
Intermission....nice break or huge distraction- Page 2

Intermission....nice break or huge distraction

#25re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 4:38pm

Intermission allows you to flee the theater, or in the case of drinkers, get numb for Act 2.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#26re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 4:39pm

It's still not irony. If Rent was a show about a group of anti-intermissionists, then the there would be irony.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

way_to_spend_the_day Profile Photo
#27re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 4:44pm

Intermission for me is the time to re-read all of the bios and compare the actors you saw to the various parts they have played. And a time to discuss what you liked and not...but it is not always welcomed on my part, b/c you are suddenly forced back to reality...and it means the show is that much closer to being finished...

***It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. -- William Shakespeare***

best12bars Profile Photo
#28re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 4:51pm

Kringas --- Oh, how I long for a show about anti-intermissionists...

Not to keep harping on A Chorus Line, but that show was conceived in "real time" from the moment the lights go up. It makes no sense to pause this "real time," or break the tension of the audition at hand, to go have a cigarette and buy a key chain.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 8/2/06 at 04:51 PM

#29re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 5:04pm

"Not to keep harping on A Chorus Line, but that show was conceived in "real time" from the moment the lights go up."

That's what they always said about it, but it's not in real time. When Paul gets hurt, they shove him off the stage in a New York minute.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#30re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 5:07pm

"no i said RENT did and ACL didnt.....i said i just found that ironic"
Don't lie to make yourself look smarter. You edited your post.

"I have this mental image of Patti barreling down the street and pushing tourists out of her way." -colleen_lee

#31re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 5:13pm

Yes, well how long does it take to carry someone offstage, through the back of the theatre, onto the street, hail a cab to take him to the hospital and return? With any luck cab-wise, a couple of minutes, probably. Well, that's how long it takes in the show between his departure, the couple of minutes of dialogue after Zach asks "If you couldn't dance anymore, what would you do?" and the beginning of "What I Did For Love" at which point all the dancers have returned to the stage. It certainly looked and felt like real time to me, all the times I saw it.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 8/2/06 at 05:13 PM

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#32re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 5:20pm

I enjoy the break that an intermission gives; and if a show is good, it will be able to captivate you and bring you back to the place the show puts you the minute the second act starts.

HumATune Profile Photo
#33re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 5:22pm

As blasphemous as it sounds I’m glad the production of 1776 I saw had an intermission. The show would be nearly three hours straight with no intermission otherwise. The intensity level of the show is so high at times, that I found it a relief to have time to absorb what I saw.

(Waits for flames.)

#34re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 5:48pm

It's odd that no one, so far, has indicated that perhaps the performers need a break re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction

Also,I'd love to know what it is about Rent that keeps people on the edge of their seats.

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#35re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 5:53pm

Some shows need an intermission, while others work fine without one. I don't mind either way, but it is more than just a "smoke break." As someone said, sometimes the intermission serves as a passage of time in some shows, i.e. EVITA, LES MISERABLES, SUNSET BOULEVARD.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

jasonf Profile Photo
#36re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 6:11pm

(The following all references musicals, though there are plays that fit the structures mentioned just as easily)

I think it depends on the intention of the play. Shows like A Chorus Line and 1776 build continually throughout the play, and the intensity of the buildup towards their climax is SEVERELY diminished by an intermission. The whole point of both shows is the time limit imposed by the story line (getting the show up, getting the Decleration ratified) and the intermission only breaks up the momentum.

On the other hands, if it's done properly, an intermission can do one of two things:

1)a first climax in the play taking you to a supreme moment of anticipation for what's to come (think Les Miserables and One Day More or Forum with Pseudolus about to have his neck chopped off). This technique also works structurally for some plays - going after I believe Greek comedies, look at the end of the first act of H2$ -- Finch is reaching higher and higher in the company, there's a problem that the love interest just discovered, AND you get the villain (Frump) swearing "I will return." It's a perfect setup for a break in the action, and a perfect false climax to the story as well.

2) be a natural dividing point in the story (think Into the Woods - how could there NOT be an intermission there? or West Side Story - after the Rumble, could we REALLY just go right to I Feel Pretty?)

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#37re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 6:25pm

"It gives me a chance to pee, for one, but also to discuss the show with friends"

I am the same way. I also like an intermission to rest a bit, get ready for the second act. Intermission helps me concentrate on the show and not make me lose my focus.

So, according to me, it is a nice break.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

adamgreer Profile Photo
#38re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 6:25pm

Anything two hours or more, and I need a break to pee, stretch my legs, etc. This is especially important when you're in one of the older theaters, crammed into seats like sardines!

I also prefer 1776 with an intermission- without it, you're sitting for nearly 3 hours. That's a long time without a break.

#39re: Intermission....nice break or huge distraction
Posted: 8/2/06 at 7:21pm

I think that intermissions are great breaks. It is a chance to stand up and breathe and catch up the non theatre goers you are with to what is happening.

You learn to play the straight man, the lines become routine - never really saying what you mean - but i know the scene will change :)
