morosco Profile Photo
#50re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 10:24am

I think the role of Diana (Morales) had already been cast prior to the filming of the documentary.

morosco Profile Photo
#51re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 10:29am

As for Charlotte, love her. In her 40s doing this can't have been easy but that woman is a die-hard trouper and more power to her. Can't be easy on her body.

She was the first Broadway Cassie to go from performing the role 8 times a week down to only 6 times a week.

#52re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 10:35am

She was the first Broadway Cassie to go from performing the role 8 times a week down to only 6 times a week.

Or was supposed to, sometimes she didn't even do that.


morosco Profile Photo
#53re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 10:47am

Not to knock Charlotte but here's Donna McKechnie at age 48 (or 46 depending on what site you visit) when she returned to the show. Amazing. And wasn't this after her bout with severe arthritis? And could any other Cassie dance the number this fast?
Music and the Mirror

#54re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 10:57am

^ That entire video is fantastic. I've watched the full show a good 8 or 9 times.


ACL2006 Profile Photo
#55re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 12:27pm

"He was particularly awful at the final performance, and was in such a rush to get offstage that he ran into a wall."

I saw that, too. Too funny! I'm also hoping he NEVER returns to Broadway, EVER!!

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

#56re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 2:18pm

"Jessica, who got the "Val" role, said in the movie that she didn't have anything to fall back on. "If you have something to fall back on, you'll fall back." Maybe, but that's why I could never be in this business. To me, ALL dancers need a plan B."

Yes, Bordeaux, that was one of her favorite things to say and it very flip and irresponsible of her, IMO. Bear in mind she's 20 (maybe 21), and hasn't yet learned that there may be lean times and injuries ahead. I hope she doesn't regret those words someday, but it was downright irresponsible to advise others to do that. All dancers (actors, too) do need a plan B. It's the smart thing to do, and it won't hurt your career to have a back-up.

"She was the first Broadway Cassie to go from performing the role 8 times a week down to only 6 times a week."

I don't understand why people keep bringing that up. What is wrong with re-negotiating your contract? That schedule change had more to do with maximizing her time with her young children than resting her body.

Morosco is correct in that Morales, like Zach and Al, were cast early, hence few appearances of Natalie Cortez, Michael Berresse, and Tony Yazbeck. There was very little casting process for those roles.

#57re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 2:32pm

"That schedule change had more to do with maximizing her time with her young children than resting her body."

100% True. Charlotte wanted to spend more time with her family and was ready to leave the show...the producers offered this to her as a compromise.

#58re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 2:47pm

I hardly think Jessica is being irresponsible by saying that you shouldn't have a Plan B. Broadway performers have said the same thing for years-- if they had something to fall back on, they would have fallen back on that.

I don't think she was saying it with regards to her body/longevity of her dancing career, but more along the lines of her stamina to audition over and over.

morosco Profile Photo
#59re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 2:48pm

Charlotte wanted to spend more time with her family and was ready to leave the show...the producers offered this to her as a compromise.

Since that seems to be the case I stand corrected and I sincerely apologize for insinuating anything else.

#60re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 4:16pm

Personally I don't feel it's a good compromise, and if that was indeed the case, why didn't she say "Hey, I'm dropping to 6-ish performances so I can be with my kids?"

ETA: She didn't say it, it was a discussion of the challenge of the role, and I may have read too much into it.

Updated On: 5/15/09 at 04:16 PM

#61re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 4:39pm

Thanks, morosco. Charlotte took off thurdays and sundays, but still did two-show days, not something you would do to rest yourself. It did afford her extended blocks of time with the kids. I did love her Cassie. She often exhorted the orchestra to play MatM faster. She hated it when the tempo was slow - and no one did a deeper backbend than Charlotte.

"I hardly think Jessica is being irresponsible by saying that you shouldn't have a Plan B."

gcal, I think it's pretty irresponsible when a young kid at a Q&A asks what else they should be studying along with their dancing/acting, and Jessica would snap back with that standard line. Tell a young kid they shouldn't study something else? She did that every time she was asked that question, and she was asked it a lot. Irresponsible, not to mention bad advice. Ms Goodwin would usually step in and follow up by suggesting something like writing, management or accounting so that they could have theater related work to see them through the lean times if they needed.

"I don't think she was saying it with regards to her body/longevity of her dancing career, but more along the lines of her stamina to audition over and over".

I don't think she was thinking at all. I think she just liked the way it sounded.

