
'Time Stands Still' first preview

'Time Stands Still' first preview

#1'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:25am

anyone go? I'll be there tomorrow night, can't wait.

After Eight
#2'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 8:33am

I wouldn't call it an engrossing evening, or a particularly enjoyable one, but it does have some effective moments. The first act is slow, the second is better. Overall, I would say it's moderately interesting, but with too many polemic soapbox speeches, and some inconsistencies of character.

The acting was good.

#2'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 9:27am

If you haven't cancelled you subscriptions by now- then you will after seeing this snoozefest ....a pointless, bore with awful writing, awful direction and horrible performances by 3 out of the 4 actors- Linney is always interesting to watch but she plays an unlikable shrew in this horrendous dud.

LaCageAuxFollesFan Profile Photo
#3'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 9:31am

Saw the first preview as well. It's a play that stays with you, for sure. It is a hard play because of its themes, and they will give you much to think about after you leave the theatre.

The reason to see this though is because of this cast. They each are pretty exceptional with their characters. But it's Laura Linney who gives the strongest and most vivid performance. An exceptional actress. Not miscast like she was in "Les Liaisons Dangereuses."

It is a well told play, but very serious and some themes people might not want to listen to. That said, I'd definitely recommend it for the acting alone.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#4'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 9:46am

I was there last night too, and I generally really liked it, even if it was a case of superior acting overcoming some faults in the writing.

After Eight- You're right that there were some character inconsistencies and sudden flop-flips of sentiment, but the acting more than compensated for these flaws, and I found myself enjoying the drama immensely.

Laura Linney is giving an awesome performance, and I find her to be much better suited for this role than in her last outing in Les Liasons. She plays contemporary, strong women very well, and this role lets her display her skills well. Her scenes in act 2 with Brian D'arcy James in particular are excellent, especially for a first preview. She already has a vivid sense of character and knows what she wants to do with the role.

Brian is able to have some nice moments as well, and the two leads have great chemistry. I loved Brian in Next to Normal, and was glad to see him in another drama. He has a strong presence and the two of them really kept me engaged in the story (which on paper probably doesn't seem as strong as what was presented last night).

Silverstone kind of has a fluffy, stereotypical role in act 1, but she gets a little more meat to chew off in act 2. I actually found her to be convincing in an unassuming way.

Eric Bogosian, who wrote Talk Radio, plays Silverstone's older love interest and does a fine job.

The play reminded me a little of Scenes From a Marriage. Silverstone and Bogosian were the Bibi Andersson/Jan Malmsjo couple and Linney and D'arcy James were the Liv Ullman/Erland Josephson pair.

Even if the play wasn't perfectly written, I did think it was refreshing to see something about the Iraq war that had an interesting angle I don't always think about. I found this to be MUCH more engaging and interesting than Language of Trees, for example. They were able to discuss their roles in the conflicts without having the whole play be about the conflict, if that makes any sense.

Bottom line: Definitely worth a visit, if for the performances alone.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#5'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:04am

Did they sign?

#6'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:20am

I saw Rock of Ages last night and dropped by to look over the situation before I see the show on Thursday.

Alicia Silverstone briefly signed and posed for a few pics. She was in a rush, due to the weather and having about 10 bags to carry. After that, there were only three people left waiting.

Brian D'Arcy James and Eric Bogosian were out next. Eric signed and posed for pictures while I talked to Brian.

I left after that, so I cant speak of what happened with Laura Linney.

I'll report again after I see the show on Thursday.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield

#7'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:22am

What was the exact running time? I'm coordinating a train schedule for a friend. Will an 8pm show be done by 10pm SHARP? Thanks!

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#8'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 10:22am

Laura walked away quickly and didn't sign, but she was also in conversation with someone. It all happened very quickly, but I think if I would have stopped her she would have signed.

Alicia came out with a bunch of bags and signed a few playbills and then a bunch of people wanted pictures. This seemed to annoy her a little and she left quickly thereafter.

