
Jersey Boys quote questions.- Page 2

Jersey Boys quote questions.

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#25re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 10:47pm

I remember that one!

Tommy: "Walk like a man? As opposed to what? A woman?"

Then Crewe comes out with something about it being a metaphor

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#26re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 10:53pm

haha- Perfect! You're good new_phi~ You got a photographic memory or something?

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#27re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 10:55pm

lol. God I love this thread.

And to answer the question asked earlier, I've seen the show once, and yes I've met the boys. I met the entire cast minus only Steve Leone and Erica Piccinnini. I didn't even see Steve, and Erica was on her cell phone when she came out and I didn't want to bother her.

And for the record, Michael Longoria is the cutest thing ever, and a major sweetheart.

kaboodles041 Profile Photo
#28re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 10:57pm

OMG, how could I forget one of the funniest lines:
When referring to Bob Crewe: "this was in the days when Liberace was thought of as, um theatrical." I think Bob say that, but I don't quite remember.

Arghh! Grammar pet peeve #1: your vs you're. "Your" is a possessive pronoun. "You're" is the contraction of "you are." <<

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#29re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 10:57pm

I love Michael! He's so sweet, and his CD's amazing as well. He's very talented.

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#30re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:02pm

Haha. Thanks Kat2 - I don't have a photographic memory or anything. I'm just obsessed with the show and have seen it 3 times and can't wait to see it again in a week and a half!! and if you think I'm good, wait until Broadway Betty sees this thread, she'll put me to shame with her knowledge!! :)

Lizard - aren't they the nicest guys ever?! I agree with that Michael is too cute. I have soft spot for Bobby Spencer because he knows my name lol and for Daniel Reichard because he points at me during the 'oh what a night' dance at curtain call. But no one compares to JLY, the boy I can't even form sentences around, beside "I love you, can I hug you?!"

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#31re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:02pm

lol. Popular Elphie! You're sig made me think of another one.

"The Four Seasons are black."
"No. We're the Four Seasons."
"You're the Four Seasons?"
"Well, two of them."
"Come back when you're black."

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#32re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:03pm

haha- I remember that! Wonderful! I just bookmarked the thread!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#33re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:05pm

kaboodles - I love that line...its said by gaudio though. Crewe has some gems though...

crewe: you're hearing it all wrong. I'm hearing it in sky blue, you're giving me brown.
tommy: that's because you're paying us sh*t.

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643
Updated On: 4/3/06 at 11:05 PM

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#34re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:11pm

yeah, Crewe stole almost every scene he was in. lol. Peter's a sweetie too. SO funny.

Yes, I too have a soft spot for J. Robert (I feel wierd calling him Bobby. lol) He took my aunt and I backstage when we saw it. I was in heaven. Christian and I talked about IL. Apparently he has family who live not far from me. I didn't get to talk to Daniel much. Mostly about his "Pimp-Mobile". lol
I thought I would be nervous around John, but he's such a sweetheart. He remembered me from my e-mails and was asking what other shows I was going to see. He told my aunt it was really nice of her to bring me (mostly cause he knew how bad I wanted to see Jersey Boys). Then the next night when I saw him he was asking me about Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and the new cast members.

Any other funny crewe lines? He did have some hilarious ones.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#35re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:13pm

Backstage?!?! Lucky!!!! How did you come upon that honor? How fun!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#36re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:18pm

hehe. I can't reveal my secrets. It was a lot of fun, and the entire cast is just incredible. My prize posession is my playbill signed by the entire cast.

I'm working on a scrapbook of my NYC trip (since it was my first time ever) so I'd love some more Jersey Boys quotes to include, since I took far too many pictures of Jersey Boys (the cast, backstage, billboards, posters) lol

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#37re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:20pm

*pouts* OK Fine- be that way. *more pouting* re: Jersey Boys quote questions.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#38re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:22pm

Philosophy Girl, you said Broadway Betty knows a ton of JB quotes? Who wnats to point this thread out to her? lol

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#39re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:29pm

haha she's not online right now, or else I would have pointed her in this direction. I am proud to say that I'm the reason she's a JB crazy (that's what we call ourselves...I think jersey boy fans need a name!!!)

that's awesome you got to go backstage. I would die if that happened. literally die. lol. I love jersey boys just a little too much.

back to the quotes!!!

tommy: hey bob maybe you can write a song out of it 'oh mi oh mi oh my oh...did some time in the old ohio'


Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

Elphaba984 Profile Photo
#40re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:29pm

hey guys.... you missed one of the best quotes from the show.

