In The Heights revival?

#50In The Heights revival?
Posted: 3/23/18 at 9:16am

I absolutely love In the Heights and was lucky enough to see it on Broadway. I was really excited when it won Best Musical. However, there are a ton of plot holes. You can't think about the storyline that closely or it all falls apart. 

Regardless, though, I honestly connect it to more emotionally than I do to Hamilton.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Dave13 Profile Photo
#51In The Heights revival?
Posted: 3/23/18 at 9:50am

Thanks for reviving the thread. Wish I could make it to the DC production. I think a In the Heights revival will come sooner or later. Now that LMM has made a name for himself, lots of folks including me that missed the original Broadway production would love to see it.

I did see it in London, and loved it.

Not to be confused with Dave19.

#52In The Heights revival?
Posted: 3/23/18 at 11:09am

Oh I'm so happy to hear they changed the lyric to Tiger. Even in London during the King's Cross revival a year and a half ago the audience was visibly like 'ughhh' at that line.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#53In The Heights revival?
Posted: 3/23/18 at 4:48pm

The King's Cross production wasn't a revival.  It was a transfer of the original London production from the Southwark Playhouse to King's Cross.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#54In The Heights revival?
Posted: 2/28/19 at 8:24pm

Harlem Rep Theater has been doing ITH for a few years now (in repertory of course) and it looks like their production is finally coming to an end
On their Facebook page today, Harlem Rep posted about the closing and said that the cast members can now audition for the ITH Broadway revival this fall. Someone commented asking about the Broadway revival of ITH this fall, and Harlem Rep said “you heard it here first!”

Does anybody think this could possibly be true? I know some of you get *really* irritated when people don’t post links but I’m sorry I don’t know how to link to Facebook on here so if someone else can post a link to Harlem Rep’s fb page that would be great.

#55In The Heights revival?
Posted: 2/28/19 at 9:47pm

Phantom4ever said: "Harlem Rep Theater has been doing ITH for a few years now (in repertory of course) and it looks like their production is finally coming to an end
On their Facebook page today, Harlem Rep posted about the closing and said that the cast members can now audition for the ITH Broadway revival this fall. Someone commented asking about the Broadway revival of ITH this fall, and Harlem Rep said “you heard it here first!”

Does anybody think this could possibly be true? I know some of you get *really* irritated when people don’t post links but I’m sorry I don’t know how to link to Facebook on here so if someone else can post a link to Harlem Rep’s fb page that would be great.

Here's the link to the post. Read the comments too:

I'm aware that amateur rights to a show can be revoked if a professional production is opening up nearby, but I can't imagine that the licensor would just casually disclose that a Broadway revival is coming. Unless of course someone at Harlem Rep is being trusted with sensitive info from another source.


#56In The Heights revival?
Posted: 3/2/19 at 11:14am

Apologies for double posting. Harlem Rep posted this comment on one of their posts, once again claiming a revival is happening:

"yeah, the rights owners denied our extension request. Some quick research on our end discovered the revival plans. It was inevitable. They powers that be want to make a movie on a Lin Manuel property, and what better way to show how popular the movie could be, than by staging a revival. It is exciting. Maybe our production had a hand in someone making the pitch to revive on Broadway. All of our ITH shows sell out."

#57In The Heights revival?
Posted: 3/2/19 at 12:51pm

alex814 said: "Apologies for double posting. Harlem Rep posted this comment on one of their posts, once again claiming a revival is happening:

"yeah, the rights owners denied our extension request. Some quick research on our end discovered the revival plans. It was inevitable. They powers that be want to make a movie on a Lin Manuel property, and what better way to show how popular the movie could be, than by staging a revival. It is exciting. Maybe our production had a hand in someone making the pitch to revive on Broadway. All of our ITH shows sell out."


This person charged with running Harlem Rep's social media seems like a lunatic.


pushdabutton Profile Photo
#58In The Heights revival?
Posted: 3/2/19 at 10:35pm

In The Heights was one of my favorite shows. I feel fortunate that I was able to see it with the Original Broadway Cast twice when it first opened. I would love to see a revival!

Richard Zaldivar
#59In The Heights revival?
Posted: 1/15/20 at 2:01am

Kad, with all due respect, i am so grateful theater isn't subjective.   The one thing a lot of you book haters / or "Heights" haters fail to recognize, probably because it's not important to you and therefore means nothing to you, is that "HEIGHTS" gives voice to a demographic that has never had a voice in a Broadway musical.  When I originally saw the show, I was shocked to hear statements, ideas said that I've never heard in a Broadway musical, there were ideas I have said to myself, when people were to quick to judge me,  who questioned who and what I was, and whether I belonged in this country or not.    Things that I was conflicted with,  But "Heights" I also think is a stronger show musically, but just because it's not your kind of music, or deals with issues that you think are unimportant, don't be so quick as to think it weaker.  And as for a revival, it's very possible, Fiddler on the Roof, opened in 1986 and closed in 1972, the first revival was in 1976 and the second revival was in 1981.  Rent which is produced by the same producing company as "HEIGHTS"opened in 1996 and closed in 2008.  The off-Broadway revival opened 2011 and closed 2012.  So yes, I think anything is possible and to have both show on Broadway would be a very good thing. It didn't hurt Andrew Lloyd Webber.  Sometimes things said on this board are so insensitive. Art is art, and what is not your cup of tea may change the change a persons world. 