I think I'll go back and see it again later in the run and will try to stagedoor again. I really want to get Laura to sign to let her know how amazing she was.

Steven- I think the show was almost exactly 2 hrs

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
Updated On: 1/6/10 at 10:22 AM

jennifer252 Profile Photo
#9'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 12:12pm

Has anyone got rush tickets for this show? I assume rush tickets shouldn't be too hard to get but if anyone who went could give their input that'd be great.

#10'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 6:45pm

How was Brian Darcy James? He deserves to be in a good show - he is so talented.

#11'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 11:43pm

maybe it is because i am in PR & Journalism but i thought the performance tonight was spectacular and nothing short of something that should definitely be remembered come tony time. go see it.. it was awesome.. some problems here and there w/ the script that should be changed but come opening it will knock everyone's socks off every night

#12'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/6/10 at 11:49pm

Just got abck from the 2nd preview.

First off--- let me say that I think that the negative comments are undeserving. Is it the best play i have ever seen? No. Is it enjoyable and have strong performances? Yes. Does it raise a lot of questions that you will think about after you leave the theater? Absolutely.

The writing is pretty good throughout IMO. My only qualm is that I felt that it ended a little abruptly. I thought the four performances were actually all quite strong. Laura Linney has the meatiest role of the bunch and really lives up to what she is given. I think she is a very talented actress on stage and off. Also, I have to agree she is much better cast then she was in that awful show she did at Roundabout a few years back. Alicia Silverstone was very enjoyable. Still playing the same type she has always played, but with her maturity she also brings more substance to her role. I really was impressed with her. Brian D'Arcy James is great. I think he is so damn talented and it is very nice to see him in something completely the opposite from Shrek. Eric Bogosian was also very good. Overall I thought the performances were solid, convincing, and engaging.

I honestly had a fun time tonight at the theater. I thought the show was thought provoking as well as entertaining. I think it will get stronger as previews go along as well. I would like to revisit this show after it opens and see how it has grown.

#13'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/7/10 at 12:00am

it does raise a lot of questions.. a lot of ethical questions which really ring true.. i sat through a seminar the other day that brought up so many things that were mirrored in the play.. i really couldn't get enough of it

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#14'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/7/10 at 12:06am

Well, I was also at the play tonight...
I had no expectations whatsoever and I was pleaseantly surprised with this fantastic play.
The acting was excellent, from every actor. Brian is always perfection and Laura is a legend-in-the making. She is absolutely outstanding. A force of nature on stage.
"Time" is a rollercoaster of emotions; I was laughing out loud and suddenly by the end of the act 1 I was completely moved and teary eyed. I think the playwright was smart enough to keep the audience engaged, either laughing or connected to the characters very effectively.
This play had a lot of witty wonderful lines, it was filled with thought provoking subjects brought up by the wonderful Donald Margulies and with a spotless direction by Daniel Sullivan. This is the real deal, what theatre and Broadway plays should be all about.
I can't rave enough, I expect a lot of Tony Awards for this new jewel of a play. EXCELLENT!

Stagedoor: I chatted with the lovely and gorgeous understudy Monica Mc Carthy(who played both roles out of town) and she told me the play was very changed from yesterday.
Eric Bogosian was very nice, and stayed and took pictures and so did Laura Linney. Alicia Silverstone on the other hand signed for the 5 of us standing there but refused to take pictures. Brian D'Arcy James never came out.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

After Eight
#15'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/7/10 at 1:16am

Yes, the issues raised in the play are worth thinking about, but as presented by the author, seem more appropriate for a talk show or a professional conference than for characters in a play. But since these discussions do indeed take place in this play, then they needed to be more carefully thought out. The soapbox speeches of the Silverstone character in particular seemed absolutely ridiculous considering how the character was portrayed (very poorly, I might add).

LaCageAuxFollesFan Profile Photo
#16'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/7/10 at 6:25am

well this play is certainly diving folks into 2 camps so far, but I really have to stick up for the first preview I saw and say it is a pretty substantive piece of contemporary American theatre.

