Appropriate Attire?

#25re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 11:09am

Almost anything goes nowadays. There is no need to buy any new attire. Dress confortable and clean. Even t-shirts are ok.

What these posters are calling inappropiate is just them being snobs. I've seen shorts and suits and everything in between.

Comb your hair, brush your teeth and put a little bit of deodourant and your set to go.

Updated On: 6/13/05 at 11:09 AM

#26re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 11:12am

wickedrentq...tshirts and jeans are always inappropriate.

#27re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 11:15am

nobody get refused admission into a theatre for having on jeans and a t-shirt.

CostumeMistress Profile Photo
Posted: 6/13/05 at 11:24am

Avatar - Isaac, my blue-fronted Amazon parrot. Adopted 9/7/07. Age 30 (my pet is older than me!)
Updated On: 2/7/06 at 11:24 AM

#29re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 11:25am

Yes! With this poster a agree. Clothes are a must if you plan on leaving your dwelling.

Madame X Profile Photo
Madame X
#30re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 11:30am

ok Yoda. re: Appropriate Attire?

"Some of us have it worse, you know, Dana. Some of us are dating lesbian men. Okay? C'mon."

#31re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 11:34am

jsut look can wear basically anything...I always wear jeans but I would never wear shorts or anything like that

"You won't fight without layers of armor Suit on up and come brace my sword You look back when the pieces are missing Hollowed out hope that no time can restore."

CattleCall Profile Photo
#32re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 11:42am

di2, I'd say if you paid $100 to see a show, then you should be able to dress however you'd like inside the theater.

I wear jeans all the time to shows and don't think my respect for the actors on stage or for the shows themselves have ever been in question. Enthusiasm and cell phones not going off are more important in my humble opinion than dress codes -- and believe me, I've seen way too many dressed up people be rude as they can be at a Broadway show.

"I can't pay the bills yet, 'cause I have no skills yet. The world is a big scary place." - Avenue Q

nmartin Profile Photo
#33re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 11:47am

No tube tops please.

#34re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 12:05pm

See? An infinite number of answers. Each person thinks their rule is correct. Pick one rule and go with it.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

Elphaba Profile Photo
#35re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 12:31pm

what YOU are comfortable in.....I agree with no shorts or flipflops......I do not agree with no jeans. Black jeans or unfaded bluejeans are fine, NO HOLES.......I see nothing wrong with jeans.
Sorry folks but when I pay $75- $100 a ticket I am going to be comfortable.
No t-shirts, although at a matinee a nice t-shirt is ok.
Obviously for Opening Night I would dress nicer.

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

#36re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 1:17pm

As a union actor I hate looking into the house and seeing people in tshirts and jeans..i don't care what you say, jeans and tshirts are inappropriate, always. how hard is it to put on khaki's and a polo? it shows respect. I have seen people come in looking like they just rolled out of bed and it pisses me off....its disrespectful.

Just because people can wear jeans around their knees with their boxers hanging out doesn't mean they should. Show some respect for yourself and others around you.

Theatres are high end establishments and deserve to be treated with respect. Who wants to see some shmuck walking around in a tshirt and jeans when everyone one else is dressed in a shirt and tie.

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#37re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 1:23pm

I care a lot less about how people dress for the theatre than how they act during a show. A lot of people in t shirts know and appreciate theatre and are great audience members, and I've seen a lot of people dressed up who talk all during the show, answer cell phones and are generally a pain in the ass.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#38re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 1:35pm

These discussions always end the same way - the people who don't want to dress nicely deflect it into a discussion about behavior. This isn't about behavior. It's about attire.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#39re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 1:36pm

true 'dat!

I just wish today's society wasn't so freaking casual about everything.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#40re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 1:37pm

I'm so with you, Di2.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Madame X Profile Photo
Madame X
#41re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 1:41pm

No one ever said that you can't dress appropriately AND behave appropriately during a show. Let's not think towards the lowest common denominator folks.

"Some of us have it worse, you know, Dana. Some of us are dating lesbian men. Okay? C'mon."

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#42re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 1:52pm

I always dress for the theatre. All I was saying is , I don't care what people wear to a show. If they behave properly then it doesn't matter.

