
Michael Arden out sick for The Times They Are A-Changin'- Page 2

Michael Arden out sick for The Times They Are A-Changin'

otis33 Profile Photo
#253/5 Times Are A' Changing'
Posted: 3/6/06 at 2:14pm

I saw the show again on Sat. night and it was packed. Great show by the way...I think the changes that have been made have cleared up the story. (I, personally, never had a problem with the story). Michael was in, but at times sounded like he was over singing. It felt like Twyla had cut a bunch of the acrobatics, and just let the songs stand on their own.

I'm friends with the box office manager, and according to her, the rest of the run is pretty darn full. A few singles here and there, and standing room - which no one ever takes advantage of.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#263/5 Times Are A' Changing'
Posted: 3/6/06 at 2:31pm

I didn't think it needed any more story either otis.
Are the changes big ones?

otis33 Profile Photo
#273/5 Times Are A' Changing'
Posted: 3/7/06 at 3:24pm


The major changes that I noticed...I saw one of the first previews, so not sure if these changes were made by opening or after...
"Mr. Tambourine Man" originally sung by Capt. Arab is now sung by Coyote.
Like I mentioned earlier, I felt like a bunch of the acrobatics had been cut.
Some minor changes to the staging of "Knockin' on Heaven's Door." Arab was originally beaten up pretty badly by the ensemble...not anymore.
They've added an ensemble member, who is slowly being worked into numbers. As of Sat. evening, he was only in 4 or 5, but the plan is to add him in completely.
Some design changes since I last saw it: Cleo has a new costume. Much more of the clown look. Also, the ensemble now wears clown make-up. During previews they wore no make-up.

My Dad, a true Dylan fanatic, noticed a few more changes than I did. Friends working on the production say that Twyla Tharp comes in daily with changes. Some so minor and nit-picky no one notices.

WSStory Profile Photo
#283/5 Times Are A' Changing'
Posted: 3/9/06 at 9:05pm

I saw the show on 3-8-06. I didn't care for it. The sets and visuals were very good. Sesma was fantastic. Colella was good (they should lose the clown make-up).

My two main problems were lack of story and Arden. The story is razor thin and not very interesting. I didn't care for any of the characters. I thought I might have cared for Coyote but he was so over-played by Arden. I totally agree with Otis33 that Arden was over singing. At times he sounded like a bad Cher imitation. He was over acting also! I saw him in Pippin and thought he was wonderful. This role just does not fit him.

I was really hoping to like this. It was 90 min. long but seemed longer. I must say the audience really seemed to like it.

lite2shine Profile Photo
#29"Mr. Tambourine Man"
Posted: 3/10/06 at 12:32am

"Mr. Tambourine Man" was always sung by Coyote. I saw it on the 1st preview and after the opening.

I think they changed Coyote's costume from "all American looking" one to more darker style. At least Doug was wearing different costume when I saw the show the second time.

mlsheehan Profile Photo
#30'Mr. Tambourine Man'
Posted: 3/10/06 at 12:44am

WSStory, I just posted my review of the same performance in its own thread and agree with you about Arden.

Updated On: 3/10/06 at 12:44 AM

Posted: 3/10/06 at 1:38am

Yes. The costume was changed, as was the hair style.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#32Michael Ardenmania
Posted: 3/16/06 at 2:25pm

I'm going to see the show tonight and I'm praying over and over that Michael Arden will be in it. I don't see why he wouldn't be- according to this thread, it doesn't seem like he's missed performances all that often... I've come all the way from NY to see HIM and I am going to cry (seriously) if he's out. Does anyone know anything either way for tonight?

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

#33Michael Ardenmania
Posted: 3/16/06 at 2:36pm

Unless some sort of freak accident occurs in the next 7 hours, Michael will be doing the show this evening. *knocks on wood*

otis33 Profile Photo
#34Michael Ardenmania
Posted: 3/16/06 at 3:51pm

I saw the show again (3rd time) at the Wed. student matinee (yesterday). It was fantastic to see it with the student audience. They went wild for it. Gave it a whole new energy.

Both Michael and Jenn were out. Jenn was actually in the audience watching. I have to say, I liked Doug better. I agree with a few other posters that he's a better fit for the part. I also think he sings it better.

All in all, another great time at the show.

#35Michael is Better
Posted: 3/16/06 at 6:35pm

I've seen the show multiple times with both Michael and Doug, and I have to disagree with those who have said that Doug is a better fit for the part or that Michael is miscast. There is no doubt that Doug is talented and has a great voice, I just did not buy him as Coyote.

I felt like he sang every song as if he was competing on American Idol. When Michael performs the role, I can feel his raw emotion flowing off the stage, most notably during "Not Dark Yet." Doug performed the role much younger than Michael does, and made it hard for me to believe that this kid (Coyote) knew what he was talking about.