ETA for huskcharmer: the producers wanted her to stay and offered her this compromise. It was win/win for everyone except the people who don't care for Ms d"Amboise. I've never heard her say that Cassie was her least favorite role. Where did you read that? (Not that I doubt you, I'm just curious). In any case, she certainly threw herself into it heart and soul. She left it all on the stage.
Updated On: 5/14/09 at 04:39 PM

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#62re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 4:51pm

I really thought Charlotte was incredible and no disrespect to Donna, there are many young people, my goddaughter included, who Charlotte has inspired through her rendition of Music and the Mirror. I don't think there is any reason to make Charlotte a "less than" to Donna. Donna originated the role and the choreography was built around her. That is her legend. Charlotte busted her butt performing that role and many people thought she was wonderful. I think Donna can be revered AND Charlotte can be respected. It seems like many people are hellbent that both cant mutually exist. Also, aside from spending time with her children the role was incredibly taxing on Charlotte's body. She had pre-existing conditions and often spent times between shows on ice, getting adjustments, or acupuncture. To crucify Charlotte for not being Donna is missing the whole point of A CHORUS LINE.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#63re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 5:06pm

She doesn't out and out say she hates the role, but you can tell she has no love for it:
Continues d'Amboise, "Playing Cassie is the hardest thing I've done. You have to dance like it's the last time you're ever going to dance. ["The Music and the Mirror"] is eight minutes, eight times a week. You don't start until an hour into [the show]. Your body's cold. You're freezing, because of air conditioning ? and suddenly you go full force. It's also a big song number. You've got to be in tip-top shape. [While working, her routine entails acupuncture, Pilates, warm-ups, icing, stretching....] I never ever felt happy with my performance. Well, maybe six times I danced great, sang great, acted great. Usually, one part was missing.

"Cassie's fantastic, but it's not fun. It's gut-wrenching, and hard [to play] in a long run. It wore on me, in a way that surprised me. If I were to do a long run in any role in that show, it would be Sheila. She gets laughs. Cassie's pretty much what you read on the page. When you're playing straight, less is better. You can't run with it.

I wasn't disparaging against Charlotte because she isn't Donna (who is?), and I rather enjoyed her when I saw the show last July. My complaint was the use of an alternate. And, after reading the above, it doesn't sound like the compromise was that great for her, especially considering in that last year-ish she began to miss more than just those two days.

Full Article


Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#64re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 5:24pm

Husk, my statement wasnt directed towards you at all..the venomous criticism of Charlotte began in ACL previews and continued through her run. I thought many on the boards were just awful to her. She is a veteran dancer, a trooper, and deserves A LOT more respect than what she was given. She is a hard worker, a top notch performer, and a class act.

Again, no disrespect to Donna, but she also performed the role in a different time. She was not subjected to nightly posts about her performance, singing flat, missing a step, etc. She gets immortalized in a way that performers just arent entitled to anymore. She was never vivisected on a weekly basis to be read by tourists and fans. What she did every night in the theatre for the most part stayed there. Some legends are legends because they have the gift of their performances only living in peoples minds and hearts and not being filmed with phones or dissected on a message board.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello
Updated On: 5/14/09 at 05:24 PM

#65re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 6:32pm

"Considering she's said it's her least favorite role to have played, I don't see why she wouldn't have left".

You state this as a fact, huskcharmer, but now you're saying:

"She doesn't out and out say she hates the role, but you can tell she has no love for it"

That's it? 'You can tell'? I actually thought you had something for me, but instead you're offering a mind-reading act. She outlined the difficulties of playing Cassie and you infer from that from that that it wasn't one of her favorites? I see it quite the opposite. Why would she stay with a role that grueling if not for the love of it? Please be careful when you're stating fact and opinion. So apparently she never did say Cassie was her least favorite role - you said that. Please don't presume to speak for her.

"And, after reading the above, it doesn't sound like the compromise was that great for her, especially considering in that last year-ish she began to miss more than just those two days".

Again you're speaking for her, not to mention you're in error regarding her absences. She actually missed more shows early in the run than she did after she renegotiated her contract. ACL is a tough show for anyone, in any role - all that down time getting cold before going full out again. They all had their share of absences. Charlotte did very well, and I agree with BettyBoy that performers didn't used to be under a lens to the degree they are today. Cut her some slack, and give up the mind-reading act re: A CHORUS LINE Questions

#66re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 7:24pm

removed by me.

Updated On: 5/15/09 at 07:24 PM

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#67re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 7:29pm

Wow. husk, you are really hard on people. Again it goes back to my mixed feelings about these boards. You probably heard about Charlotte's being out or leaving on these boards by someone who felt everyone needed to know.

Also, what does "more often than not mean?" That is so vague.

Like I said, how do we know Donna wasn't dealing with the same issues? No one was broadcasting such things then.

Also there is a difference with being hard on yourself (as most actors are) and stating " I never ever felt happy with my performance" and inferring that she did not enjoy the challenge or the role.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#68re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 7:40pm

removed by me.

