
Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal- Page 2

Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#25re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 2:09pm

ok, maybe "shocking" isn't the right word...but i definately didn't see it coming.


WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#26re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 2:10pm

someone please PM me with the secret. thanks!

jboy1 Profile Photo
#27re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 2:13pm

So what is the context of him being bald and revealing it?

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children&art Profile Photo
#28re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 2:19pm

he's bald, that's the big surprise????? really????? hmmm.

Don't f*ck with me fellas. This ain't my first time at the rodeo.

#29re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 2:28pm

it doesn't jibe w/ the rest of the show because for the first time, he's actually being honest. i feel like, for that moment he's saying "this is who i am, this is where i'm at" and for the first time. and then he puts a hat and a cheesy smile on and says "g'nite everybody!".

as for the poster who remarked that it was only a surprise if you're a 22 year old twink, i think that's sort of a cheap shot. i'm 25 and found him very attractive as the show started and less so as it went on (and on and on and on). fayles obviously wants everyone to see him as this sexual being (running around in his underwear, going on about his amazing life as an escort, etc). when he drops the act and suddenly stops talking in that lame up w/ people voice he uses for most of the show, of course my reaction to him is going to change.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#30re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 3:26pm

I'm with wei here. I mean it's life story...it's all relative, so I think that it's a big moment. And it's probably his most vunerable moment. How many men do you know in this day and age are willing to pull off a wig, especially being

b)an actor
c)of a certain age
d)have any sort of relative vanity

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

1 Train Away
#31re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 3:31pm

Thank you, wei2. That's exactly what I was trying to say.

We can debate the merits of the wig, but suffice it to say that to someone sitting in the last row who knew next to nothing about the show and is not used to thinking about hairpieces, it did not occur to me. Looking back I can see the signs of aging, but they escaped me at first blush.

But the wig is not the point. The point is his choice to take it off. If the more observant and cynical among us notice a hairpiece he never removes, then the character remains shallow. By talking off his "mask," he came off as honest (and startling so) for the first time in the show, and it came at the price of me now seeing him as unattractive. The disguise I bought at the start of the show is forever ruined for me, and, I admit, now seems poor. I think that choice was brave, and it elevated the show for me in a way that few other choices would have. I left the show moved and touched rather than tittilated. Honestly, I thought the only good elements of the show were when he talked about his kids and when he showed what he really looked like. It's not really a matter of "OMG! He's bald!" as much as "Whoa! He looks so different suddenly. He looks old and vulnerable and so different from the boy he was at the beginning."

At any rate, I thought those moments where he is quite and sincere belonged in a better show than this one was. I think it's the significance of the shock rather than the "shock" itself.

#32re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 3:58pm

in one word

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#33re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 4:00pm

Or "alopecia."

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

andycomposer Profile Photo
#34re: Confessions of a Mormon Boy's Big Reveal
Posted: 2/6/06 at 6:10pm

OMG! That finishes him off doesn't it! I mean - to think he dared to run around in his underwear - dared to have a good body even - when all the time he was ....ugh...bald! What a loser.

This guy sounds like someone I would rather spend time with than people who are shocked that your hair fell out when you were still young,
Updated On: 2/7/06 at 06:10 PM
