Megan Hilty

#25re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/19/05 at 11:32am

I just saw Miss Megan last week, actually. I thought she was fabulous. Don't get me wrong, I loved JLT's comedic timing and acting, but I think Megan's singing voice was much stronger - nice rich sound and hit the high notes effortlessly. I think she's perfect for the role, with her voice and her cherub face, she's what I think of when I think "Glinda."

I'll also add that the last time I saw Wicked was in January. Sho was great then, but WOW - she has come a long way in that role. Loved the girl.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#26re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/19/05 at 12:55pm

About contracts, Michelle is leaving January 8th, I'm guessing that is Shoshana and David's last day as well. Ya see, Sho and David started on 1/11/05, one year later, to elave on a sunday, which all wicked leads have done, would be jan 8th.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#27re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/19/05 at 1:50pm

I love Megan! I think she has a very nice voice. And shes the sweetest person, I got a huge from her! :smiles:

"If There's One Thing to Learn it's You Just Can't Go Wrong If You Follow Your Heart, and End With A Song"

#28re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/19/05 at 1:59pm

Megan's contract will end at the end of May. She will msot likely not be extending. She has been going to many auditions for other things and she has also been offered a movie.

I personally think she is fabulous. But, of course, I am a little biased. Okay... a lot!

Amneris Profile Photo
#29re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/19/05 at 2:44pm

Megan would be a great Sophie in Mamma Mia! or Amber in Hairspray... I honestly don't think it's fair to compare her to Kristin or JLT. We all KNOW she isn't them so it should end at that statement. I have never seen megan IN the role but, I have seen her sing many songs from the show at concerts.. I think she is adorable and she is probably one of the nicest people around. She was by herself.. I was with my friends. She did not know us and did not have to come up to us to talk.. but, being the friendly person she is, she did. I hope she makes it even further then she already has.

#30re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/19/05 at 3:46pm

I just saw the show for the second time last night, and thought Megan was excellent! I had seen JLT the last time, and I think both are equally great Glinda's.

-If you don't like your fate, change it. You are your own master.- Aida

forget regret <3 Profile Photo
forget regret <3
#31re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/19/05 at 3:49pm

i think megan's amazing... you could definitely tell when she switched from belting to falsetto and vice versa, but there's nothing wrong with that. she's obviously not cheno or jlt... but i think she's unbelievable.

"forget regret <3, I love your give me hope for the next generation!" -Elphaba

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#32re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/19/05 at 4:03pm

She would make a great Amber, but I think she has better career choices. I am vying for her as Elle Woods, although Kate Reinders would be great too. Kate has actually said she wants to do it.

#33re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/24/05 at 9:24pm

greatdct - - It's OK for you to speculate on Megan's departure, but to state that she has been going to multiple auditions betrays a trust and it undermines her relationship with the producers of Wicked. Not a good thing. It may make you feel important in the short term, but it will hurt Megan's career in the long run. She will pay for your mistakes.

To say Megan "has also been offered a movie" goes one step further. It is dead wrong and you need to retract it. If the producers of the movie you reference see your comment - they will know someone is leaking information. Who do you think they will suspect? Megan.

A word of advice - - stop indulging your relationship with Megan. It could cost her her next opportunity. It won't matter that you didn't mean to hurt her. A true friend would rejoice at these opportunities and keep their mouth shut.

Wisdom often comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone

#34re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/24/05 at 11:00pm

Megan is an extremely talented, extremely sweet person. I've seen her 3 times in WICKED, and then I wrote to her, and she wrote back and sent a picture. The picture says "To My Dearest Darlingest Archie... (then at the bottom) Love, Megan Hilty". Then she also sent a personal note. She is so sweet and very very very talented. I was very doubtful of anyone being able to replace Kristin, but JLT was good, and Megan is great. Go see her and Shoshana. The show is in VERY VERY good hands.

#35re: Megan Hilty
Posted: 8/24/05 at 11:11pm

I saw her at last night's performance at wicked. i thought she was very good. I went in the show thinking I wouldn't like her because of reviews on here, but I thought she was a very talented young lady. She was very comical.. and her voice seemed right on. I was backstage after and also saw her, and she was a complete sweet heart.. I like her..

"maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course, we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cities. People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away" -sex and the city
