
Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight!- Page 5

Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight!

#100re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 8:51pm

Look! It's me! Fabrizio!

#101re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 8:51pm

Anyone else think that they're overacting a little bit? Although, Sarah's number was extraordinary.

While Katie's voice is still not as splendid as Kelli's, her acting abilities are so beautiful, especially with all of these closeups. She really is an extraordinary talent.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#102re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 8:53pm

No problemo Marlo, just watch the generalizing about those college kids re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM! Some of us arent that bad.

This is my second time seeing this and I still dont love it. Like I understand the story its just kind of boring to me.

#103re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 8:54pm

GOLDFINGER is on AMC! What a great movie!!

Tootie 'The Most Horrible' Smith
St. Louis, MO

Marlothom Profile Photo
#104re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 8:55pm

sorry boo. I love collge kids...hahah
I know what you mean, SPOILER MAYBE...but when I saw it, I kept thinking Victoria would have a big big song at the end that would justify everything, and it never came. I can see how some people can find a nice subtle piece entertaining, it just didn't do it for me.

"Observe how bravely I conceal this dreadful dreadful shame I feel."

#105re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 8:58pm

Yeah It was kind of disappointing. Plus, while the music is beautiful, sometimes it seems to just drag, ooooooooooooon and ooooooooooooonnnnn

#106re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:02pm

Katie seems to be getting more comfortable with it and she is improving on the acting side...

#107re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:04pm

I agree. Its weird that she started off shakily though, it isnt as if she's new to the role or anything

#108re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:05pm

Did you forget she is on national television.. or what?

"I have this mental image of Patti barreling down the street and pushing tourists out of her way." -colleen_lee

#109re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:06pm

This is one of my favorite parts.

#110re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:10pm

Someone has to make sure to post if it runs even slightly over time - I need to be prepared! I guess I'll find out about half an hour before it starts airing here...

broadwayunderstudies.com - most underrated performers on broadway

#111re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:11pm

Im sorry, but that shouldn't be an excuse. She's an actress in a Broadway show. Anyways she is doing just fine now.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#112re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:13pm

I guess she was just nervous, it's intimidating for anyone, let alone someone as young and fresh as she is. Act One was wonderful.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#113re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:14pm

Were I to make a guess about anyone overacting, or doing things differently then they normally would, I would say a lot of it is the fact that all the theater lights are turned on right now, instead of just the stage lights. I could see that messing with anyone's head who has never been on TV.

#114re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:18pm

Katie is adorable...

#115re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:20pm

are you referring to the interviews? I think its wonderful that they are running these during intermission

#116re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:21pm

Yes I am...

#117re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:23pm

They are wonderful. Everyone seems so genuine. I loved hearing Katie talk about auditioning and getting the role and stuff. It really is quite an amazing thing for her

Stagerage2003 Profile Photo
#118re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:24pm

The House Lights are not up!

#119re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:25pm

The hat thing is awesome.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#120re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:26pm

I can't believe it takes that much effort to make the hat fly.

daleydiddle Profile Photo
#121re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:27pm

hi i absoulutely love the show and unfortunately i won't be able to watch the program because i am in the uk does anyone know if the show will be aired over seas in the forthcoming future? has anyone recorded the programme? if so i'll pay for all delivery and postage costs via paypal or ebay.

email me on dale_fusion@yahoo.co.uk if interested

catch you later


#122re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:28pm

I'm loving this. I love the end of Act 1. It's so beautiful. I like how they kept the Italian in the show instead of coping out and doing it all in English. It's so well done. The sets are breathtaking. I love how the bed / desk comes from the floor. I have a question though, where do the actors go on the edge of the stage? Do they go down through the orchestra? Or out through the audience?

Oh, I think they're all great actors. I was suprised by Katie's acting, it's really great. Her singing is pretty decent. The ending of "the Beauty Is" was a little off, but I think her acting makes up for it. This part requires a great singer and a great actor not just a singer who can act or vice versa.

#123re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:29pm

wow, i can understand why so many people love this show now!
i thought it woule be much more "merchant-&-ivory".

its a little romantic-y for me, but that victoria clark is something special.

#124re: Light in the Piazza on PBS Tonight 8 to 10:30PM!
Posted: 6/15/06 at 9:32pm

I don't find her struggling/overacting at all. You have to think that we're watching theater closeup, so most of it will come off as overacting, but if you were sitting in the audience it might come off differently. Just the same with Julia Roberts on stage. Upclose she might be giving a brillant performance, but from the last row of the mezz, she's not doing anything.
