave young soul named, Becky Sue Reinhart attempted to deliver Nathan or "NaT-L3000" as he's know to his "friends aka creators"...anywho, she baked a nice lemon chiffon pie and stood waiting to hand it to our talented and beloved Lanebot.

Well, one whif of the sugary bundle and all hail broke loose, the poor thing was snatched in a vice like grip and held for hours (or until the half hour call of the evening show)..it took three audience members from the Key West Players theater group tour and the "jaws of life" to free her.

So, again, do not bake him a cake.

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Updated On: 9/16/04 at 09:59 AM

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
Posted: 9/16/04 at 9:59am

SamIAm, LOL! You know, my hesitance to bake Nathan a cake has more to do with my baking abilities (or lack thereof), rather than Nathan becoming annoyed with having to deal with such a situation! One bite of my cake and, I assure you, his head would fall off again. The man has enough to deal with.

Nathan is a lot sweeter than my cake. Eeek!

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.

SamIAm Profile Photo
Posted: 9/16/04 at 10:10am

Eddie: I was there for that terrible tragedy. Oh the horror! I think the problem was eventually traced to a bad chip in the NateBot. Fixed now. So, he does release his victims.

But if those Disney handlers aren't around to protect you, watch out. As for your baking skills HeartInNYC if you have a real need to cage him and examine the inner workings of the bot you may need to go out and purchase some really good chocolate brownies. Just strew a trail of them from his alternate theater exit to his towncar and wait. He won't even see the net coming!

"Life is a lesson in humility"

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
Posted: 9/16/04 at 11:05am

Okay, SamIAm, I can take out a small personal loan and purchase the high-quality brownies from Dean & DeLuca. (I know cyborgs are very choosy about desserts.) Nate-46TRW is worth it! I might even bring a can of air spray so that I can give him a little interior clean-up. I'm sure it gets dusty backstage, and his circuits must suffer greatly. (This is, of course, it he doesn't mind.) What Nate-46TRW goes through simply to entertain us! Why, we could never repay him!

But the sidedoor and the brownie trail? For heaven's sake, there are so MANY doors at Lincoln Center - how will I know which door is correct? I suppose I can buy extra brownies with my new Visa card and leave a trail in front of EVERY door...that's not too excessive, is it?

I had no idea Nate-46TRW liked chocolate. Those tastebud microchips really DO work!

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.

KittyDarling Profile Photo
Posted: 9/16/04 at 11:16am

Hey, I have this KEWEL Anne Geddes poster of these really cute babies in frog outfits! It's sooooo sweet because they are all sitting on lily pads in a pond...except for one who fell in and is floating face-down and that's kinda weeerd. ANYWAY I was wondering, if I brought this poster to the stage door do you think Nathan would sign this poster for me? Thanks bunches!

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#42The Laneninator
Posted: 9/16/04 at 11:31am

Hello Kitty...Darling!

The later models of the Nathan cyborg or "sighbot" as the companion model the "Broderick2000" calls him, are very fond of Anne Geddes' work. If you use the forementioned code he'll not only sign it, but squeal with electronic delight!

If you have some of the stuffed Geddes babies I'm sure they'd send his circuits skyward too.

But, please NO cake.

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SamIAm Profile Photo
#43The Laneninator
Posted: 9/16/04 at 1:11pm

Boy, Eddie, you must really hate Kitty.

If you only knew the number of cutsey frog posters, stuffed animals, shower curtains, hats and mouse pads he's received as gifts or to sign.

And GEDDES...way too cutsey for Lane. You MAY get a signature on one or both of these items but even the new model goes haywire when faced with artificially sweetened objects.

Try the new code LN020356, followed by a short blow of breath directly into the borg's face...he will most certainly cooperate...if he doesn't punch you first.

"Life is a lesson in humility"
