Stage Door Egos

Ladyofthe Lake Profile Photo
Ladyofthe Lake
#175re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/30/05 at 11:23pm

I'm firmly of two minds on the whole notion of an actor's obligation to fans after a stage performance (I'm not even going to address the larger issue of an actor's obligation to fans *in general*). I don't believe performers are obligated to do the whole stage door "meet and greet" thing, although it's lovely when they do it graciously. However, when performers *do* come out the stage door, at the very least they should be polite to the fans waiting, even if they can't/won't stay and sign. A smile and an "I'm sorry, I really have to be going" isn't asking too much. If they can't even manage that level of politeness, they should leave through another exit. I think sometimes performers, especially well-established, popular performers, forget what it feels like to be a fan. Rude performers probably don't give their behavior a second thought, but it can be a painful memory for a very long time to the fans they inflict it on.

TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#176re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/30/05 at 11:24pm

well we were like oh we could hear some Philip in there. And he laughed and was like "yes I do that for the die hard fans. Only some know about the voice." Then he dipped his voice down into Philip and then I said is it dorky to say I carry around my taboo bag? And his reply was like "I carry mine around too." It was cute. Also a random note if you see him with a light blue sharpie thats mine cause he talked about how much he loved my friends blue sharpie so i gave him mine. All right random moment over hehe.

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#177re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/30/05 at 11:35pm

ha! I adore the sarcasm, and the growling. He kept your marker?! That's cute. re: Stage Door Egos

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Marlene Profile Photo
#178re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/30/05 at 11:49pm

"And if it is true that little teeny bop girls are mobbing WICKED stage doors, well, that alone would put me over the edge."

Actually the stage doors at Wicked weren't really mobbed the two times I've been there. Though...JLT never came out the two times I was there...but the guy at the door did tell me both times that she doesn't come out during matinees. Which is a bummer because I absolutely adore her. Then time some girl started sobbing when the guy at the door said that Jen wasn't coming out. And another time there was a really rude guy that asked anyone who walked out of the stage door "Were you in the show?" I felt like slapping him. When Phillip (Chistery) came out I cheered...he didn't have a sharpie...I lent him mine...and well...suddenly everyone wanted his autograph after I asked him.

I never get to do stage door if I go with my parents for an 8:00 show.

Audryna Profile Photo
#179re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 5/1/05 at 2:11am

I cannot understand why you have taken offence to my post Caravaggio as it was not meant to insult merely explain why I couldn't understand why an actor would not feel a sense of satisfaction from signing an autograph. I wouldn't find a squiggle of the pen and 20 minutes of my time demanding purely for the fact that they just paid 2 hours for the pleasure of mine AND ENJOYED IT. It would seem charitable to offer a thank you for their contribution to my pay check. And obviously I do not feel alone in this Caravaggio as there are very few actors not happy to autograph as opposed to the many who exit the stage door bearing warm smiles with sharpies at the ready.

As for saying it is poor manners to ignoring someone who is trying to get your attention, too right it is! I will now go so far as to add it is something you should have been taught by the time you were three when your parents where trying to get your attention.You should have been taught to turn around and reply. And there is NO EXCUSE for ignoring someone who is trying to get your attention and IT IS the sign of someone who has not been brought up right.


If you were put off by my post Caravaggio then it is a difference of opinion and I am sorry for offending. But your response was definitely in a more aggresive tone than my post was so instead of continuing this, let's just let it go and say bygones ok?

"It takes considerable knowledge to realise the extent of your own ignorance." Thomas Sowell

#180re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 5/1/05 at 3:23am

personally I am not that big a "stage door" fan per se ... Of course I don't live in NYC and haven't seen that many productions there anyway. Locally, times I've been to a stage door after a performance, it's been because I knew some of the actors. I've had them sign programs for me because I admire them. Autograph collecting, from famous or not-so either one, I've never gotten into. Not knocking it, it's just not my personal thing.

When I saw Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (opening), I didn't get a single autograph after the show even though my husband and I went to the stage door entrance and up to Greg's dressing room to hang out prior to leaving for the after-party. I didn't want to be running around asking for them on such a special night ... I just wanted to enjoy myself, and I did. So Greg is getting a Playbill signed for me. No idea when I might get it. It could be tomorrow. It could be Christmas. It doesn't matter. Might take a while because I told him I wanted as many people as possible, including those behind the scenes, to sign it for me and to tell them to feel free to personalize because I won't be selling it on eBay. LOL

I agree with whoever said to not take it personally if a cast member has to rush off.

On these threads I've also noticed that often people will bring up the notion that because "we" (meaning fans) "pay" an actor's salary, we have some sort of right to personal interaction at the stage door. The problem I have with that is, I think that is taking that idea and making it broader than it truly is. Yes, in a sense, we pay them, so to speak ... but what we pay for is their performance on stage, not their personal time. And once they take that final bow and exit stage ... they are on their time, not ours. It's up to them to decide if and for how long they wish to meet fans after that. They have lives apart from their work just like anyone else. If they choose to do the stage door thing, they should be gracious. At the same time, fans should be gracious also and respectful and not expect it's their right to have a personal encounter with a cast member of a show.

I know for a fact that Greg loves meeting fans ... I also know what a devoted family man he is, and I'm sure there comes a point where he must want to just get home to his wife and kids.

I guess this topic does get old, though some of us are newer to this board, so it's not as old to some of us as it is to the long-time regulars here. I do think I've said about all I can though and don't want to go too much into reruns. So .. yeah, I think that pretty much covers it for me. :)

Audryna Profile Photo
#181re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 5/1/05 at 3:40am

Yeah fair enough JBaraFan1. I can see your point there. People have families to go to I just didn't see it as a big problem for a few autographs but I suppose for some people what is a mountain for one is a mole hill for another.

"It takes considerable knowledge to realise the extent of your own ignorance." Thomas Sowell
