
Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!- Page 4

Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!

gavyj Profile Photo
#75Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/10/13 at 11:30pm

Lambert on Glee. Because there obviously isn't enough high screeching and eye liner on that show.

sr4mjc Profile Photo
#76Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/11/13 at 11:04am

I love him, idgaf.

I think he'll do more dates with Queen. And maybe his album (which is a good pop album) would have had more of a chance had RCA not picked the absolute most generic songs off it to release. It was DOA with that Dr. Luke dreck leading.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#77Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/11/13 at 11:28am

yay, now I may have to start watching that show.


PTOPhan Profile Photo
#78Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/11/13 at 8:09pm

ReggieonBway, I absolutely agree with you about Adam Lambert's performance of "Come to Me, Bend to Me." I was also surprised how ordinary he can look when he gets rid of the eyeline. Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!

I can definitely see Adam Lambert as the Phantom or as Marius.

As far as saying that he's not a "boy" at 31 -- he's young enough to be my son, which makes him a boy. Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!

You alone can make my song take flight.

#79Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/11/13 at 8:55pm

Yes, indeed. Let him go be the 512th Phantom. That's perfect.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#80Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/11/13 at 10:47pm

I know everybody is crazy about Adam Lambert as Leading Player...but I'm just not seeing it. at all.

#81Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/11/13 at 10:55pm

Everybody? Only crazy people can see him as leading player.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#82Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/11/13 at 11:49pm

Really??? WTF

Darreyl with an L!

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#83Adam Lambert needs to be on Broadway!
Posted: 7/13/13 at 12:44pm

He has parted ways with his label as they wanted him to do an 80s cover album and he wanted to do original work, do he left, good on him

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna
