
Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.

Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#0Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 12:40am

I have tickets to Wed. night. I havn't been keeping on this. Can anyone help? Thanks.

magruder Profile Photo
#1re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 12:42am

He only missed a performance and a half due to that injury. He returned the following day and hasn't missed again.

"Gif me the cobra jool!"

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#2re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 12:44am

Thank makes me feel better. Thank you.

SamIAm Profile Photo
#3re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 8:57am

I know that people don't necessarily take the time to read through or search through the threads before they ask a question, but this question has been asked several times in the past week.

It's interesting that Lane was only out for the second act of the matinee and the evening performance and then came back but it seems that few people KNEW he came back. Not sure how this information seems to have escaped people, but I guess it did.

At any rate, Lane will be there...unless he has another accident...here's hoping that doesn't happen.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

#4re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 10:17am

OMG, how long has he been out? Feel better soon, Nathan!

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SamIAm Profile Photo
#5re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 5:46pm

Yes, Namo...I heard he'd be out for the rest of the run and probably won't even be able to do the Producers movie.

It's just sad

(tongue planted firmly in cheek)

"Life is a lesson in humility"

#6re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 5:47pm

RIP, Nathan. It is so sad for something so tragic to take him so early in his career.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

#7re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 6:10pm

You have to feel bad for whoever was operating the trap door, though. I mean, beheaded? No one saw that coming.

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#8re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 6:17pm

It was really, really awesome when Nathan surprised everyone by treating Burke Moses to that steamy and totally unexpected lap dance! So what if it was a little messy...it was theatrical magic!

Even WITHOUT his head, Nathan's talent, dedication, stamina and awesome professionalism are nothing short of perfection!

Whatta trouper - and what a standing ovation!

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"
Updated On: 9/14/04 at 06:17 PM

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
#9re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 6:49pm

I saw Nathan back in the beginning when he still had his head!! He was wonderful then, and I'll bet you he's JUST as good sans tete! He can do anything!!

P.S. - Is there any truth to the rumor that he is signed to play Ichabod Crane in the new musical version of "The Headless Horseman" (adapted from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow)? (A dream come true!)

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.
Updated On: 9/14/04 at 06:49 PM

SamIAm Profile Photo
#10re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 6:51pm

You guys just gave me the laugh I needed at the end of the day.

BUT WAIT...I fear that there will be some poor slob who will believe you and start a rumor that Lane has lost his head.

I can see the NYPost banner 'Lane Loses Head Over Frogs'

"Life is a lesson in humility"

#11re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 6:56pm

Glad we could help, SamIAm. re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.

We'll put the head in that poor slob's bed at night. Just like The Godfather. It'll be so cool. Updated On: 9/14/04 at 06:56 PM

HeartinNYC Profile Photo
#12re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 6:57pm

But SamIAm, didn't you see today's headline from Variety? "NATE SANS PATE STILL GREAT"!

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...unless that's mine in the first place.
Updated On: 9/14/04 at 06:57 PM

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#13re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 7:02pm

Heart, I head that rumor too...but I also heard that the Met is anxious to sign him for the role of Iokannan in their new production of SALOME!

Sam, some might think decapitation and dismemberment means the END to a career.
But leave it to Nathan to turn it into a bright career oppertunity!

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"
Updated On: 9/14/04 at 07:02 PM

Caravaggio Profile Photo
#14re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 7:07pm

Sorry to hear that Nathan was decaptitated. Bummer!

Will he still be able to sign my Playbill?

I'm happy as long as there are brownies in the green room.

#15re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 7:09pm

Probably not. He tries to run out the side door but he keeps hitting the wall. Maybe you can jump him before he knocks himself out?

SamIAm Profile Photo
#16re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 8:26pm

Hmmm...how does one knock oneself out when one has no head?

Also, signing the Playbill may require that you direct his hand to the page since he won't be able to see to navigate himself.

Other than that I'd say you are safe until he gets leprosy and his hand falls off

"Life is a lesson in humility"

CaTheatreGirl Profile Photo
#17re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 8:39pm

Oh my gosh! This is awful! I've been away from the boards. Actually I was traveling to NY to see The Frogs. Does this mean I'll have to see his understudy? Does anyone know what he's like? Can't Nathan perform sans tete? C'mon! I hear he's such a trouper. He's going to disappoint me if he's not in the show. Such a tragedy after I've traveled so far!

#18re: Will Nathan Lane be at FROGS by Wed. night.
Posted: 9/14/04 at 8:58pm

Well, TheatreGirl, like MasterLcZ said - Nathan's fantastic, even without his head. You might have some trouble hearing his lines, but, hey, there's always Roger Bart.

On another note, *dances with joy* I'm going to see The Frogs on the twenty-fifth! Dream come true! Updated On: 9/14/04 at 08:58 PM

SamIAm Profile Photo
#19I heard
Posted: 9/15/04 at 8:32am

I heard that Lane's lines were recorded earlier in the run just in case he lost his head. So he just stands on stage and gesturees while they play his voice over the loud speaker.

It's quite effective but some audience members have reported 'hearing the voice of God' and are now walking the streets with sandwich boards imploring others to 'go to hell'

"Life is a lesson in humility"

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#20I heard
Posted: 9/15/04 at 9:01am

I also heard from a friend who is not even close to the production and has no plans to see The Frogs, that there is no "Nathan Lane"..the "Nathan Lane" we all know and love is a cyborg created by those talented kids at Disney/Pixar...it all makes sense, and my friend never lies, she was the person who told me about Linda Lavin being Amish.

So there!

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SamIAm Profile Photo
#21I heard
Posted: 9/15/04 at 9:48am

It all makes sense now. The Lion King, Teacher's Pet, Mouse Hunt...Disney MADE him and Disney USED him

And it would also explain the strange twitch he gets when someone asks him to sign a Playbill. Everyone knows cyborgs are allergic to ink

"Life is a lesson in humility"

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#22I heard
Posted: 9/15/04 at 10:05am

It's true! it's true!

And what of him always bringing a smile to our collective faces? Who ELSE does that, why Mr. Donald Duck! It all makes sense.

And has anyone really ever seen him eat at Angus? It's all very "Hall of Presidents"....

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SamIAm Profile Photo
#23It has all become clear
Posted: 9/15/04 at 10:28am

Oooh...Ooooh...you know how Lane has that ability to close one eyelid and keep one open or seemingly blink them at different rates? You know how his eyebrows are inhumanly flexible?

Gosh...the pieces are all starting to fit together.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

CaTheatreGirl Profile Photo
#24It has all become clear
Posted: 9/15/04 at 11:59am

Stop it, you guys! Like, you're grossing me out. (Yeah, Valley Girl here.) I'm here to see The Frogs and I want to see ALL of Nathan -- his head, his facial expressions, maybe a few ad libs AND his eyebrows! It's not fair! Tell Disney to release him. Boy, when Disney hires a person for a job, they seem to own him. Come back, Nathan's head! Escape!

Oh, and will he sign my Playbill at the stage door after the show? Maybe a few photos, too?
