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Member Name: Ladyofthe Lake
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re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
 Apr 17 2009, 09:24:56 PM
I think the strength of the reaction elicited by this woman goes beyond the "revelation" that less-than-attractive folks can be talented. That wouldn't be enough to affect people on a deeply emotional level, and I don't believe there's any question that Susan Boyle has done that. It's more that people can relate to her, on an almost primal level. Who among us - even the most youthful and beautiful - has never felt unfairly dismissed, or rejected, or misjudged, or marginalized for some superfi
re: Did Anyone Go to the Last Performance of Spring Awakening?
 Jan 19 2009, 06:01:22 PM
I've been reading BWW too long. I was expecting an answer of "No. The cast played to a completely empty house."
re: Tipping Your Dresser?
 Dec 30 2008, 11:32:37 PM
TheatreDiva, I just want to let you know how much I'm enjoying your posts in this thread. They're absolutely fascinating. If you have any other anecdotes you want to share, I'll be thrilled to read them!
re: 'Critics are the syphilis and gonorrhea of the theater' - David Mamet
 Dec 29 2008, 09:07:35 PM
This is all just HEARSAY from some two-bit ACTRESS out to make a buck.

She may indeed be "out to make a buck," but if she witnessed this behavior firsthand, as the writing implies, it's not "hearsay."

Just sayin'.

re: New information on the Rocky Horror Remake...
 Aug 18 2008, 06:43:17 PM
Ah, yes, the extremely unattractive Mr. Curry as William Shakespeare in a British TV miniseries...

Anyone doubting Tim Curry's attractiveness and sex appeal in Rocky Horror should search out any of the myriad videos of the film's "Sweet Transvestite" on That Site and check out the viewer comments. The man was scorching hot in that film, and among the film's fans, that's hardly a minority opinion.

I know pretty much nothing about Russell Brand, so I can't say much more ab

re: Anyone see any Bway stars perform before they 'made it'...?
 Jun 28 2008, 10:16:40 AM
I saw Scott Bakula (and John Kassir, although he isn't a "Broadway star") in 3 Guys Naked from the Waist Down at UNC-Chapel Hill before the show made its way to Off-Broadway. I also saw Michael Cumpsty and Kathryn Meisle in several productions at UNC.
re: SPAMALOT - Help!
 May 3 2008, 08:59:10 PM
I hadn't seen Holy Grail since college (which was, trust me, many years ago), hadn't enjoyed it at the time, and remembered next to nothing about it. It didn't matter. I've seen, from other comments that have been posted various places, that my experience was not unique.

Your experience was not unique, either, but neither was it universal. THAT was my point.

re: SPAMALOT - Help!
 May 3 2008, 08:49:17 PM
I have a sense of humor, and I've seen a hell of a lot more theatre than you, Cartwheel, and I did not like it just fine.

Any piece of theatre that has a movie-watching prerequisite isn't good theatre.

A good piece of theatre needs to be able to stand on its own two feet.

There are Monty Python fans who disliked Spamalot, and others who loved it. There are non-Monty Python fans who loved it, and some who disliked it. Your experience is perfectly valid for
re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
 Apr 24 2008, 08:33:33 PM
By this point in the competition, I can only assume that the quality of the performances has taken on a lesser importance; the people who are inclined to vote have chosen their favorites, and will continue to vote for them no matter how well they actually perform. At any rate, that's the best explanation I can come up with for this week's bottom two.

Queen of the Night, I loved your post. Your suggestions for alternate song selections were spot on. And I was also impressed with ALW..

RE: Top Ten
 Mar 31 2008, 10:24:04 PM
But I could be really off kilter and add his performance as John Silver from Muppet Treasure Island into the mix; but that seems to be a bit off base...

Not to me.

RE: Top Ten
 Mar 31 2008, 09:54:10 PM
Wow. Susan Sarandon merits a mention for "Rocky Horror", but Tim Curry gets his for..."Annie"? For real?

No criticism intended, honestly. But while I enjoyed Tim in "Annie", I thought his performance in "Rocky Horror" was truly phenomenal.

re: Max Crumm and Laura Osnes
 Mar 30 2008, 02:14:37 PM
In the West End, the hype surrounding The Sound of Music revival was seeing Connie Fisher, the winner of the reality show "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?" Connie has since left the show, and Summer Strallen has replaced her. I don't know what the attendance numbers are, but the show's still running. I have no idea of the terms of Max's and Laura's contracts, but it isn't entirely inconceivable that the show could continue without them if the replacements are well-cast.
re: Is James Barbour ever going to be back on Broadway
 Mar 30 2008, 12:32:03 PM
It is absolutely unfortunate. Just last night I was surfing the site that shall not be named and came across a vid of him singing "Let Her Be a Child".

Oh, the irony of that song title.

It's unfortunate he didn't keep it in mind when dealing with his underage fan. It would have saved everyone, including him, a great deal of grief.

re: any1 a fan of michael mcgrath?
 Mar 30 2008, 08:49:31 AM
I didn't realize Michael went on for Evan Pappas more than once in My Favorite Year! I saw him after opening, sans book, and if I hadn't been informed that he was the understudy, I probably wouldn't have ever known it wasn't his usual role. It's funny - my one and only fan letter for the past 20-plus years was sent to him during his Spamalot run, and I mentioned that I'd seen him go on for Evan Pappas. He was kind enough to write back, and his reply made it sound as if it had been a one-time
re: Good Luck on 'Dancing with the Stars' Marissa!
 Mar 26 2008, 06:46:01 AM
No, she was not necessarily in the bottom two - that was explicitly stated.
re: Is the Best Replacement Tony History, or does Clay have a shot?
 Mar 25 2008, 06:43:48 AM
The originator of the role didn't have to be nominated. The role just had to be eligible for a leading actor/actress nomination.

Exactly. And Sir Robin was not.

Actually, it was. Whether or not it should have been is another matter. London did it differently, with Arthur being the only male leading role, and the Lady of the Lake considered leading rather than featured.

re: Is the Best Replacement Tony History, or does Clay have a shot?
 Mar 24 2008, 10:24:47 PM
For the record, because David Hyde Pierce wasn't nominated, Aiken wouldn't, either.

The originator of the role didn't have to be nominated. The role just had to be eligible for a leading actor/actress nomination.

But if you're saying that if David Hyde Pierce couldn't manage a nomination with that role, then there's no way that Clay Aiken could...that's a different argument.

re: Fosse vs. My Favorite Year (March Madness, Round 1, game 31)
 Mar 16 2008, 09:49:29 AM
My Favorite Year.
re: Brief comments on SPAMALOT
 Feb 7 2008, 10:27:38 AM
Ladyofthe Lake - creates good discussion. Gilliane is the first person to actually be interested in why I felt that way.

If that's your intention (rather than to deny the validity of differing opinions), I can respect that. I can only comment with any authority on the performance I saw with Tim and Sara - which was not either of the performances you saw - but from my vantage point, they both looked as if they were having the time of their lives up there. Tim's performance was

re: Brief comments on SPAMALOT
 Feb 7 2008, 08:16:54 AM
Earlier in this very thread, you mentioned you thought Curry and Ramirez walked through the performances. You've mentioned it in numerous other threads as well, pretty much at every possible opportunity. Can't you let someone offer a differing opinion without having to counter it yet again?
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