Updated On: 5/15/09 at 07:40 PM

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#69re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 7:54pm

husk, I understand your points and we can agree to disagree. :) I'm also struck that after seeing the Every Little Step documentary that in some ways the creative team is very "stuck" themselves and whether good or bad, they are in a very fixed position. I imagine many of the actors in the show may have felt very micro-managed and not as able to bring themselves into the roles. I was particularly stuck when Baayork was being critical of an actress to play Connie and the other members of the team appeared to like her. Baayork alluded to the idea that the actress "wasnt me." (Forgive me if Im misquoting, but I only saw it once). My friend who is not a theatre person at all made the comment that he felt bad for Baayork and said, "really doing that show is her life, and that shows, and that is sad. She seems so stuck in it and cant be objective." So I think for many of the principals they were being put under a microscope with the original by members of the original team. It just didnt seem pleasant on certain levels. Just my thoughts.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#70re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 8:13pm

I disagree because of this "statement" that you made, huskcharmer:

"Considering she's said it's her least favorite role to have played"

She never said that. You assumed that. You're stating facts not in evidence, and that's why your "statement" is coming under fire - because it isn't a fact - it's a supposition. An opinion. Yours, which you stated as hers. BIG difference between the two.

"And yes, it is a difficult show to do, but more often than not, I heard about her being out, or leaving mid-way through the performance (this happened several times towards the end as well)".

Okay, now I know you don't know what you're talking about. That didn't happen several times towards the end. It didn't happen AT ALL towards the end. In fact, it didn't happen more than three times during the entire run of the show, and probably not that many times. That is a fact. Others did, Jessica Goldyn, Heather Parcells, and Mara Davi, but not Charlotte, and definitely not towards the end.

"And, I would cut slack, but until hard evidence (i.e. She or a Producer) states that the reason behind the six shows a week was so she could spend time with her kids, I'm going to assume it was because she couldn't handle it".

You can assume any damn thing you want, as you really are good at jumping to conclusions, but maybe, just maybe, they don't think it's any of your business. Common sense would tell you that anyone looking for a break takes off matinees or evenings of two-show days. They don't do two shows back-to-back. Honestly, now you're just being absurd.

"However, I just don't believe that reason. That would almost be a perfect press release to put that she was taking two shows a week off so she could be with family. It sells the "She's dedicated to her craft and family!" And while that could be the reason, I don't believe it".

That was never used as a reason publicly, so that shoots down your theory that it was a public relations ruse.

"She was out more nights than she was there".

To put this as simply as possible, this is absolutely not true. It isn't even close to true. You need to check your facts before spouting off things like that.

"I'm just saying that I don't buy the "reason" behind the alternate, nor do I feel like she enjoyed the role. You are more than welcome to disagree with me, it doesn't invalidate either of us".

Of course not. You can say anything you want - just don't make up Charlotte quotes, and stop saying things that aren't true. You have misrepresented her and the facts. You can feel any way you want, but please stop miss-stating facts. You've "heard" things. Many of your "facts" are in error.

Updated On: 5/14/09 at 08:13 PM

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#71re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/14/09 at 10:48pm

If Charlotte really didn't like performing the role of Cassie, I don't think she would have extended her contract, regardless of how badly the producers wanted her back. And, yes, her backbend was the best of any Cassie I've seen. Any true dancer that knows the business should respect Charlotte. She's been one of the best dancers on Broadway for the past 20 years and has been amazing in anything she's done.

As for Jessica, to say there's no Plan B is really foolish. Every dancer should have one. One major injury and you're done.

I worked & performed in a production of ACL where I was the dance captain. I had to learn that routine(M&TM) in order help the actress playing Cassie(& her understudy) and it is a very difficult routine. You try singing after that first dance combination. A Chorus Line was the most grueling show I've ever done(& also my favorite) and I learned so much by doing that show and seeing the revival on B'way.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

#72re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/15/09 at 1:06am

After cooling off and pulling my emotions back in check, I do apologize for misrepresenting Charlotte. While it is still my belief that she did not enjoy the role of Cassie (Which, while she wasn't Donna, she wasn't terrible by any means), she did not say so herself.

With regards to other parts, my information was received second hand (third hand in places, if you want to get highly technical), and could have been misinterpreted.


tomwingfield Profile Photo
#73re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/15/09 at 10:14am

Umm, Charlotte's mother was ill with cancer the last six months of her run in Chorus Line and died in February of this year. This was her motivation for negotiating a six performance schedule. Her father was quite ill last year as well. You Cassie queens need to give the girl a break.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#74re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
Posted: 5/15/09 at 10:22am

WTF is a Cassie queen?

I have respect for her longevity as a performer, but I thought she was fairly unspectacular in the ACL. And her singing was weird.

The tone of this post is Give me a chance to come threweeewweeeuuuuwwww. Filtered by Tone-A-TronTM
Updated On: 5/15/09 at 10:22 AM
