Dorothy Parker's 1920s theatre reviews Feb 11
2025, 10:21:59 AM
Parker was brilliant. I've been reading and loving her reviews for years. People forget that, as scathing as she could be about plays and books she didn't like, she could be wonderfully enthusiastic about what she did like.
Donald Trump Takes Over the Kennedy Center Feb 7
2025, 07:19:28 PM
I had an awful feeling something like this was going to happen. :( He and the Kennedy Center pretty much ignored each other in his first term, but this time he's been trying to take over everything in sight, so I was afraid of this.
Zachery Levi says Gavin Creel died of COVID vaccine. Oct 24
2024, 06:38:28 PM
Horrible. :(
Name a song from a musical you were sorry to lose in its film version as well as one you were happy to gain. Oct 24
2024, 06:12:35 PM
Sorry to lose: "I've Never Been in Love Before," Guys and Dolls.
Happy to gain: "Something Good," The Sound of Music. Not so much because I think it's a great song in itself, but because IMO, it fits the moment so much better than "An Ordinary Couple."
I may think of others later, but those two come to mind first.
Your Favorite Oct 3
2024, 02:18:18 PM
Little Dancer.
Complete CAROUSEL cast recording on its way Aug 24
2024, 01:40:00 PM
The Carousel recording looks intriguing, but I can't wait for the My Fair Lady one! Thanks for the tip on that!
THE GREAT GATSBY Opening Night Critics’ Reviews Jun 19
2024, 02:41:34 PM
Not a review, but I thought this was the best place for it:
"How dueling ‘Great Gatsby’ musicals got the green light" By Andrew Zucker in The Washington Post (Link gifted)
Excerpt: Could dueling “Gatsby” musicals running concurrently on Broadway somehow boost both productions’ prospects, creating buzz and making Midtown Manhattan the place to be for “Gatsby” fans from across the world? It’s more likely that they could confuse audiences, according to Andrew Lippa, a Broadway composer-lyricist. In 2000, Lippa’s off-Broadway musical “The Wild Party” ran at the same time as the Broadway musical “The Wild Party,” both based on Joseph Moncure March’s 1928 epic poem.
“From a marketing perspective, it's a problem,” he explained. “A friend says, ‘You should see “The Wild Party,”’ and somebody says ‘I'll go buy tickets,’ and then you go look for tickets and you’re like, ‘Wait a minute. There are two?’”
“We never had to deal with that issue because our show did not transfer to Broadway,” he added.
2024 Tony Awards Jun 16
2024, 10:00:33 PM
The dancing in the Chita Rivera tribute was great, but I wish they hadn't had dancers dancing and Chita on the screen and people talking all at the same time. It was difficult to focus on any one thing.
2024 Tony Awards Jun 16
2024, 09:12:39 PM
Dan6 said: "Trying to put myself in the position of someone who hasn’t seen any of these shows, W4E was the first performance that made me think I wanted to see it."
I'm someone who hasn't seen any of these shows, and that's exactly how I feel.
Songs from shows that might work in church Jun 10
2024, 04:44:30 PM
"Blow, Gabriel, Blow" from Anything Goes
"Bring Him Home" from Les Mis
"Chain of Love" from The Grass Harp
SARAH BRIGHTMAN To Star in Australian SUNSET BLVD. May 30
2024, 07:46:28 PM
That's too bad -- I was hoping this would work out for her.
THE HEART OF ROCK AND ROLL Opening Night Critics’ Revies Apr 23
2024, 01:22:11 PM
It is a pretty terrible title. Almost sounds like a documentary or something like that.
THE GREAT GATSBY Broadway Previews Apr 16
2024, 10:10:57 AM
pollster2 said: "Call me crazy, but I had an absolute blast at Gatsby. Jeremy and Eva sound incredible -- the entire principal cast is firing on all cylinders. The sets and costumes are stunning. English teachers will HATE this production -- but audiences will eat it up."
As an English major -- many years ago, but once an English major, always an English major :-) -- and as a fan of the novel, I can see myself going as a guilty pleasure, even if it made me wince now
SARAH BRIGHTMAN To Star in Australian SUNSET BLVD. Oct 9
2023, 03:41:33 PM
Bettyboy72 said: "I just saw this. I wanna go! It’s referenced as “lavish” in the announcement. I’d love a lavish production.
Way to steal Nicole’s opening night thunder ALW. Faye said he was “capricious.”"
There is that. But then this announcement comes on the anniversary of Phantom's world premiere, so in that way you could say it's appropriate. Anyway, good for Sarah. I wish her success with this.
Director Jamie Lloyd next project is Phantom Sep 26
2023, 01:15:14 PM
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: ""what if the phantom was hot and the mask was to hide his hotness""
That was the movie version.
UK Theatre Criticized For "Sound Of Music" Content Warning Jul 9
2023, 02:31:24 PM
I certainly hope that producer never tries to watch a Mel Brooks movie. He might faint dead away.
Keep Me In Your Thoughts Jun 29
2023, 12:46:36 PM
Glad to hear it! Take good care of yourself.
Keep Me In Your Thoughts Jun 28
2023, 08:01:06 PM
You're in my prayers.
Charlie Stemp CRAZY FOR YOU West End - P/reviews & Discussion Thread Jun 25
2023, 12:02:25 PM
I've just realized that when I saw Crazy for You on Broadway, Charlie Stemp wasn't even born yet.
And now I feel very, very old. 
The 76th Annual TONY Awards! Jun 11
2023, 08:35:50 PM
That was one awkward Camelot medley. But Soo and Donica sounded glorious -- and oh, those costumes!