
Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?- Page 2

Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?

#25re: Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?
Posted: 4/18/05 at 1:27pm

Yeah, usually I buy the CD before it comes here because I'm not in NY so i only get the tours and it came be years before I get to see a certain show. The only exceptions are REnt and Producers. RENT was my first broadway type show so i had no clue what to expect going in. And at intermission i was confused as hell. I'm glad they put that thing in the playbill about how the characters are related. I thought Angel was seriously a girl for the entire first act. Producers was good, but didn't feel the need to buy the CD since i figured it wouldn't be as good w/o the viusal. However, I'm buying DRS as soon as it is released.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#26re: Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?
Posted: 4/18/05 at 1:31pm

Never buy a show like Forbidden Bway or Musical of Musicals in advance. It ruins it completely, in my opinion.

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

musicallover2008 Profile Photo
#27re: Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?
Posted: 4/18/05 at 1:35pm

I usually buy the soundrack before seing the show. Some have gone different tho. Most of the time I am fine, except for the tour last year of Rent. It was great and all, but I was so use to the OBC that is was odd for me. Still loved it. Now I am writing a paper on Rent and discovering things about Rent that I never thought of listening to it before. EX. I was listening to Your Eyes this weekend and the line "You were the song all along, and before this song dies." I relized how his song is Mimi, and he had been running away from his song the whole time. It is awesome to rediscover Rent.

#28re: Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?
Posted: 4/18/05 at 2:30pm

Sometimes so I can compare the voices of the originals to the cast Im seeing.

#29re: Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?
Posted: 4/18/05 at 2:34pm

While I lived in NYC, as a rule, I trie to avoid them before seeing the show. It's so rare that I can walk into a theatre without any preconceived ideas, that I'd rather be allowed to experience the show freshly my first time out.If for some reason the CD came out rather quickly (and was on sale), I would simply buy it and wait till afterwards to listen. However, now that I'm in FL, my chances of seeing some of the newer shows have greatly diminished so I'll listen to anything and everything as soon as it comes out.

MyDreamsRecurring Profile Photo
#30re: Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?
Posted: 4/18/05 at 2:55pm

i agree, kinda ruined wicked for me too
i always like to buy the soundtrack after seeing the show
even if its community theater, and by god we have great community theater in central nj, lots of really talented folks

"No two shows are alike in the making. Each show is a living piece of your life in a small unreal world with its own character and integrity; its own new set of memorable experiences and incredible happenings. You begin to love and adapt to its strangeness. Dreams harden into substance. Values come into focus. You wish it would never end. The dream world vanishes like mist before a rising sun; part of you vanishes with it. And back you land in the real world with a thud- fogged, uneasy, jittery, difficult to get along with. There is only one cure. A new show. A new, small unreal world; new visions, experiences, incredible happenings. Again you love it, adapt to it, wish it would never end. But end it does. Another part of you vanishes. That's show business."-Anonymous

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#31re: Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?
Posted: 4/18/05 at 4:02pm

Well, since I live far away from NYC, most of the time...yes. Because as rarely as I get there, if I only listened to shows I'd seen, it would be years before I would encounter most recordings. Cast recordings are usually my first exposure to musicals.

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

kec Profile Photo
#32re: Do you buythe cd before seeing a show?
Posted: 4/18/05 at 4:27pm

I didn't by the OCR for Woman in White until AFTER I saw the show for the first time three weeks ago. Because it's a mystery, I didn't want the story to be spoiled for me by listening to the CD. And I'm glad I waited.