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#43re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 2:47pm

I never knew there was a difference between khakis and jeans, I wear both interchangably. I also say there's a difference between wearing T-shirts and jeans, and looking like you've just rolled out of bed. What about if I'm seeing Rent and wearing my Rent shirt and jeans? You may think it's tacky, but you really think it's inappropriate?? Also, you don't know what clothes people specifically own. I do think it's rare that people only own T-shirts and jeans, but most of my clothes are that, I have a couple skirts, maybe a couple of shirts that can pass for looking nicer than T-shirts and like one pair of nice pants. If it's a cold day, and I'm seeing two shows in a week or even one right after the other, I want to wear pants to both shows, and I don't want to wear my one nice pair of pants two days in a row, nor do I think I should be forced to wash them when I get home late at night or buy new clothes for this purpose. I think I am as respectful to the actors as any other member of the audience-I don't talk, turn off my cell phone, never eat during the show, etc. I stay for standing ovations, usually stay at the stage door to tell everyone good job, and I'm usually the only one screaming for the pit.

I think actors like you should be more concerned with audience members who talk, leave on their cell phones, eat loudly, etc. before you tell me what to wear. When I start going to shows constantly, where every single audience member is perfectly behaved, then I'll let you talk about the way I dress.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#44re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 2:50pm

"I think I am as respectful to the actors as any other member of the audience"

Apparently not, if you read this entire thread - one of the posters, a union actor, spoke his mind about preferring audience members to not wear jeans, as did Joanna Gleason, quoted in another post.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#45re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 3:04pm

Thank you, Rathnait62 and Joanna Gleason.

Jeans and t-shirts are inappropriate attire for theatre, period.
Forever and always. It shows our cast that you couldn't give a rats ass about us and our theatre to take an extra minute out to put on something presentable.

Denim is fine for a day out shopping or spending time with friends or a movie theatre but never when you are entering a $40 million theatre space. Broadway is special and you should be dressed special.

This thread is simply one of the many examples of the "dumbing down" of America. Appropriate attire at a Broadway show is important. It shows class. And Broadway is the epitome of class.

#46re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 3:50pm

I agree with you, Di, but wish this opinion came from the audience side, not from actors/performers side.

#47re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 3:59pm

I pay $100 and I'm going to wear what I want. You don't like it, go perform at Feinstein's.
Updated On: 6/13/05 at 03:59 PM

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#48re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 4:01pm

I'm sorry if I offended, I guess it's just a difference of opinion. I certainly hope not everyone involved in theatre feels that I don't give a rats ass just because I'm not dressed up, because I do really love the theatre and going and stuff. Still, I do put some effort, I certainly always comb my hair and try to mousse it nicely and put on make-up, not wearing stained shirt or jeans with holes in them(not that I own any...) The only comments I've ever gotten from anyone involved in a show I am is complementing or saying some of my T-shirts are cute...both ushers and actors at the stage door sometimes tell me that care bears are cute or how much they used to love pound puppies, or laugh at some of the sayings in my shirt. And to be honest, at some shows like Rent for instance or even Avenue Q...I would feel very awkward all dressed up there. I certainly at times will put on my nice pants or a skirt if it is warm enough, depending on my mood and such. But I think it's just what has been said before...everyone has a different opinion on the subject, and until guidelines about dressing attire is put up(like no cell phones on), it's up to each individual on how they dress and that depends on their opinion. Guess we all should just agree to disagree.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

freeadmission Profile Photo
#49re: Appropriate Attire?
Posted: 6/13/05 at 4:22pm

The idea that Avenue Q or RENT are shows for the younger crowd (in general) or not-so-high art doesn't make them more casual. Theatre is theatre; Broadway is Broadway. And it's special. Even if you're going every other day. It's just different from the movies or TV. The artists are right there in front of you and deserve some respect. It's almost as if you were viewing a movie and all those people in the credits are sitting there watching it with you. Only better. Hell, if it weren't so expensive, I'd wear a freaking evening gown to the theatre. EVEN to shows like Avenue Q and RENT.
