
Rosario singing - Without You- Page 6

Rosario singing - Without You

#125More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:07pm

I'll see it when it comes to DVD. No need to rush.

My opinion is based on the little singing Rosario has done and on her own quotes. What is yours based on? You keep repeating that she has experience but you haven't offered any proof.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#126More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:10pm

You stated the experience yourself; and apparently she's been singing since she was a child.

I've heard her sing in person, honey. RENT music. Live. If this argument is solely about the movie, then I've the proof.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#127More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:11pm

Oh, well, now I see the light. Broadway is good and Hollywood is evil.

I really don't care.

If it's good, it's good.

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#128More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:26pm

Ok, if you have so much negative energy towards Rosario, don't see the movie, don't buy the DVD. Like it or not she IS in the movie, she WILL be playing Mimi, now she may do a good job, she may not. But frankly i think alot of us are sick and tried of listen to others bad mouth her. Nobody knows how well she will do because all we have are little hints. Such as the 'Without you' clip. Some may like the clip, some may not.

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it.

Stop complaining, be happy there is a RENT. Be happy there will be a RENT movie. Be happy RENT has done as well as it has.

#129More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:40pm

Slacker if you're still around I do believe this is the teeny boppers Rosario Dawson fan club. No use speaking logic to them, they can't hear you. One of them actually said he/she never even saw Daphne perform yet he can pass judgement on her? I've Mind boggling. I've seen Rent numerous times with several different Mimis and RD can't hold a candle to any of them period.
Rosario has a weak voice people, face the facts. She was most likely cast in the movie because of her bra size.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#130More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:52pm

Jesus. How do you know that she can't hold up? How do you KNOW that she has a weak voice? And you can call it FACT?

You're all so f*cking self-righteous, because you just have to be right.

Teeny-bopper my ass. Eight months ago, I wanted nothing to do with this movie. I've been able to do what you can't - I got over it.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#131More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:56pm

Getting over it was no accomplishment. All you had to do was lower your standards.

#132More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:59pm

Standards based on what? On a movie no one has seen? On a MOVIE?

I reiterate my comment about obsession. See another show. Read a book. Do volunteer work. Talk to other people. Suddenly, even the idea of Rent being the worst movie ever made seems a little less frightening.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#133More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 11:03pm

Don't you dare say *anything* about my standards. You don't even deserve to be told about any of what I've been through in terms of the show, or the movie. One bit.

The irrationality is more frustrating than I can even attempt to express. Just like when you came here to shill Lennon, slacker, you're still totally illogical.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/17/05 at 11:03 PM

#134More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 11:13pm

I don't know how to wrap my mind around all of this.

From the tone of some people, it seems like there are those out there who are just dying for Rosario to mess up, to f*ck up the neat little image of what Mimi is or was or "should be." Why? If, per chance, Ms. Dawson disappoints, is there going to be some kind of a sick high in dishing out 'I-told-you-so's?' If she blows away fans and critics alike, is it still not going to be enough because her career thus far has been in film rather than in theatre?

I'm sure that Rosario Dawson went into a call for this movie because she had nothing better to do, that Chris Columbus and members of the original cast and the Larson family said, "Huh. She's cute. Therefore, she's Mimi, because that makes complete and perfect sense! Who needs to sing?"


I don't know why you're so bitter, Slacker. Perhaps you, as a stage actor, auditioned for a film and didn't make the cut. If that happened to you, then I'm sincerely sorry, but life goes on. Whether it's cheap, or fair, or honest, who's to say? But that's life.

Hollywood, despite what you may think, is not out to get you, nor does it get off on snubbing established, professional actors who happen to make their livings on stage rather than on a movie set.

Stop looking for the evil in everything, take a breath, and try to embrace the changes.

"'But do you really mean, sir,' said Peter, 'that there could be other worlds --all over the place, just round the corner-- like that?'

'Nothing is more probable,' said the Professor..."

-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#135More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 11:18pm

*golf claps*

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#136More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 11:27pm

It doesn't matter if Rosario was a RENT expert before this movie or not. All that counts is that she plays the role well. And no one will know if she does or not until they See. The. Movie.

Let it go, let it go.

Nice post, Libby.

#137More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/17/05 at 11:35pm

In honor of Lennon's opening:

"Let it be."

And thanks, Emcee and Nia.

"'But do you really mean, sir,' said Peter, 'that there could be other worlds --all over the place, just round the corner-- like that?'

'Nothing is more probable,' said the Professor..."

-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

loudasthehelliwant Profile Photo
#138More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/18/05 at 12:20am

I am BOGGLED by how people can be so incredibly hateful towards her interpretation of the character and singing voice... when they haven't truly seen or heard her.

