The "LIGHT" goes out!

#125re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/3/06 at 4:41pm

I wonder if anyone from the cast kept anything as memorabilia from the show... just little things. That would be pretty neat.

#126re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/3/06 at 8:22pm

Yesterday's final performance of Piazza was one of the most moving performances I've ever attended. The electricity in the house was through the roof!

I'll just say this: As Aaron was singing his last duet with Katie, I looked over (Adam Guettel was sitting in the isle, on a step right next to me) and watched as Adam responded as Aaron and Katie were singing his music. I couldn't believe that I was sitting right next to the man who wrote the amazing music to Piazza- That moment has come and gone but it sure will stick with me forever- That whole final performance will-

And yes- Michael B did in fact end up spraining his ankle. With the Chorus Line coming up, I hope he heals soon:)

Piazza- we sure will miss yoU!

#127re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/3/06 at 10:44pm

Thank a merciful god---this pretentious, half-baked show is finally outta here! Live on? Love on? Move on!

Allison MacKenzie
Peyton Place, New Hampshire

jasonf Profile Photo
#128re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/3/06 at 10:48pm

Seriously, Enchanted Hunter - can you name FIVE shows you actually like?

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

#129re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/3/06 at 10:50pm

Or have actually seen...

#130re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/3/06 at 10:56pm

Hopefully this show will be represented in a venue where a limited engagement wont be a burden to this wonderful show. Though it was extended I believe 4 times, it needs to live much longer than just a little over a year.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#131re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/3/06 at 11:08pm

TheEnchantedHunter, your rude comments would best be left out of a thread designed to praise the show.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

#132re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/3/06 at 11:36pm

i agree threatXthree .

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#133re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/3/06 at 11:43pm

That's right...four extensions! It was initially supposed to close in mid-June 2005. Then it was extended to September 2005, January 1, 2006, March 26, 2006 and July 2, 2006. Though it has now closed on Broadway, it will live on in our memories forever.
Updated On: 7/4/06 at 11:43 PM

Charlayne Vivika Profile Photo
Charlayne Vivika
#134re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 12:06am

I will star in this show regional theater of course.

#135re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 1:43am

"Pizza" will have a very long life.. you can bet that once the tour is over most of the regional theaters will be doing it. It's so amusing because when it first opened in Seattle Adam was hoping that regionals would pick it up (and it would live on that way). Look what happened! You just never know......It became a hit.

It's going to be in the rep for a VERY long time. The only negative thing is that there will be many bad productions along the way (just because people want to do it so much). This is a show that needs the right kind of talent, care, and direction.

#136re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 1:48am

ENCHANTEDHUNTER.... then don't bother reading on this topic. People here enjoyed the show (and we don't always agree on who we liked best or WHY we did). So, you hate the show..... GREAT! It's closed! Just be happy and YOU move on!

#137re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 1:52am

Oh, TheConstipatedHunter is just like that about everything.

You get so you just ignore it.

#138re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 8:32am

"Floyd Collins" is widely done in the regionals and has won many, many local awards there. "Piazza" will do likewise.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#139re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 11:48pm

First of all, BUMP.

Second of all, I just saw the show for the first time this past Wednesday, the 28th (which happened to be Patti Cohenour's last performance). I live in Chicago (moving here AFTER the Goodman production sadly), and unwisely chose to see two other shows when I was in NYC for a few days last year.

I'm so glad I went to New York this past week (just got back today), because TLITP turned out to be one of the best theater experiences I have ever had. Seriously. It is (was) a beautiful show in every way, from the performances (except for Katie Clark...sorry), to the sets and lighting, to the material itself, which I'm sure will stand the test of time of being one of the best musicals ever written. I could go on and on, but you all already know how wonderful this show is. I just wanted a chance to express my belated love of this beautiful work.

P.S. Patti Cohenour was GREAT.

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#140re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 12:07am

Ah, Katie gave a good show. She grows on you. Glad she's not on the CD, but you know.

FOR THE RECORD, I don't think she's a bad singer by any means. Just this score may have been a little beyond her.

There's been a lot of talk over on ATC with people arguing over the relative merits of Piazza. Generally people who like it will say that people who don't like it just don't get it, to which some of the haters respond by pointing up their vast knowledge of musical theater (and music), assuming a pompous tone ala TheEnchantedHunter and declaring that they are well equipped to tell good music from bad music. They then start high fiving each other for being among a vocal minority who comprehend but still do not like the show while spinning their Mame LPs.

