
What are the odds that Rue McClanahan will be in tonight?- Page 2

What are the odds that Rue McClanahan will be in tonight?

richs52 Profile Photo
#25Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 8:50am

I had read all of the negative comments about her before I saw the show and was expecting the worst. I was very suprised and really enjoyed her performance. She made me laugh when she was supposed to, and true, her voice isn't the best...but it certainly fit the part. Just my thoughts.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#26Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:01am

Wow, DefyingEDCT isn't that kind of going overboard? Could it be that the person was disappointed because they specifically wanted to see Rue and being that she leaves on Sunday they won't get another chance?

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#27Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:09am

It's true. Rue was my motivation for buying that ticket, but at least I got to see Shoshana and David before they left (both were fantastic by the way). Jan Neuberger, Rue's understudy, was excellent. She sang all the notes that Rue probably would have talked and her portrayal or Morrible was perfect. I just *really* wanted to see Rue in the role (as awful as she may be). Anyone have a ticket for tonight they want to sell me? Out again tonight!!!!

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#28Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:09am

Well she did get a better review from The New York Times than Bean and Hilty did.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#29Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:13am

i have to see wicked again for a class i am taking, of all the shows i have to sit through again, the only thing remontly intresting to see is Hilty pull off Glinda...she looks so diffrent that i can't wait to see her.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#30Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:19am

I must admit, even though I was going into the show last night with a horrible attitude because Rue was out, I still *loved* the show. Wicked really is a fun time at the theater and I think it is worth paying full price for if all the leads are in.

Also, Michelle Federer was *not* walking through last night at all...in fact, this was the best I had ever seen her (saw the show back on 3/21/04 and 9/1/04). The ensemble was also excellent. I could see their facial expressions and they were giving it their all last night. The show did not seem tired to me at all.

Oh, and one more thing, Robb Sapp, the new Boq, is so freaking cute!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#31Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:25am

BwayBaby: You will not be disappointed with Megan's Glinda. Every time she is on stage, she has the audience in the palm of her hand. During the popular scene, she got *tons* of laughs and applause from the audience - all well deserved. I'm glad I get to see Megan again when I see it with the new cast (Espinosa, Williams, Kane).

Ben Vereen was serviceable. I think I just don't like the role of the Wizard. I thought Joel Grey was the best, but thought both Vereen and Hearn were just ok. I wonder who will take over for the Wizard once Ben leaves...more stunt casting?

Edit: Megan hit all the high notes last night in the opening and Thank Goodness...very impressive.
Updated On: 1/5/06 at 10:25 AM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#32Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:30am

I really don't think Hearn and Vereen, both Broadway legends with tons of Broadway credits, really qualify as stunt casting.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#33Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:32am

i just meant that they are probably going to hire another "name," whether it be a broadway name or a TV name for the next Wizard.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#34Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:33am

The stunt casting comment I made was about Rue, not George or Ben.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#35Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:35am

That's not stunt casting either.

Rue is a great actress, with tons of theatre credits to her name.

And besides, stunt casting usually involves tons of marketing around the star, and that has hardly been the case with Rue, or any other of the famous Wicked replacements.

THey don't need Rue to run. Perhaps they hired her because she fit their image of the part.

Hiring a name and stunt casting are 2 different beasts.

If you want examples of stunt castings, look to Grease or Chicago.
Updated On: 1/5/06 at 10:35 AM

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#36Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:41am

Exactly, they didn't need Rue for the show to run. At the same time, it would have been nice if she showed up more than she did.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#37Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:47am

At 72, I guess we're lucky she shows up at all.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#38Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:51am

Chita, 72, hasn't missed a performance yet. Even though I did not like her show, I applaud her for showing up to work every night and dancing and singing as much as she does.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#39Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 10:57am

Chita would go on no matter what. There is also more pressure for her to perform, because if she doesn't, the show with be cancelled.

99 percent of the people going to Wicked don't even know Rue is in it, or gasp, who she is!

I also believe Rue has had many more health complications than Chita. Plus-the raked stage in Wicked has proven to be an issue for some of the older performers.
Updated On: 1/5/06 at 10:57 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#40Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 11:19am

I wanted to see Carol Kane when the show was in Denver but she was out the night I went. I hear she doesn't do the stage door and is not a nice person when confronted for autographs.

Just give the world Love.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#41Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 11:23am

I'm looking forward to see Kane's take on the role...glad she is coming to the Broadway cast.

#42Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 12:34pm

Apparently WICKED's raked stage in NYC is the reason that Carole Shelley is returning to the tour and not to Broadway, she was having tremendous physical problems because of it.

xxnewgirlxx Profile Photo
#43Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 12:35pm

I enjoyed Carole Kane in the role.

And just for the record, Gene Weygant, the Wizard in the Chicago production, is the best I've seen. He makes the Wizard so likable you can understand Elphaba's "seduction" by him. Even when the Wizard's true nature is revealed, Gene is so geniune and charming.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#44Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 1:11pm

then I hope Gene is Ben Vereen's replacement on Broadway. Thanks for the info newgirl!

admanrich Profile Photo
#45Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 3:39pm

Wow she must be really sick if she has to miss a performance and she is leaving on Sunday.

Don't be upset, Jan is 100000000000000000 times better. I wanted to see Rue also despite the negative reviews, but after she walked on stage for the first time, I couldn't wait for her to get off. Totally miscast.

#46Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 3:53pm

You all are going to love Carol Kane as Morrible. I saw here in San Fran and she is great. Eden is amazing as Elphaba, but we all know that. I also enjoyed Derrik Williams as Fiyero. I'm looking forward to seeing this show again soon.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#47Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 4:04pm

Thanks admanrich. That made me feel a bit better. And yes, Jan was excellent last night.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#48Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 4:09pm

I'm definitely going to see it when Eden joins the Broadway cast.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#49Out again tonight!!!!
Posted: 1/5/06 at 4:36pm

When does Ben leave?
