
Who else watches 1776 every year?- Page 4

Who else watches 1776 every year?

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#75re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 9:31am

I'm the other way around -- I always think of Mr. Feeny as "John Adams." re: Who else watches 1776 every year? (And how funny is it that the school in "Boy Meets World" is John Adams High School!)

Other TV connections: I was just looking at the DVD on Amazon (thanks for your answer, JohnBoy) and was surprised to see that Rev. Witherspoon is the governor on "Benson"! I watch "Benson" reruns all the time -- at least, when I can stay up late enough -- but never made the connection before.

Kitzarina Profile Photo
#76re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 9:39am

Yesterday I watched 1776 and The Music Man. Just like I do every year on the 4th of July re: Who else watches 1776 every year?

"You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" --Family Guy

"Shut up! It's been 29 years!!!" --the incomparable Patti LuPone in her MUCH DESERVED Tony acceptance speech for Gypsy.

Kitzy's Avatar du Jour: Kitzy as Little Red Ridinghood in her college's production of "Into the Woods"

NYLG Profile Photo
#77re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 10:00am

Posted by MCfan2:

"I'm the other way around -- I always think of Mr. Feeny as "John Adams." (And how funny is it that the school in "Boy Meets World" is John Adams High School!)"

and that John Adams HS is in Philadelphia...

If you'd have been there...If you'd have seen it...I betcha you would have done the same! - CHICAGO

#78re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 10:01am

Oh my gosh, an audience-participation 1776?! I AM SO IN FOR THAT. The problem is my friends are yet virgins to the musicality of our nation's birth. *ponders* I'll have to get them to watch it and THEN do audience participation at a nother time. Maybe next year. Sigh.

And wow, George Hearn... He would be a wonderful Dickenson. I was thinking, "What do they mean Ruttledge, he'd be much more hardcore as Dickenson," but then, of course, I remembered what song Ruttledge has. And I melted a little inside. So yeah. Wow. George Hearn never ceases to amaze.

I've definitely made it a life goal to play John Adams in a female production. It's settled. Etched in stone. Ditto ditto, etcetera, etcetera.

Magdalene Profile Photo
#79re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 10:56am

Homicide, homicide, we may see murder yet!


#80re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 11:03am

I saw that same great touring cast as 12Bars when I was a lad, and it was marvelous. (Though they had added an intermission, which I know wish they hadn't). It never ceases to amaze me how the show (and the film) creates a true sense of tension and drama over whether or not the Declaration will actually be signed, when we all know the outcome so well.

I watched the film again yesterday (even pulled out my laserdisc for some of the cut scenes) and it is just wonderful in every aspect. Williams Daniels as Adams is just sheer perfection.

#81re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 11:14am


jasonf Profile Photo
#82re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 12:03pm

Every time I watch it it amazes me how INTENSE it is. Every time I forget just HOW close they got to not quite making it. And imagine if Adams had somehow gotten Ruteledge to give in - how different our history would have been!

It also amazes me how the Cool Cool Considerate Men haven't changed on iota in 230 years. Bush would be right in line dancing that minuet with them without missing a beat. Hell, Dickinson might as well have BEEN Bush.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#83re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 12:14pm

Actually, the cool considerate men have changed, completely, over the years. Back then, they were trying to keep us out of a war that was necessary. Now, they are keeping us in a war that isn't!

best12bars Profile Photo
#84re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 12:53pm

jasonf---Funny you mention "Cool, Considerate Men." Jack Warner (the film’s producer) received a LOT of pressure from the U.S. government (under Nixon at that time) to cut that number before the film was released... which he reluctantly and eventually did. I never got the full story, but I did hear that Warner received a letter from Nixon himself, saying that it would do more damage than good to have this controversial song in the film. Can you imagine that???

Never did hear if that was true or not... but Nixon playing "editor" really scares me.

'Cuz he was such a nice, fair guy, ya know?

re: Who else watches 1776 every year?

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#85re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 1:00pm

The token conservative on the board once again feels the need to leave the token message that different conservatives in different eras believe different things. re: Who else watches 1776 every year? I can't say for certain how we all would have believed if we lived in a very different time, but I hope and trust I would have come down firmly on the side of Adams, Jefferson, et al.

Magdalene Profile Photo
#86re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 1:05pm

It figures that Pennsylvania almost put the kibosh on the whole thing!

Thank God for Franklin!!


jasonf Profile Photo
#87re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 3:20pm

I read that story about CCCM also - I think it's up on imdb also.

And yes, the war part may be different, but the views on money and protection of private interests certainly aren't any different. It just so happens the two wars (the one then and the one now) served totally opposite purposes with regards to those individuals economic interests. So, in that sense, they haven't changed at all.
Direct quotes -- tell me this doesn't sound like Bush and his cronies:

"We have land, cash in hand
Self-command, future planned
Fortune flies, society survives
In neatly ordered lives with well-endowered wives"

"What we do we do rationally
We never ever go off half-cocked, not we
Why begin till we know that we can win
And if we cannot win why bother to begin?"
(OK, so that's the deluded side of Bush, but still...)

"And we'll hold to our gold
Tradition that is old, reluctant to be bold.
We say this game's not of our choosing
Why should we risk losing?"

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#88re: Who else watches 1776 every year?
Posted: 7/5/06 at 3:23pm

Well, that just sounds like rich men to me. And, there sure are a lot of rich Democrats sitting on the Hill, as well as Republicans.