But you know? I think maybe... if they don't like it... well, they DON'T get it. I mean, if you don't like something, you can understand it but still not really get why it's so special.

And Piazza was a very special show. I'm fine with people not digging it, whatever. But don't come in and hate, because Piazza was far from "half-baked" and not the slightest bit pretentious. It was a carefully wrought show full of more honest emotion than I've ever seen on the stage and Adam Guettel is an artist who always follows his instincts to great results. Not for nothing critics came away applauding the fact that the musical theater was actually telling stories about real people.

yr ronin,

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#141re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 1:13am

I cannot understand how a musical theater lover could dislike this show. It's everything musicals are supposed to be (but seldom are, at least nowadays). I mean, there's always going to be people who dislike something, but "hate"? How could someone hate this show?

#142re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 1:35am

i was so sad that I couldnt be there for closing night. great show.

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#143re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 1:37am

I don't know, Distinctive, but I feel that way about a lot of things!

yr ronin,

My Strongest Suit Profile Photo
My Strongest Suit
#144re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 2:14am

I was lucky enough to see this wonderful show when i was in the city for my first time. I am sad to see it go but luckily it is going on tour and i'll be able to see it again and share it with my family and friends. I am also very happy that aaron lazar is going to be in the les mis "revival" (or whatever it's being classified as) since it is my favorite show and he was very good as fabrizio. good luck to katie clarke - she should have a wonderful and long career.


DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#145re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 7:54am

This was my first final performance since seeing Ragtime's final in January 2000. What a wonderful experience. I'm so glad I got my tickets when I did.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

GYPSY1527 Profile Photo
#146re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 8:54am

After reflecting on the last performance, I decided to write a semi-review semi-personal reflection. Be warned, its lengthy.

I had the great fortune of attending the closing performance of The Light in the Piazza on Sunday July 2nd by a stroke of luck for the 5th time. At around 11am, I decided that I couldn't resist passing up an opportunity to try and grab a student rush ticket. I hopped on the PATH and was in NYC by 12:35pm. After getting to Lincoln Center, I discovered that they were making the student tixs avilable at 1pm and was 10th in line. When I got my ticket, I discovered that I was in the last row of the loge. Eh I was there, right?! On a side note, during intermission I moved to a front row seat that was empty during act 1!!! After going to midtown to grab lunch and help my sister get a ticket to Bridge and Tunnel, I caught a subway uptown to LITP and arrived 15 minutes before curtain. The lights dimmed and the audience thunderously applauded the beginning of the overture. This excitement only built when Katie and finally Victoria entered. She even got a standing ovation which I had only seen previously at the last performance of GYPSY 2003.

On a more personal note, I was bawling from the first note of the overture to the last note during fable. It was such a wonderful ending to a true original broadway show, one of the best in the last ten years. Everyone in the cast was unbelievable but special appreciation goes to Victoria, Michael, Patti and Sarah. All put everything they had into their roles that night and made it an unforgettable experience. During curtain call, the whole cast was in tears which in turn made me cry even more. One person in the audience even shouted "Thank you!" to the cast when Victoria was mentioning a few thank you's. Adam Guettel and the rest of the creative team came on stage and we were treated to confetti to celebrate the occassion.

Unforgettable moments in the show included:
-Victoria Clark and the coversation with Mr. Johnson. So damn powerful. You could feel her pain.
- American Dance sequence with Michael Barresse
-Lets Walk- the last moments with Sig. and Margaret lingered on for quite sometime
-Fable-during the climax of the number, Victoria recieved energetic applause from the audience. It was freaking unbelievable!
- right before the last bit of dialogue in the show, there was a moment when everything was quite and one could actually hear everyone in the audience crying and sniffiling.

Happy...Everything! Kaye Thompson

Love4Cheno Profile Photo
#147re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 10:29am

The final performance was one of the most moving experiences of my life.

However, the obnoxious woman behind me almost ruined it. At the opening chords of "Fable," she started singing "One Singular Sensation" and gawked to her husband, "A Chorus Line!"

I wanted to KILL her.

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#148re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 10:35am

You should have, L4C... I would have...

But I was too busy sobbing...

Love4Cheno Profile Photo
#149re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
Posted: 7/5/06 at 10:43am

Me too cookie! I was seriously depressed all weekend.