I think one could argue that Doug may have more fun with the character onstage, but Coyote isn't supposed to be having fun most of the time. This guy wants out, and it felt like Doug was content and had no ambitions of escaping.

I could keep writing but I won't. I'm seeing the show one more time, and after that, I'll post a full review of the changes that have been made, the cast, and the show in general.
Updated On: 3/16/06 at 06:35 PM

otis33 Profile Photo
#36Michael is Better
Posted: 3/16/06 at 6:41pm

Don't get me wrong - I think Michael is great in the show, but I'd give the American Idol award to Michael, not Doug. It seemed much easier for Doug to sing, and quite honestly, more pleasing. Just my opinion. Totally respect yours. That's the great thing about the show - everyone gets different things out of it. I've spoken to many San Diegans who've loved it or hated it, gotten things out of it or not, for various reasons. But in the end, I've always had fulfilling passionate conversations about it...which I think is one of the rewards of the show, for me.

ps Ticketboy, do you work at the Globe? Do I know you?

#37Doug and Michael
Posted: 3/16/06 at 11:29pm

Just my thoughts on the matter....

I went to a special student matinee with Doug performing the role as Coyote.

At the time, I hadn't actually known Michael Arden was playing the role and that Doug was just the understudy....so when I eventually found that out, my reaction was "THAT WAS THE UNDERSTUDY! Wow, he was really great!". There was something about his charisma on stage and he has an amazing singing voice...I liked the play so much, and to me, Doug was great already and if he was just the understudy, I want to see Michael Arden (yes, I am a Michael Arden aficionado) actually play the real thing...So I'm going to be seeing Michael before the upcoming closing night.

But either way, Michael or Doug, I wouldn't be disappointed if Doug happen to play Coyote the next time I see this play. I agree that he is a great performer. But I can't judge Michael yet as I haven't seen him perform

And random strange question..since I've only seen the "student edition" of the play...

was the "Coyote"/Michael/Doug costume a black hoodie, some jeans and a black shirt when all you went to see it? Just curious...

#38Doug and Michael
Posted: 3/17/06 at 1:10am

Yes, that's the costume for Coyote.

Doug can definitely sing and he sings his part with ease for the most part. He has good stage presence and definitely makes the part his own. However, I felt that the emotion and motivation behind each song was lacking. By no means did Doug do a bad job, though. When Michael sings, however, I can feel the frustration/confusion/excitement/hurt/etc. in his voice. The texture that he adds to his voice really produces a timbre that is reminiscient of his location and lifestyle, not simply a clean, pop/musical theatre tone.

Take the opening of the show, for instance. When Michael comes from behind the curtain, a look of utter confusion and unfamiliarity covers his face, as if he were venturing out from under his father's grip for the first time. As his confidence builds, so does his voice. At once he is both excited and scared and this is portrayed through his voice and his body.

When Doug entered, he had a sort of smirk across his face. Why? For almost the entire number, he was smiling and happy as a clam. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand. He sang the song beautifully and nearly flawlessly, but it just didn't have the right emotion behind it.

I agree with Otis that what makes this show great is that everyone walks away with something different. There are so many ideosyncracies to pick up on that it is near impossible for two people to walk out of the theatre with the exact same opinion and/or conclusion on the show.

Both men are incredibly talented and deserve recognition for their hard work in this new piece. Everyone has their own preferences, and that's what keeps things interesting.
Updated On: 3/17/06 at 01:10 AM

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#39Doug and Michael
Posted: 3/17/06 at 2:24am

I saw Arden Opening night and He was Stupendious(sic)
And i am sure they hired an uderstudy who can do the role as well.
He sings like 16/17 songs.
This show is like most art
not easy to understand
but let it take U places where the music, lyrics and visuals take you
Can't wait to see it and what happens in NYC
Art isnt' easy

#40Dead On
Posted: 3/17/06 at 2:41am

"This show is like most art
not easy to understand
but let it take U places where the music, lyrics and visuals take you "

Perfect description. I couldn't have said it better myself.

#41Doug and Michael+Dead On
Posted: 3/19/06 at 10:50pm

I finally saw the show with Michael Arden performing as Coyote. Ticketboy, I agree that Arden plays the role incredibly (and more fit than Doug), and I definitely took note of all that you mentioned in your earlier message (with the little things he does).

...And in general, I love "Times" as well, for having these layers- (I hope that's the appropriate word)-well, if not, then for simply being "art" -and I enjoy that its something to think about to fully understand and appreciate. I hope more people realize that.
Updated On: 3/19/06 at 10:50 PM

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#42Doug and Michael+Dead On
Posted: 3/20/06 at 12:04am

"I just can't help looking at him and thinking, "Dude, you look like you're 12!". "

I disagree..he's ALL man.

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"