Donald Marguilies style of writing has always been unto a league of his own, and not always what theatre-goers are always used to seeing.

This show is very reflective of where we are as a country right now in the half-finished feeling of where were are in our current wars.

And Laura Linney is giving a star performance here and her character is a grim reminder of the affect war can have on people. What she does with her characters anguish is fascinating to watch as she is thrown off balance by different circumstances that all stem from the effects of war.

It is incredibly timely, and I appreciated its soberness and that it actually demands an audience to use their brain. It's well worth the investment, imo.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#17'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/7/10 at 10:18am

I'm with LaCage, it was phenomenal!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#17'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/7/10 at 10:18am

I'm with LaCage, it was phenomenal!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#19'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/7/10 at 8:19pm

God I hope this gets extnded 2 weeks so I can see this when Im there at the end of March !! :)

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#20'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/8/10 at 1:35am

feeling electric! Now I recognize you, I knew that I knew you from somewhere! I saw you at the stage door after this play last night...

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#21'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/8/10 at 1:37am

Did anyone else have the privilege to see this glorious play?
I'm still wowed by Linney's performance and the writting by Margulies. Wow!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#22'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/8/10 at 2:29am

I finally saw it last night, and I have to agree with the raves for it.

It's timely. and powerful theater. I looked at Laura Linney and couldn't think of Kimberly Dozier (the news reporter who was critically injured covering the Iraq war).

Brian D'arcy James really impressed me. I found a lot in his portrayal that reminded me of his performance in Next to Normal, and how sorry I am that he didn't stay with it.

It was nice to see Eric Bogosian in a lighter role than his usually heavily dramatic fare.

I didn't particularly care for Alicia Silverstone's performance, but it's not her fault. The role seems like a slightly more educated and mature version of Cher from Clueless. I was expecting more of a departure from that, which was disappointing. I repeat that this is not her fault, as she can portray the character the way it's written.

Despite this flaw, I enjoyed the play very much. I look forward to seeing it again if a few weeks.

I stagedoored the show on Wednesday night after seeing RACE (another great play) and Thursday night.

I did see you on Wednesday muscle23ftl, and the situation was exactly as you described.

Everybody came out on Thursday, starting with Eric and Brian.

When Laura came out, Alicia attempted to sneak behind her to a car. When she was spotted, she signed three autographs and posed for one picture before getting in the car. I got neither, and this is where I have a problem with the whole situation.

Before everyone starts lecturing me, I understand that performers owe you nothing after the performance. All I ask is that they be consistent.

It sucks that Alicia chose to sign and pose for three people when there were only 10 at the door. It's not as if she was leaving any sooner by doing this, as she was traveling in the same car as Laura Linney. Laura was still signing and posing for minutes after Alicia got in the car. Either take the extra few seconds for everyone or refuse everyone.

I'm hoping for a better outcome the next time.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield
Updated On: 1/8/10 at 02:29 AM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#23'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/8/10 at 2:43am

Feelingelectric, say hi the next time you see me. Were you at Hair tonight as well?
You know, I also get frustrated with some of these stars attitudes, but I'd say just quit "stagedooring" this play, Alicia is evidently not very good at posing for pix and it seems like she doesn't care much about her fans. I will still love her, but it's just the way it is, if her attitude bothers you, don't expose yourself to that anymore.
With that said, I might stagedoor again, because I am not bothered by it much. Haha. She did sign all 5 playbills that night I saw her though.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#24'Time Stands Still' first preview
Posted: 1/8/10 at 4:03am

Good eye! I was at Hair tonight for like a second. I only went down to say hi to Caissie, but just missed her.

I won't let Alicia's attitude that take away from the experience I had with the rest of the cast (especially Brian, whom I've known for over three years). I am definitely seeing this show again, and I will go to the stage door after. I simply won't Alicia spoil that for me.

I simply wanted to vent on the situation, since it was already being discussed.

I'll certainly say hi the next time I see you.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield
