
Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadway show- Page 2

Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadway show

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#25re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:15pm

Variety reports the Estimated amount everyweek..( hence where the figure comes from )

Scaryclowns the only reason i thought it was worth bringing it up, was on some weeks the estimated amount is more than Wicked and Jersery Boys.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

Steve2 Profile Photo
#26re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/9/08 at 8:28am

I just received an email for 50% off tickets for Young Frankenstein promotion. Clearly something is going on with sales and it doesn't look promising.

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#27re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/9/08 at 8:30am

Its not unusual to get those offers from time to time so what d o you mean by 'it doesnt look promising'?? Or is that just you being negative? You have to join the wagon to bash the show and im guessing you havent seen it!

A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

#28re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/9/08 at 8:52am

Seriously, people - put down the stick, the horse is dead!

It's apparent some people on here like it, and some don't. Everyone's entitled to an opinion. And, it's rare to convince someone to "join" your opinion....so both sides can quit trying. We'll know if YF is a success when it closes, or we won't. We'll know if it was acclaimed after the Tonys, or we won't.....it's ALL opinion.

Lots of shows sell at a discount - head for the TKTS booth and take a look - and they run a LONG time selling at that discount (think how long some shows have been on the TKTS listing). YF will run until it can't pay its bills, just like every other show. 'Nuff said!

kylestefanie Profile Photo
#29re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/9/08 at 1:07pm

Honestly, I love Young Frankenstein the tickets did start out high but they have lowered the ticket price. I have gone a few times and almost everytime they were packed full.
I have a feeling it'll be on Broadway till it can't get a crowd. and those on here who Havn't seen the show and are judging it because of how they feel about Mel is stupid. At least see the show before judging it, it's really a good show in my opinion.

Steve2 Profile Photo
#30re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/9/08 at 1:20pm

"You have to join the wagon to bash the show and im guessing you havent seen it!"

I have seen Young Frankenstein and I am not a hater or bashing the show. I am surprised that YF is offering 50% off tickets for the next few months, that's all. And I disagree with Billy's premise that it a case study of how not to market a show. Except for the bad PR on the premium/premier tickets the advertising has been very good and pervasive.

rufussars Profile Photo
#31re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/9/08 at 3:20pm

I'll just throw in my two cents and simply say that I agree with everyone else. The original poster obviously created a post in haste more out of resentment towards the premium seats. The advertising is like anything else new this season. Honestly, between web banners, that dazzling TV spot, colorful full=page Playbill ads, the Times Square billboard, and the monstrous logo on the double-decker sightseeing buses, I'm constantly bombarded with that show, and I unashamedly will say I found it to be quite a delicious night in the theatre as probably the most enjoyable new show to open since the fall. Enough said. The press knows what they're doing here, and it shows based on YF's popularity and attendance.

...And so, there I was at the stage door for "Equus". The enthused avalanche of "Harry Potter" fans was literally pushing me into the barricades. As I was thrust face-first into Daniel Radcliffe's hat, I suddenly felt the thumb of a lanky gentleman behind me pressing firmly into my back. It was then that I realized that both of his hands had Playbills, and that both arms were outstretched in front of me...

#32re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/9/08 at 4:33pm

I have to agree that the 'hubris' factor didn't do YF any good - even from the other side of the pond, the most notable thing about the show in its preview period was those ridiculous $450 seats. People expect the greatest show on earth for that price (even if only a fraction of the tickets were that expensive).

I enjoyed it and I thought the cast did a great job. It is a funny show in its own right, even if it's not up there with The Producers. The audience response was very enthusiastic and there seemed to be a virtually full house when I went (in contrast to Xanadu which I saw in a half-full auditorium on a Saturday night in a theatre which must have been only a fraction of the size of the Hilton).

I can't really comment on the subsequent marketing, other than to say it appears that the controversy about the premium seats was a massive own goal which didn't do the show any favours at all. Too easy for people to say 'It wasn't worth $X', when they probably wouldn't even mention the ticket price for other shows.

Seen some shows in my time....

#33re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/10/08 at 12:21am

"I think YF gets a bad wrap just because of those ticket prices"

What's wrong with the ticket prces?

#34re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 5/10/08 at 12:54am

Not the ticket prices now, the premium prices when the show first started.


billynj Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#36re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 1/6/09 at 12:15am

Go away.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

LotteTBS138 Profile Photo
#37re: Young Frankenstein should be a case study in how not to market a Broadw
Posted: 1/6/09 at 12:31am

SHREK should be the one on how to not advertise a show!

I once heard someone describe her (Ruthie Henshall) singing as sounding as though she's trying to swallow a whole meatball slightly larger than her windpipe. (The same person compared Michael Ball's singing to sounding as though he's sitting on a washing machine on spin cycle and Colm Wilkinson's to a man with a paralyzed lip trying to eat cottage cheese.) --- Schmerg_The_Impaler
