
Just saw the Hairspray tour- Page 2

Just saw the Hairspray tour

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#25re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 3/23/09 at 9:20pm

Must have been just because of it being a one nighter. Did they have a souvenir program? If they did, was it the current or the original tour cast?

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

#26re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 3/23/09 at 9:42pm

Oh man, I didn't know the Hairspray coming to Saint John was the broadway touring show!! This'll be the closest I'll have ever gotten to see a sort of broadway show (not really, though. xD) because I got tickets for my birthday. Has anyone seen the touring cast recently? Is it good? :3

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#27re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 3/23/09 at 10:20pm

TS3, I didn't look at the program.

SharpCookies, seriously? I just saw the tour cast last night (which is why I made this thread) and as I said, I think it's a very good cast for the most part.

RentBoy, the full cast info is on hairsprayontour.com. re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Updated On: 3/23/09 at 10:20 PM

#28re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 3/23/09 at 10:42pm

It's nice to see a HAIRSPRAY thread back on the board. It seems like it's been forever.

BTW.. I saw the non-equity tour a year ago today (coincidentally) and thought it was great. The sets are scaled down from Broadway, but the cast at the time was very good. Tons of energy for YCSTB. And how can you not love Brooklyn's Tracy.

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#29re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 3/23/09 at 10:47pm


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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

#30re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 3/24/09 at 3:39am

Dunno why it wouldn't have been sold even on a one nighter. I managed the merchandise on a non-eq tour a few years ago, and we certainly had a full merch operation even on the one night engagements.

#31re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 3/24/09 at 10:03am

Whoops! Thanks TimeSquare.

violet72 Profile Photo
#32re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 3/24/09 at 12:45pm

my friend from High School is in this. He is in the ensemble, he plays Thad. It is gonna be near me this Friday and Saturday but sadly I can't go see him because I am directing my school's musical this weekend. He is an awesome guy and an incredible dancer. I have known him since he was 12 yrs old

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

#33re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 3/24/09 at 3:49pm

@Elphaba: Really? You only made this thread one or two days ago? ^^; I thought you wrote this a few weeks ago so I thought maybe the cast changed or something (why I thought that or why I didn't even check the date you made the first post is a mystery...) Sorry. But I'm happy to hear it is mostly good. I am excited to see them soon. ^^

#34re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 4/4/09 at 9:11pm

It was hard tracking this thread down. xD

I just saw the Hairspray tour in Saint John for my birthday and... I was amazed. Seriously, I had the funnest time. The cast had amazing energy, the singing/acting was superb, the sets were awesome, the humourous lines were delivered very well... Of course, maybe my opinion isn't very reliable since it was the first show I had seen not being put on by a high school, but I was just wowed. I was so glad I could see it.

#35re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 3:06pm

Does anyone have some info about the tour? On the webpage there's nothing listed until 4/2010. Am I right in assuming they're overseas until then or for at least a while? I saw someone mention that they go to Japan over the summer. Not sure if that's the norm though.
I messaged Brooklynn via facebook not too long ago and she told me to just keep checking back on the schedule page of the site.
I would love to see Hairspray again! I hate that we can't just go see it whenever we want anymore re: Just saw the Hairspray tour

#36re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 3:12pm

I'm pretty sure that the Far East in the summers is the norm

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#37re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 3:15pm

when I saw the tour back in 07 it was nothing but amazing.

#38re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 3:18pm

^ I saw it in 2007 too. It was 100x better in 2009

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#39re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 3:32pm

Yes, they go to Asia for the Summer & pick up the tour again in around November. I too saw it 2007 & 2009.

#40re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 4:11pm

I saw it on Thursday and it was great!!
It started out really bad but right when they started singing "Mama, Im A Big Girl Now" thhe whole audience started enjoying.
When they did "You're Timeless To Me" Jerry started cracking up because Edna told Wilbur "I cant believe your Jewish" and Wilbur said "You cant tell by just looking at them"
They were cracking up for a whole 3 min. and the crowd couldnt stop laughing either.

#41re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 6:28pm

I believe thats actualy in the script, because they started laughing When I saw the show and it went for like 5 min. it's called Improvising.

Updated On: 5/9/09 at 06:28 PM

broadway122 Profile Photo
#42re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 6:32pm

It was in the as well when I saw.

"i had no idea billy elliot was about one boy's triumph over epilepsy."-FindingNamo

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#43re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 6:32pm

It's in the script & has been since Harvey left the show the first time. I don't know if he did it when he came back though.

#44re: Just saw the Hairspray tour
Posted: 5/9/09 at 11:48pm

I never new that.
Thats weird I cant believe they actually put it in the script but thanks.
They even dropped the food on the tray Mr. Pinky brings when he enters and one of the ensemble girl kicked it in the Mr. Pink's store.
Im sure that wasnt in the script.