(You could BARELY hear that W/o You clip. How does that count as "hearing" her?)

"I mean, how many of us could honestly say that at one time or another he hasn't set fire to some great public building?"

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#139More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/18/05 at 12:30am

I saw Rosario sing live tonight in TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA in the Park (see my thread for the review). She is not a strong singer. I'm sure they will be using some film magic to enhance her vocals as Mimi. That said, I'm sure she'll make the role her own. Just because she could NEVER sing Mimi live, doesn't mean she won't be fab on film.

zzannahk Profile Photo
#140More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/18/05 at 12:31am

It doesn't really matter anyway, you know with technology and all, c'mon have you ever seen a "pop" star or band live, generally they are awful, technology makes them sound good.

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#141More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/18/05 at 2:52am

Alright, I would have posted earlier, but I was in the city for the day. So lots of this has been reiterated, and maybe even put to bed, but I just want to add a couple quickies.

First off me personally...I went down w/ Em and some others to the Rent set one night--Rosario had been there shooting some of "Without You" and sang to the playback. I sadly got there after that, but was able to watch a tape of that when I got down. I also was apprehensive about Rosario, not knowing her singing experience, but I thought she sounded great in the small clip I saw, and the acting enhanced it. She seems to really capture Mimi, esp. in the song, in her innocent state, in both her acting and her voice.

To say Em lowered her standards is ridiculous and just as ignorant as everything else you've said. She, like I'm sure many others, were very apprehensive when they heard Rent was being made into a movie--it means so much to lots of fans and is such a part of its creator that many would be disappointed if the movie were not to be handled correctly. But the more we've seen and heard, the less timid we became. I can speak for Em, because she was much more apprehensive than me, little by little, she began to see that it was being handled correctly, and she has seen and heard prob a lot more than you have to have come to that decision. She also got to see Rosario film "Without Me" live and her and the others we were with all agree it was great, and none of us had any idea how Rosario sang.

Your whole comment about how she could never do the role on Broadway, 8 times a week, lots of movie actors couldn't handle broadway, we lower broadway standards for movies, etc. may be right but is wrong. Movies are not shows. A movie is one shot, the actor is not expected to do 8 shows a week, but they could still be the best choice for the movie. I mean, there's a huge difference between acting in movie musicals and on broadway. In broadway, sure some ppl are sitting close, but it's nothing compared to the intimacy of seeing people on a screen. Every expression, every...thing is seen. You get more intimate with the characters. For this reason, I think acting becomes even more important in movie musicals than they may be in stage musicals. Some amazing broadway singers just don't have the film presence, look, or "movie" skills to pull the role off on screen. Aside from the fact that Catherine was in musical theatre, let's pretend she wasn't, let's pretend there's no way she could do 8 shows a week--what does that have **** to do with how well she did in the movie? I thought she did a great job and deserved her oscar...nobody asked her to do 8 shows a week, it's stupid to criticize a movie performer for that.

And one more thing...you can make the argument that people involved with a movie wouldn't publicly criticize it, but the Rent cast, esp. have been sooo publicly vocal about how pleased they are with the film, the Larson family has, everyone has been crediting other ppl in the film...I think it's rare that so many people seem pleased. I personally give them enough credit to trust that they know what would make a good movie and what would be true to rent and best for it. Even if I was more apprehensive about the project, it's very difficult to not be hopeful after reading all this. I mean, Anthony has done nothing but rave about how great Rosario is--personally, I trust his opinion and expect her to be great in the film, and from everything I've heard and seen, I personally expect the entire film to be great.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

#142More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/18/05 at 1:38pm

Slacker, you're an idiot.

Only Broadway actors for Rent? What was your response when the show opened in 1996? Adam Pascal and Idina Menzel were not musical theater actors. By your logic, shouldn't they have cast actors/singers with professional credits?

I don't understand this "Hollywood is evil" argument. If a Broadway actor leaves NY for a film or TV role--like Taye Diggs or Jesse Martin from the OBC--have they turned to the dark side? It's called show business, and good for them for succeeding.

I'm not passing judgment on Rosario because I haven't seen the movie or heard her sing. I've only seen her in "Sin City," but I thought she was great in that. I've been reading about the film version of "Rent" for months now, and it seems like they're taking a lot of care to translate it faithfully.

So quit whining.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#143More on Rosario's singing
Posted: 8/18/05 at 1:54pm

In Idina's defense, did she not go to Tisch? Perhaps I made that up. On Adam's account though, you are right. He'd been playing with a band for several years, and singing since his early teens.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
