
Scott Alan's "Warmth of the Womb"

Scott Alan's "Warmth of the Womb"

#1Scott Alan's "Warmth of the Womb"
Posted: 11/25/09 at 5:12pm

I'm planning to perform Scott Alan's song Now at an audition, I know the song is from the musical "The Warmth of the Womb", but after scouring the internet i haven't been able to come up with any information about it. Does anybody know what the show is about and can help at all?

#2re: Scott Alan's 'Warmth of the Womb'
Posted: 11/25/09 at 7:39pm

I've never heard of it either, but you can contact him directly at http://www.scottalan.net/contact.html

musicalbluemirror Profile Photo
#2re: Scott Alan's 'Warmth of the Womb'
Posted: 11/27/09 at 1:36pm

i too dont know anything about that show but that song is really great and alot of individual performance work can be done on it without knowing the show
its a nice piece in my book :)

#3re: Scott Alan's 'Warmth of the Womb'
Posted: 11/27/09 at 2:09pm

Yeah i really love this song, and all of his music, I have to speak the song as well, rather than sing it, which was kinda weird at first, but I'm really enjoying the challenge. I'm just worried that if at the audition they ask me anything about the character or how the song fits into the show or anything, and I'm gonna have nothing to say about it. I will contact Scott Alan through his official website though, and keep my fingers crossed i get something back!

CONAries Profile Photo
#4re: Scott Alan's 'Warmth of the Womb'
Posted: 11/27/09 at 6:04pm

He does personally reply to EVERY e-mail, but sometimes it takes a day, some times it takes a month, I'd estimate at a 2 week wait before a response!

You may find it quicker to PM him on Facebook!

musicalbluemirror Profile Photo
#5re: Scott Alan's 'Warmth of the Womb'
Posted: 11/28/09 at 1:15pm

please do post part of his reply about it in the context of the story as i too would love to know about what it was written in for :)

#6re: Scott Alan's 'Warmth of the Womb'
Posted: 11/29/09 at 8:06am

Sure, he said:

'Now' and all songs from 'The Warmth of the Womb' were written during personal situations in my life and compiled into a song cycle. As I try to explain to everyone, use your own experiences in life to tell the story and find your own voice in the lyrics and the melody to direct the audience to understanding in a better sense where you're character is currently. I hope that helps. Best, SA

I feel a bit starstruck that i got an email from Scott Alan, lol, but i guess i don't need to worry about what they ask me at the audition!

musicalbluemirror Profile Photo
#7re: Scott Alan's 'Warmth of the Womb'
Posted: 11/29/09 at 12:41pm

if they do happen to ask you you could always say that its a piece from a song cylce titled the warmth of the womb by SA

thanks again for posting!
i kind of figured that they were written from personal things going on because that song especially is very specific and personal

#8re: Scott Alan's 'Warmth of the Womb'
Posted: 12/1/09 at 1:06am

I wish he would put his ego aside and work with someone who would push him a bit in relation to musical character, oh how he'd soar with some balance.
