
Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations- Page 3

Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations

#50re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 9:36am

Haven't the Dodgers already lost their major financing? This can't be good.

Off topic, does anybody know how many cd's Adam Paschal sold?

DaysOfWine&Roses Profile Photo
#51re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 9:39am

"anyway there is still "film fakers' to look foward to."

I'm sorry, but this just made me laugh. It's my understanding that "Film Fakers" basically humiliates out-of-work/down-on-their-luck actors for a reality tv show.

Now, if I was a fan of somebody, I certainly would'nt be looking foward to seeing (insert celebrity name here) being publically humiliated and their current pathetic situation advertised.

But, maybe that's just me.

As far as what happened with AI - "Entertainment Weekly" did an interview with him that I remember reading online at one point. The only copy I can find of it is this:


Amneris Profile Photo
#52re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 9:39am

well yes, it was the same dutch investors that were in on "Dracula" and "42nd Street"

#53re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 9:40am

Does anyone know of a way besides ebay to get rid of many tickets? I bought tickets to GV because Justin was going to be in it and have no interest to see it without him. I have already seen the play five times at Vassar. I am from Minnesota and would rather fly in to see something else. Are there ticket brokers in New York that resell tickets besides the booths in Times Square?

#54re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 9:48am

Justin is not being made fun of in FilmFakers. He is one of the actors tricking the newbies. I saw the first episode of Filmfakers and it was hilarious. I thought the actors being fooled were going to be upset but they were just thilled to be on tv and get the opportunity to be seen. One of the actors in Justin's episode posted that his fans should definitely watch because he was outstanding in it.

DaysOfWine&Roses Profile Photo
#55re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 9:52am

"Justin is not being made fun of in FilmFakers. He is one of the actors tricking the newbies."


Got ya. I did'nt realize he was "in on it". All that I had ever heard was that he was in the episode, and then the premise of the show. I assumed he was the one being tricked.
The other quote makes much more sense now. Thank you.

#56re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 10:58am

You are welcome. Justin's episode is a musical entitled "Song Island". He plays a "Diva-ish" superstar.

#57re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 12:03pm

The producers changed a lot of things since Vassar and told many people many things that weren't true.

A number of people who were in that cast didn't get the part, although they were told they would get them. I think that they aren't sure what they really want.

Ah well, show business is just business and mostly political.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

#58re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 12:27pm

That article mentioned that Justin was playing "Dean" when at Vassar he played "Jan". I wonder if that was a typo or if they really did take the role of "Jan" from him. However, based on what his mother posted it sounds more like there is something else in the works although she didn't technically say that. I just feel bad for all of the fans who have bought tickets that can't be refunded. What a bummer.

Jgssf Profile Photo
#59re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 12:33pm

I have row c center orchestra tickets for dec 20th and rowB orchestra seats for Feb 27th that I dont want anymore either.
I saw Justin at Vassar 4 times and he was wonderful.
I was really looking forward to seeing him on Broadway, and actually I was hoping that the producers would expand his part and give him more singing and dancing to do.
I am very disappointed at this shocking turn of events, but I trust that Justin decided that for whatever reason, this was not good for him to do, that he has an offer to star in somthing or tour with a new cd or somthing better.
Stars find a way to shine. I have no doubt that he will and his devoted fans will be there to support him.

#60re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 12:59pm

WOW JGSSF! Is that Justin in that picture??!!!

Jgssf Profile Photo
#61re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 1:20pm

Yes, that is Justin tearing up the stage at Vassar.
Maybe now, people will understand what his fans had been talking about.
He looked so great. He worked so hard and even though it was a small part, he was fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable to watch.
( he also spent over an hour after every performance meeting his fans, giving hugs, and kisses, signing things, taking pictures and thanking his fans for coming to see him)
There are other great pictures of Justin on the JMansWorld site
Anyway, I just wanted people to see for themselves what we saw, and I hope that better things are right around the corner for Justin.

#62re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 1:25pm

so was he fired or did he quite?? thanks :)

B.B. Wolf
#63re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 1:28pm

This news didn't surprise me at all. In every interview I've read with this guy he sounds like such a whiny Bitch.
My career's problems aren't my fault! *sob*
It was the producer's fault! *sob*
I didn't get to pick the songs I wanted! *sniffle*

Pleeeeaaaaaase. :p

Word. Word, indeed.

AlwaysMisBehavin Profile Photo
#64re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 1:54pm

oh, BBWolf doesn't sound a little whiny either? righttttt

Anyway, he wasn't fired. But hey BB, maybe there's an opportunity for you? Maybe that will make you smile :)

#65re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:07pm

Oh Always, you know none of the actors on this board are interested in Good Vibrations (even though there are over 2,000 hits on this thread).

B.B. Wolf
#66re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:09pm

Oh silly newbie. Don't you know that this board's foundations are whining, kvetching, and bitching? re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Seriously, I just never liked the guy and have yet to read a flattering interview with him. Too many excuses about everything. Producers control EVERY aspect of other performer's careers and they're completely successful. I don't buy the excuse that the producers inhibitted and controlled his first album. That's what they're hired to do. The guy's voice just ain't that great and that album showed it. Maybe he would've been fantastic in Good Vibrations. But he was fired. Honest to God, fired. This, now THIRD, attempt to salvage his career, he has tanked. What does that say about him? It says a lot to me.

Word. Word, indeed.

#67re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:23pm

American Idol is a completely different animal than anything else in the entertainment industry. Tamyra Gray had the same complaints as Justin and was also "fired" from RCA. She has sold less cd's than Justin. Is her voice horrible also? It's all about promotion and the people who they want to succeed get the promotion.

#68re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:26pm

BTW, Tamyra's cd got great reviews. Still didn't sell. No promotion.

AlwaysMisBehavin Profile Photo
#69re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:27pm

and to think I was going to post on the "newbie" thread about receiving warm welcomes. you sure know how to make a guy feel welcome BB! :)

you seem to know a lot about Guarini. I didn't think that was cool considering you hang here. And you heard his CD? Won't you be ostracized? you sure you're only a Broadway devotee? re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations

B.B. Wolf
#70re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:28pm

i think her voice is better than Justin's and she's a better performer. But, her marketing was non-existent. Seriously, I don't remember anything outside of her appearance on American Idol.
And, to clarify, I don't think Justin has a BAD voice, just unremarkable. And I know people who have worked with him who say that he's a great guy, very nice. He just doesn't know his place in the pecking order. He thinks he has more clout than he actually does.

Word. Word, indeed.

#71re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:42pm

Thanks for the info BB. Tamyra has had a lot af acting roles on tv bu this is the key to her and Justin's non-success in music:

"But, her marketing was non-existent."

Plus she was not saddled with a horrible movie. Updated On: 11/10/04 at 02:42 PM

B.B. Wolf
#72re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:47pm

Awwww, come on, alwaysmisbehavin'. If you get sore just because I disagree with you then you're gonna have a hard time here. I'm one of the nicest ones around here. But, since I haven't seen you until now: welcome! re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations

Word. Word, indeed.

AlwaysMisBehavin Profile Photo
#73re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 3:31pm

Thanks BB happy to be here :)

I'm pretty easy too and I love Broadway. As for Guarini, who worked with Guarini and on what production? Curious?

B.B. Wolf
#74re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 3:36pm

Sorry, no dice. Wolf doesn't kiss and tell. re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
I WILL say that she worked with him on that "beach movie". Terrible movie. Nice paycheck though. re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations

Word. Word, indeed.
