
Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration

Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration

Iheartchipotle Profile Photo
#1Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration
Posted: 12/20/11 at 9:43am

Reading this board for years, and seeing the negative feelings for these writers (but secretly loving some of their music), I have a question:

Let's say we took the best parts of Wildhorn's scores, the best parts of ALW's scores and somehow (and it would be a Herculean effort) had them collaborate on one show together. Wildhorn's pop genre tamed by ALW's occasional moments of grandeur. And then claim it was written by an unknown.

Do you think it would have a chance of success?

I only ask out of curiosity - I think both have merits, but their name precedes and negates any chance of favorable critical reception.

Any thoughts?

There's more than corn in Indiana.

Iheartchipotle Profile Photo
#2Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration
Posted: 12/20/11 at 10:01am

And an addendum, pointed out by another. They would have to get someone that actually knows how to write a good book. :)

There's more than corn in Indiana.

#2Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration
Posted: 12/20/11 at 11:07am

Chipotle employs unethical practices when hiring. Most chipotles across the country have at least two illegal immigrants employed. If we want to see the economy improve, we can't afford to "heart" chipotle.

Iheartchipotle Profile Photo
#3Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration
Posted: 12/20/11 at 12:02pm

Really? Occupy Chipotle? Give me a break. I was asking a legit question about musical theater, and you nitpick over a fast food chain?

Another reason why this board is losing fans. Used to be about open discussion and not about posters' personalities and off-topic baggage.

There's more than corn in Indiana.

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#4Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration
Posted: 12/20/11 at 3:08pm

I can't read the post that well, but I think they were trying for an analogy. I could be wrong, though. Let me try to make sense of it:

Chipotle employs unethical practices when hiring. Most chipotles across the country have at least two illegal immigrants employed.

Broadway keeps letting these guys come back when they really suck, in the opinions of critics and the majority of audiences, because it's quick cash in the bank (at least in Webber's case, most of the time).

If we want to see the economy improve, we can't afford to "heart" chipotle.

If you make a martini mix, piss in it, and serve it to people, and they love it, there's still piss in the martini. I think what he's trying to say is that mixing crap with crap isn't going to produce a diamond.

(And I say all this only in trying to make sense of that post; I'm a fan of Webber and Wildhorn. [Yeah, yeah, yeah, bite me.])

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#5Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration
Posted: 12/20/11 at 3:10pm

^ And then I saw your username and realized I was waaay off. Oh well. I tried.

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

#6Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration
Posted: 12/20/11 at 5:00pm

Publishing rights;
Two composers rather than one composer and one lyricist.

This actually has the makings of a backstage farce--
With Linda Eder and Sarah Brightman in the cast.

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

HBP Profile Photo
#7Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration
Posted: 12/21/11 at 1:09am

if andrew lloyd webber and frank wildhorn collaborated on a musical, critics might simply wipe themselves with its sheet music instead of writing an actual review.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#8Wildhorn/Lloyd Webber Collaboration
Posted: 12/21/11 at 2:40am

Wildhorn and Webber.
Horsemen of the Apocalypse assemble!

http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=972787#3631451 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=963561#3533883 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955158#3440952 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954269#3427915 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955012#3441622 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954344#3428699
