Subway spottings

peapod36 Profile Photo
#25re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/22/06 at 12:14pm

With the price of gas,I'm surprised anyone in NY drives anywhere.

What if the hokey pokey really IS what it's all about?

mabel Profile Photo
#26re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/22/06 at 12:38pm

OK, as a general rule, I think this is kind of odd. However, I do have one particular subway sighting that I remember, just because I found the circumstances highly amusing (in a sad sort of way).

It was the day after Wicked opened and who should I spot on the uptown 1, but Joe Mantello. He was glaring rather dejectedly straight ahead. What is he glaring at, you ask? The woman in the seat across from him reading the New York Times Arts and Entertainment section with Brantley's (shall we say) less than stellar review of Wicked there for all (and poor Joe) to see. I don't remember what the headline was now, but it wasn't very pretty. "Something Rotten in the State of Oz," or something to that effect.

But when did New Hampshire become--Such a backward wasteland of seatbelt hating crazies?...I mean, only 40 people actually live there. The others are just visitors who come for the tax-free liquor and three inches of novelty coastline. John Hodgeman on The Daily Show (1-30-07)

mabel Profile Photo
#27re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/22/06 at 12:38pm

ARG! Double post. I'm not used to this laptop. It's all click happy.

But when did New Hampshire become--Such a backward wasteland of seatbelt hating crazies?...I mean, only 40 people actually live there. The others are just visitors who come for the tax-free liquor and three inches of novelty coastline. John Hodgeman on The Daily Show (1-30-07)
Updated On: 8/22/06 at 12:38 PM

jakebloke Profile Photo
#28re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/22/06 at 1:49pm

Christopher Sieber, Marc Kudisch, Tony Vincent, Victoria Clark and Kristin Chenoweth. This was during Wicked previews so before the huge hype. All on the 1 train. there's been more, but all I can think of now.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#29re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/23/06 at 7:58pm

Today, I got on the 1 Train at 79th street around 6:50pm and Troy Britton Johnson got on with me. It looked exactly like him but I wasn't sure if it was him at first (red cap, tight faded red shirt, dark green shorts, sneakers, no socks), but then he got off at 42nd street and walked out of the subway station, so I assume he was going to the theater. The timing was right (since they are called usually an hour before curtain) and I seem to recall him wearing that red cap in some fan pictures. Too bad I didn't realize it was him earlier...I would have said hi and told him how much I loved his performance in Drowsy. He probably doesn't get recognized often, so I'm sure it would have made his time though!

It WAS him...this is the red cap he was wearing!

Updated On: 8/23/06 at 07:58 PM

#30re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/23/06 at 9:48pm

Dang! So that's where my red cap went!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#31re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/23/06 at 9:49pm

I must say, he was looking hot as ever! Damn, he is so gorgeous.

#32re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/23/06 at 9:52pm

Dammit, it's my cap! You should see how good I look when I'm wearing it!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#33re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/23/06 at 9:58pm

LOL. It wasn't the cap, Dollypop. It was his rippling muscles (ripple, ripple, ripple - isn't that a line from Hello, Dolly!) through that tight tshirt and his legs looked really toned as well. That man must live at the gym when he isn't at the theater. He actually looks better without the cap...his hair is amazing!

pants2 Profile Photo
#34re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/23/06 at 10:25pm

on the 1 train canal st. stop i sat next to shoshana bean, we struck up a convo, she was going to her apartment, on 30 something st., and i was going 2 c spamalot, then she was going to lunch, gym, then green... then she decided she liked me so she gave me her #, i was a crazed fan at the time so u have no idea how happy i felt, it was nuts.... until i walked onto the street and dropped the paer by accident, and it blew away.... i nearly cried, but then spamalot cheered me up

Can, can I have it?

#35re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/23/06 at 10:27pm

I didn't know people were REALLY like that.

I thought it was all a joke.

But, damn.

#36re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/23/06 at 10:28pm

I remember the WICKED review headline (because of what it's based on):

"There's Trouble in the Emerald City" ala THE MUSIC MAN.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

#37re: Subway spottings
Posted: 8/23/06 at 11:00pm

i saw martha plimpton on the 1/9 one day.
she was wearing overalls & was with a hippie-lookin guy.
