
The Battery's Down Series Finale

The Battery's Down Series Finale

#1The Battery's Down Series Finale
Posted: 12/3/09 at 6:05am

Okay, didn't see any other threads, even searched, so i'll just say that, though i've greatly disliked most of the first and second seasons, the finale not only made me cry, but sad that the show is now over. "Act Three", by Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey should be in a musical, and the finale was just as great. Smart, fast, witty, everything the show was supposed to be from the start and (In my opinion) failed to do in most episodes. However, the finale more than makes up for it, and I'm happy to see it end on a high note. Any other comments?

Larcen26 Profile Photo
#2re: The Battery's Down Series Finale
Posted: 12/3/09 at 11:47am

Actually, I didn't like it at all...I really liked the first season, but the wheels completely came off in the second.

As for the finale, I really didn't like "Act Three"...it said the same thing over and over for something like 8 minutes. Pretty enough music, but it should have been cut in half.

And I know I might get spammed on this...and this is a "spoiler"...but.....

I really think that Jake coming out kind of ruined the entire show...half of the comedy in both seasons was based on him being a straight guy in musical theatre, and people thinking he is gay. If he is actually gay, and in denial or something like that, for me, it makes the jokes not funny anymore.

But the reporters using dumbbells as microphones did make me laugh...as did Nina's resume saying she played Milky White.

I have other criticisms, but for many they would seem nitpicky, so I will stop there...
I liked the show, I just wish that the second season and finale were half as good as the first.

Baritone in search of a role in a new musical...

gypsymal56 Profile Photo
#2re: The Battery's Down Series Finale
Posted: 12/3/09 at 12:22pm

I agree with Larcen about "Act Three". I found myself waiting for it to be over. The song was nice, but I can only watch Jake meander around and longingly look at the camera so much.

The final number, however, was awesome. It had the same spirit you can find once in a while in The Battery's Down. It was fun, lighthearted and engaging. You really got the feel that Jake and co. are just good friends goofing off in front of the camera. The last number made me feel, as an audience member, like I was a part of that.

CateBroadway Profile Photo
#3re: The Battery's Down Series Finale
Posted: 12/3/09 at 2:16pm

I'm not ashamed to admit that I teared up during "Act 3" and was full on crying during the finale. I've not always loved every episode but I've always supported them. Writing and producing a series on your own is astounding and as far as I'm concerned they've had more genuinely great musical moments than another certain show in syndication.

As for the gay thing, I was SO proud. I don't know Jake but have friends who know him and from what I've gathered, Jake has ACTUALLY been struggling with his sexuality since the beginning of this show. He's recently come out of the closet and I applaud his braveness. I was particularly moved when I thought about the little gay boys in Idaho and Missouri who were probably watching this and seeing all of these Broadway people celebrating the love between two men and two women.

Larcen26 Profile Photo
#4re: The Battery's Down Series Finale
Posted: 12/3/09 at 3:27pm

I am glad someone agrees with me about "Act Three." Aside from the song itself, I have always thought that Jake's voice does not shine in ballads, the songs from Roller Coaster Highway fit into his voice much better.

But in regards to his coming out...I just want to point out that I did not in any way mean that I thought it is some sort of travesty that he is gay...
But as someone who is purely a viewer of the "TV" show, I think that it really came out of the blue...he even responded with a "Duh" type of smile. Wouldn't it have been better to have a plotline exploring his realization/struggle? Maybe instead of that horrible Bad Pussy stuff? Even one part of one episode?(And yes, I know that it is likely that it was an extremely hard time for him and he may not have wanted to parody/expose such a personal thing for the sake of a webisode...but still, would you rather watch a person growing into the man he will become, or hear a bunch of bad **** puns?)

I guess I just wish that there were more thought put into the actual "plot" of the show in the second season...I know that it is semi-autobiographical, but still...

Baritone in search of a role in a new musical...
