
Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16- Page 3

Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16

mrkringas Profile Photo
#50re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/19/06 at 6:21pm

"Fragile sense of security"???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah and its that way cause the fool in the White House and the equally misguided PM over here got us into the mess we are all in today.

#51re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/19/06 at 6:44pm

"I dunno why they put him in Nepolean attire then."

What do you mean by Napoleon attire?

bestnurse Profile Photo
#52re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/19/06 at 6:50pm

Hey, mrkringas, good for you. You see, it's important to expend energy on current events. Like I said, theater is entertainment and the state of the country is not. If everyone on BWW spends as much time debating our country's vulnerabilities as they do on reviewing theatrical productions then we are in good shape. Simply, that's my point. (Hi Megan!)God Bless America!

#53re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/19/06 at 10:06pm

The way I understood it, Jamie and family are from PA. On the Sh-k-boom recording, in the song "Mummies at the Met", Mom gets the boys up early to take an express train into Penn for a trip to the city. At first, I thought they lived in NJ, but since Michael is in Buck's County, I'm sure it's PA. It's likely Jamie, like many journalists, applied for many jobs in different places, which landed him at the Kansas Star. We learn Amanda is from Kansas, so they likely met then, and both moved to New York together.

It's interesting that some people find the score boring to listen to out of context. I oddly felt opposite when watching the show. I thought the staging of this production at times dragged some of the songs down. I did think that Kushnier was a great Jamie, he made it easy to understand and sympathize with the character, yet still recognize he was responsible for some of his problems as well. Andy Karl was basically the life of the show, scenes picked up a level whenever he was on stage. As some of you may recall, I was a bit thrown off by the casting of Orfeh, but I obviously should have known better, as she was amazing as Clara, and completely shined in her ensemble roles, where she did, indeed, have the chance to show off her incredible belt. Absolutely adored Jonathan Shade as Michael, thought he was very endearing and what a voice! Also loved Alyse W. It was a very enjoyable production of a show that at times is somewhat hard to grasp. It really does have a strong score, and I did enjoy the staging of it, but I do feel it could have been staged a bit more effectively.

#54re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 12:05am

Oasis, did you see the philly production? Maybe they've changed the costume. when I saw it The guy playing whoever the frenchman is was in a Red and blue military coat and a huge hat made famous by Napolean.

BestNurse what are you talking about? You act as if everyone thinks this site is the center of life. How do you know people here don't spend half their time campaigning or debating. Frankly if we turned the topic over to current affairs, still nothing would get done but talk. Nothing new.

BTW I happened to think theatre can be more than entertainment. What kind of shows do you see? I think you should look at some Lorca and read some of what the ancient Greeks have to say about theatre. Many feel it's the job of the artist to show the country how good or rediculous it is. I say look at the musicals that are simply "entertainment". Shows like Showboat, Anyone Can Whistle, The Cradle Will Rock even La Cage aux Folles and countless others are far more relevant to what was considered current at the time that you give them credit for. Theatre in its own way is raising awareness about soooo many issues. Go see Angels in America. Soo if you think theatre is just entertainment, I say you're not going to the right shows.
Updated On: 6/20/06 at 12:05 AM

#55re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 1:57am

Just to clarify a bit having read the book, it is indeed Bucks County, and after school Jamie got a job at the Kansas Star and moved to Kansas, where he met Amanda, and then they moved to NYC.

Depardieu had a "Napoleon hat" for the first preview at least, but it was gone by that Friday and replaced with just a beret.

Lastly, I agree that Orfeh cannot just be plunked down into a generic broadway role and that there are certain parts she is perfect for, but I also think she has a much bigger range than a lot of people give her credit for. Clara is a big departure and not a role that I would have immediately thought of her for, but not only does she play it capably, she plays it *amazingly.* It's always been clear that she's an outstanding singer -- it's nice here to really see her acting being put on display.
Updated On: 6/20/06 at 01:57 AM

#56re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 2:21am

Any other pictures from the show? I really would like to see Michael and more of Andy.

FosterChild Profile Photo
#57re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 2:33am

Phew. Glad I wasn't off on the Pennslyvania thing. I've been singing "Bucks County" for years!

Blonde, you said it beautifully about Orfeh. She is f-ing amazing.

snowie862 Profile Photo
#58re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 3:06am

they did the Napoleon thing for the first preview. It's gone now.

They also changed the staging for the opening

snowie862 Profile Photo
#59re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 3:10am

they did the Napoleon thing for the first preview. It's gone now.

They also changed the staging for the opening

#60re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 8:52am

"Depardieu had a "Napoleon hat" for the first preview at least, but it was gone by that Friday and replaced with just a beret."

Oh ok. Yes, I saw it on Friday and he indeed did just have the beret. Thats good.

"They also changed the staging for the opening."

I really liked the staging for the opening on Friday. Was it changed before or after that?

#61re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 11:03am

The Philadelphia Inquirer review was posted. Seems like a mixed review overall. Good reviews for the cast, with special mentions about Jeremy, Jonathan, Orfeh, and Marian.


snowie862 Profile Photo
#62re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 11:35am


what about Toby Zinman? I know she was there on Friday

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#63re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/20/06 at 12:52pm

That Inquirer review made me laugh really hard. "(a way too over-cool performance by Andy Karl, who sings forcefully but struts through the show like Foghorn Leghorn)." Foghorn Leghorn? Oh LORD that's ridiculous and really funny to read.

April Saul
#65re: Bright Lights, Big City - review 6.16
Posted: 6/21/06 at 2:52pm

Wow, I have waited a while to post my opinion about this, because it's got a great cast and I wish them the best but I can't recommend that anybody come down here to see this because it's a musical in desperate need of a book. I live near Philly and have liked almost all of the several dozen NYC productions I've seen in the last year or two (okay, not Festen!) but I was really glad that I paid only $10 (rush seat) and drove 15 minutes to see this one, and gladder still when it was over. My companion and I didn't find ourselves caring about the characters, and kept checking our watches, not wanting to be rude and walk out of this intermission-less production. I loved Orfeh in Trailer Park and I've enjoyed Andy Karl in the past, but the cast deserved better in this instance, and so did the audience.
