
Hamilton Stage Door Broadway- Page 4

Hamilton Stage Door Broadway

#75Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 6/25/16 at 11:12am

Most matinees nobody comes out. I came last Wednesday Austin and Carleigh. However, on Thursday my friends and I went and had the best expirience. The past four nights before then nobody had come out, and  some nice people from Texas told us about the night before. Apparently, Anthony and Chris were trying to come out and a mob came to them and people had to get escorted out by the police. Then, the bouncer made everyone go home. So on the night we were there the police officer (who is very nice) warned us that no one may come out. We luckily decided to take our chances. Later he just looked into the crowd and yelled at a pickpocket to go home. He told us all that he was a regular and that we should keep our belongings with us. He also told us that Leslie, Lin and Anthony weren't coming out. He also said Chris and Rory probably would and everyone else maybe. First out was Phillipa, she spent so much time with everyone and was the sweetest. The crowd got super excited. Then we all assumed that would be it. Then Alysha came out (a swing who played Peggy/Maria that night). Then we really assumed that was it. Finally, Leslie came out. Let me tell you the crowd went wild. My friend and I started jumping up and down. Leslie is like the coolest person ever and sings like an angel. Especially when he stepped down to sign and take pictures. Usually he just waves then leaves. He spent about 45 and took the time for everyone. The bouncer stayed close to him the whole time, probably based on what had happened the night before. Everyone went crazy, this was one of the first time he has come out in a few months. I got a picture with him and I told him he has the best voice ever (which he does). All in all this was one of the best stagedoors ever because Leslie came out even when the police officer said he wouldn't. I recommend stagedooring as long as you know someone may not come out. Even the time before when just understudies came out I had the best time meeting new people who all love Hamilton around me. 

#76Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 6/25/16 at 11:13am

Most matinees nobody comes out. I came last Wednesday Austin and Carleigh. However, on Thursday my friends and I went and had the best expirience. The past four nights before then nobody had come out, and  some nice people from Texas told us about the night before. Apparently, Anthony and Chris were trying to come out and a mob came to them and people had to get escorted out by the police. Then, the bouncer made everyone go home. So on the night we were there the police officer (who is very nice) warned us that no one may come out. We luckily decided to take our chances. Later he just looked into the crowd and yelled at a pickpocket to go home. He told us all that he was a regular and that we should keep our belongings with us. He also told us that Leslie, Lin and Anthony weren't coming out. He also said Chris and Rory probably would and everyone else maybe. First out was Phillipa, she spent so much time with everyone and was the sweetest. The crowd got super excited. Then we all assumed that would be it. Then Alysha came out (a swing who played Peggy/Maria that night). Then we really assumed that was it. Finally, Leslie came out. Let me tell you the crowd went wild. My friend and I started jumping up and down. Leslie is like the coolest person ever and sings like an angel. Especially when he stepped down to sign and take pictures. Usually he just waves then leaves. He spent about 45 and took the time for everyone. The bouncer stayed close to him the whole time, probably based on what had happened the night before. Everyone went crazy, this was one of the first time he has come out in a few months. I got a picture with him and I told him he has the best voice ever (which he does). All in all this was one of the best stagedoors ever because Leslie came out even when the police officer said he wouldn't. I recommend stagedooring as long as you know someone may not come out. Even the time before when just understudies came out I had the best time meeting new people who all love Hamilton around me. 

mikem Profile Photo
#77Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 7/26/16 at 5:25pm

Has anyone tried going since July 9?  Is it less crazy?  And do Austin/Sydney and Seth/Andrew/Austin come out usually when they are on as Burr or Lafayette/Jefferson?  Are more actors coming out in general?

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#78Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 7/27/16 at 3:12am

I went after seeing and stage dooring The Color Purple the week after Lin left.  As I walked to the stage door, I saw Andrew Chappelle on his phone by the curb.  I didn't want to bother him.  Crowds were pretty deep but  I got to see Chris Jackson (my main reason visit) and Sydney Harcourt up-close.  I managed to ask Chris for a selfie which was very kind to oblige.  

Crowds were even deeper when I went to th show 7/19 & 7/22.  When the show let out, the stage door was packed.   But honestly, The Color Purple stage door was pretty deep as well and everyone got a moment with the 3 leads.  So if the Hamilton door looks deep, just be patient!

#79Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 10/22/16 at 10:49pm

I went stage dooring today (10/22/16 Saturday matinee performance) and only Seth Stewart came outside.

mattmarkowski99 Profile Photo
#80Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 1/3/17 at 5:55pm

I was just wondering what the stage door was like recently. Thanks!

#81Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 1/14/17 at 8:52pm

If anyone's wondering about stage door recently, I have a tumblr dedicated to all things Hamilton stage door (http://hamiltonstagedoor.tumblr.com/). It's updated as regularly as possible :)

#82Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 1/15/17 at 6:16am

llnjwrg said: "If anyone's wondering about stage door recently, I have a tumblr dedicated to all things Hamilton stage door (http://hamiltonstagedoor.tumblr.com/). It's updated as regularly as possible :)



You're crazy! In a good way! I've never seen the show nor do I have much of an interest in stage dooring.. but I guess Javier Munoz never stage doors? How was Lin Manuel at the stage door?


#83Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 1/15/17 at 6:53am

Lin stage doored regularly until the show became huge and then it really became too dangerous for him to ever come out.

#84Hamilton Stage Door Broadway
Posted: 1/15/17 at 4:23pm

boonanas said: "llnjwrg said: "If anyone's wondering about stage door recently, I have a tumblr dedicated to all things Hamilton stage door (http://hamiltonstagedoor.tumblr.com/). It's updated as regularly as possible :)

"You're crazy! In a good way! I've never seen the show nor do I have much of an interest in stage dooring.. but I guess Javier Munoz never stage doors? How was Lin Manuel at the stage door?


Yeah, unfortunately Javi never stage doors. He did once a few months ago, and even that was a surprise to the security guards and the policeman who work there. Usually he's escorted by security to a car. From what I understand, he's a lovely human being but very introverted - he doesn't really like the attention that stage dooring entails if that makes sense. It's just not his personality?

And usually I'm not actively stage dooring unless there are new cast members. I prefer to stand in the back and talk to the parents and let everyone else get a chance
