Cheno on letterman

bunchamuncha Profile Photo
#25Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 7:35am

I think the Dolly song was a nice pitch for the "9 to 5" show, since Dolly did mention in an interview they're talking to Chenoweth about it.

"One is a musical version of the 1980 movie "Nine to Five" in which she starred with Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin and the other is a musical based on her own life story. Parton said that Kristin Chenoweth has expressed interest in playing the role of Parton in the production. Describing Chenoweth as "precious," Parton admitted that's who they are talking to about the role."

Overall, it was the same interview she always does, she needs a new prepared interview, it was the same stories. I did find it funny that Dave thought she was still in Wicked. She was savy enough to thank him for plugging her CD. And the "Do you want to play 'will it float'" had me on the floor.

If you really want to help the American theater, don't be an actress, dahling. Be an audience..... Don't be taken in by the guff that critics are killing the theater. Commonly they sin on the side of enthusiasm. Too often they give their blessing to trash... Tallulah Bankhead

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#26Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 9:02am

She's obviously still on some sort of drugs. And I would suggest to her "people" that much like they did with Mariah Carey back in the beginning of her career, DO NOT let this woman speak. In Carey's defense, I will say she was barely in her 20's, it's inexcusable for a woman pushing 40 to act like a giddy, know nothing, loopy 'tween. And I disagree with the person who said that "America will love her for it too now" or whatever it was. Broadway fans are ridiculously easy to please. She does not easily translate. And before you throw the *Kristens' so talented* card at me, I have two words, Paris Hilton. No one outside of musical theater cares what pretty high notes she can hit.

#27Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 9:16am

I really don't understand the unrelenting hatred for Kristen Chenoweth. She went on Letterman's show, she scored solid laughs, she charmed Dave's pants off (Almost literally), she even managed to audition for her Dolly Parton musical on national television and yet somehow this board manages to rip her apart.

The comments that she "threw Dave off" and that it was an uncomfortable interview are so off base that I wondered if it was some sort of joke. He was so obviously delighted by her- "Why haven't we met before?" "We could be really good friends I bet."

The point of a television interview like this is to introduce yourself to a wider audience, to generate publicity for your projects and she did that in spades. I thought she did an excellent job.

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#28Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 9:33am

Wow, can't believe all the hatred! Kristin was adorable and funny, what else did you expect? She wasn't supposed to be giving a lecture on rocket science or something Smart Gal! Letterman didn't seem uncomfortable, and the audience ate her up with a spoon. I never eard that vicadin story before LOL she cracked me up!! Oh, and she didn't talk about her HEIGHT, she just mentioned she doesn't weigh very much.

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#29Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 10:27am

Oh, please! Like some of you have never seen boobs before! Get over it, she is 36 years old, she can show off some of her boobs if she wants. She isn't Hilary Duff - she is 36 - remember. Some of you are acting like prude little gay boys who cringe and get embarrassed every time they see a womans breast.

The thing is - The more exposure she gets, and the more popular she gets - more jealous bastards from these boards will turn on her. But oh well - she is getting a whole new group of fans - NON BROADWAY.

Updated On: 4/16/05 at 10:27 AM

#30Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 10:32am

Cheno is too old to make it big. She'll always be "that Broadway actress".

ljay889 Profile Photo
#31Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 10:34am

That is completely false. She has a ton of movie deals going on. She is on television, she is in the music industry.

Granted - she wont make as big as Nicole Kidman or whoever. She will still make a good name for herself!

#32Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 10:38am

She's overexposed and in bad movies.
Pink Panther got pushed back, twice and then moved up in the hopes of making any kind of money and Bewitched just looks horrible.
Running with Scissors is such a small part and what was the last decent Robin Williams movie?
She just takes jobs.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#33Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 10:39am

I can't speak for anyone else but I have been consistent, as I am about most topics, when it comes to Chenoweth. I've never understood the appeal but again, she's not my cup of tea. This is not some new "playa hatin" due to her recent rise to crossover success. I didn't get her all the way back when the deafening squeals of joy were going on for her performance in Charlie Brown. As for the 97 lbs., here is something I can speak with some authority on, she shouldn't weigh any more than that if she's barely 5 feet above the ground. I have girls who are 5'10" who don't even tip the scales at 120. How much do you think Brittany Murphy or Sarah Jessica Parker weigh? And they're both marginally taller.

In short, there are plenty of brilliantly talented people in showbiz, what ACTUALLY sets Cheno apart is shocking amounts of ambition and what are clearly, the greatest agents, managers, publicists, money can get. Say what you will, she's not an easy sell.
Updated On: 4/17/05 at 10:39 AM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#34Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 10:45am

Al Dente - I appreciate you giving an explanation why you feel this way about Kristin. Maybe some more people should do this.

Broadway Matt Profile Photo
Broadway Matt
#35Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 10:53am

what hatred? a bad interview is a bad interview. it's not like she went out there and did something well. if she had performed a song, which she can do fantastically most of the time, and everyone said she was awful, then that might be a real indication of a bias against her. but pointing out the many oddities in her interview is only an indication of having seen the thing.

"The last train out of any station will not be full of nice guys." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

"I wash my face, then drink beer, then I weep. Say a prayer and induce insincere self-abuse, till I'm fast asleep"- In Trousers

MatureDignity Profile Photo
#36Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 11:02am

Al Dente-- are you going by Hollywood standards with the weight thing? Because I can speak with authority that any female who is 5'10' and weighs less than 120 lbs should seek out help. Kristin is on the lower end of what is healthy for her height.

To keep this more on topic... I was so nervous that her boobs were going to pop out of that dress. They must've been superglued in there. And I wish she would stop using hair extensions. Other than that, I think she did well, but it's obvious that she's smarter than she acts, so I wonder why she's has chosen to market herself that way.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#37Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 11:46am

MatureDig, I am most certainly referring to Hollywood and modeling standards. I'm well aware that the typical American female is somewhere closer to a size 14 than a 4. Again, it's what I handle for a living. One note to Cheno, the botox is getting a bit out of control as are the Paris Hilton extentions. Again, an observation, not a slam.

Broadwayballerina Profile Photo
#38Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 12:22pm

Umm, sorry I know this is not the point but the harping on the weight thing is irritating me and making you guys look ridiculously ignorant. She is 4'11 people!!!! 97 pounds is nowhere near eating-disorder thin when you are that tall. Not to mention, you can't have naturally massive boobs w/o a decently solid appetite.

"I look before I leap I love margins and discipline I make lists in my sleep Baby what's my sin?"- Joanne, Rent

#39Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 12:50pm

I don't think anyone's accusing her of being overweight.

And quite frankly, the people who have made up their minds they don't like her are extremely unlikely to have their minds changed by an interview. People see what they want to see, for the most part. *shrug* If you don't like her, fine- taste is obviously a subjective thing. I just wish that certain folks (and I'm not referring to you, Al) would stop going out of their way to bash her. Get over it.

#40Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 6:50pm

And quite frankly, the people who have made up their minds they don't like her are extremely unlikely to have their minds changed by an interview. People see what they want to see, for the most part. *shrug* If you don't like her, fine- taste is obviously a subjective thing. I just wish that certain folks (and I'm not referring to you, Al) would stop going out of their way to bash her. Get over it.

You rock. I didn't see this interview, but I don't care how stupid she acted on Letterman. Hearing her on Seth's Chatterbox proved to me what a quick witted person Chenoweth is.

"I've got to get me out of here This place is full of dirty old men And the navigators and their mappy maps And moldy heads and pissing on sugar cubes While you stare at your books."

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#41Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 7:28pm

Just also want to point pout that 97 isn't the ONLY correct weight for short people...Marissa Winoukur is as short as Kristin, and she's a good 50-60 pounds heavier, but they both look FABULOUS!!

And I still don't believe the rumers about Kristin using botox =P

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#42Smart Gal!
Posted: 4/16/05 at 7:31pm

All of a sudden actresses have to be smart?! That is a new one on me. As long as they're talented, charming, and amusing, they've done their job.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 4/16/05 at 07:31 PM

#43Another interview
Posted: 4/16/05 at 9:11pm

You can hear another interview with her tonight on the Showtune Saturday Night radio program, which is broadcast every Saturday night in Utah from 8pm to midnight MDT (starts in about an hour). To listen online go to:

bunchamuncha Profile Photo
#44A&E interview
Posted: 4/17/05 at 11:20am

I thought she came off extremely articulate in the interview this morning. And the question of how her religion influences her career was handled quite well.

If you really want to help the American theater, don't be an actress, dahling. Be an audience..... Don't be taken in by the guff that critics are killing the theater. Commonly they sin on the side of enthusiasm. Too often they give their blessing to trash... Tallulah Bankhead

#45A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 2:05am

Did anyone see Kristin's Carnegie Hall concert in September? She did a song about how fat she was (or something to that effect). I think it's ridiculous for a woman who claims to wrigh 97 lbs to be singing songs about how fat she is. Talk about sending a bad message. If she's fat what are all the normal sized people????

#46A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 2:28am

OK, im SURE she was kidding about being fat. geez

#47A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 2:29am

She wasn't saying she was fat by singing that song at Carnegie Hall. She told a story before singing it about how when she was filming "Kristin," she overheard the crew say, "don't shoot her from that angle, she has back fat." She sang the song as a joke.

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#48A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 10:37am

I didnt see it but I was told by a friend that did and he said she said that she left wicked cuz the famous galinda hair flip hurt her neck? if that is true let me know cuz it pisses me off.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

robbiej Profile Photo
#49A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 10:43am

Bitch ain't dumb.

If it worked for Goldie Hawn in the 70's, why not trot that sh*t out again.

She's gonna end up with that Oscar Madeline Kahn shoulda won.

robbie, who really likes the Cheno.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."