"I need to be romanced a little before I can take all my clothes off." ~Gaudio

aww i love that line... and i love the wonderful daniel reichard who says it.

as for how many times i saw the show.... only once back in january. i want to see it again though. the boys are incredibly talented and sweetie's at the stage door. i think i was the only one who waited outside in the drizzling rain to meet them, and they all stopped and signed my playbill and posed for pics with me... i absolutely loved it.

p.s. thanks brokenlizard for IMing me the link to this and for starting the thread.

"You can't stop someone who wants to be an artist. If they're going to do it, they're going to do it... Work as hard as you can on the things you can work on. Until it seems like there is no possible chance you're going to succeed, don't give up." ~ANDREW ASNES avatar: me and jason gillman... in the pouring rain.

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#41re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:31pm


"I'm sitting on a toilet in a jail cell you cretin!"

Or how about:

"I need to be romanced before I can take my clothes off."

Or Titus' "Welcome to Cleveland! You're under arrest."

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#42re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:32pm

yes- thank you indeed! JB Crazies? That's cool- someone else also proposed Jersies

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#43re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:33pm

elphaba I love that quote and I love daniel!!! LIFTOFF WE HAVE LIFTOFF!! WE HAVE SPLASHDOWN!!

nick: you know what's she saying...'I want you inside me'
bob: you need help.

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#44re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:36pm

When was that last one?

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#45re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:37pm

lol. OMG! Does anybody remember that whole exchange about the car? Cause that just killed me. Just Bob's reaction. "You need help."

It was so cute when Nick was trying to be Bob's best friend.

"Sure I had Short Shorts at 15, but by 17 I'm just another one hit wonder."~Gaudio

And then later

"So now I'm a one hit wonder again."~Gaudio

and of course:

"You want a contract? Here. A Jersey contract."~Frankie

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#46re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:38pm

haha. I love when the officer asks for frankies autograph and he asks him to make it out to lovemuffin.

or when lorraine is about to leave frankie...
frankie: what if we got married?
lorraine: what you and tommy? I don't think that's legal in nevada!

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#47re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:45pm

Ok guys...I had been thinking of this for a while, but now that I see there are actually a lot of Jersey Boys fans out there, I think I'm going to do it. I have a lot of time coming up(only 37 days of school left), and I know other people who've done this for other actors and stuff.

I'm going to make a book for the cast. Not just the four guys, but the entire Jersey Boys cast. I'd LOVE your guys contributions. Letters, artwork, graphics, poems...anything. Would you guys be interested? If you are, PM me and I'll send you my address. I figure I'll let it go til May 20th, and then I'll start putting the book together.

Elphaba984 Profile Photo
#48re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:47pm

Philosophy Girl: oh yeah i forgot about the "lift off.... splash down" quote that is great. and where did you stephanie j. block quote come from? that is really random... i love it! and she has an amazing voice. i didn't see her in wicked, but in boy from oz... omg. amazing!

"You can't stop someone who wants to be an artist. If they're going to do it, they're going to do it... Work as hard as you can on the things you can work on. Until it seems like there is no possible chance you're going to succeed, don't give up." ~ANDREW ASNES avatar: me and jason gillman... in the pouring rain.

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#49re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/3/06 at 11:57pm

elphaba...I went and saw jb about 2 weeks ago and I was waiting to say hi to daniel at the stage door and stephanie and I guess her mom were out there. it was the most random conversation ever. it was me, her, her mom (?), peter gregus (bob crewe), jennifer naimo, and at one point bob gaudio! I was telling steph how I had just seen julia murney in the tour in philly and would have loved to see her in it...and that's when she busted out that gem of a quote. I love her...she's such a sweetheart!!

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643
