
Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes

Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#1Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/16/12 at 7:27pm

After being told by the box office personnel that yesterday's performance of Anything Goes was sold out it was suggested I get in the cancellation line about 45 minutes to curtain. I did as instructed and happened to be the first person in line at around 1:15.

Shortly after that a family of 3 got behind me and then some more people after them. The security guy came out and said 3 tickets and he pointed to the people behind me. I was somewhat baffled as I was the first person in line. About five minutes later the same person came out again and said 2 tickets. And took the 2 people behind me to the box office.

I eventually got in by finding the lone other single ticket buyer in the line (much to the chagrin of others behind me).

I thought cancellations were first come, first serve and am a bit annoyed by the practice demonstrated at Roundabout yesterday whereby a single purchaser gets ignored because they're "one". Is this common? I do plan on contacting them tomorrow.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

followspot Profile Photo
#2Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/16/12 at 7:33pm

Did you point out to the security guard that you were the first person in line, and ask why they were bypassing you?

"Tracy... Hold Mama's waffles."

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#2Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/16/12 at 7:35pm

Oh I did and got no response.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

egghumor Profile Photo
#3Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/16/12 at 8:34pm

It's uncanny how many friends of mine in New York complain about the box office policies and behavior at ANYTHING GOES. Outside of prices and new add-on fees, this is not something my theater-loving friends normally complain about.

DottieD, did you try: "Don't you know who I am?"

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#4Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/16/12 at 8:38pm

"DottieD, did you try: "Don't you know who I am?""

I'm sure that would have gotten me thrown out of the line!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

shrekster224 Profile Photo
#5Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/16/12 at 9:22pm

I would like to also say how much the Anything Goes box office staff SUCKS. They are the meanest and rudest box office workers that I have come into contact with in NYC theater. I also needed one single ticket, and there were five. So he gave three to the group in front of me and saved the pair. One time, I believe the worker's name was Carlos, told a friend and I that the show was sold out, only for us to find that it was on TKTS when we went outside.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#6Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/16/12 at 9:26pm

It definitely wasn't on TKTS at noon because I went there first.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

shrekster224 Profile Photo
#7Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/16/12 at 9:53pm

I said "one time". It was in October, not this week.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#8Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/16/12 at 9:55pm

I understood what you wrote. I just wanted to add that I went to TKTS first.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

timothyj91 Profile Photo
#9Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/17/12 at 2:32am

I've had mixed experiences at the box office there as well.. I have gone there and made purchases numerous times -- I felt like they kind of had the attitude that they were doing you a great favor to sell you a ticket.. You get what you get and you don't get upset type of deal.. I would go to the box office quite often before the Tony's and ask if there were any good day of tickets.. If there were good tickets I would buy them and attend - if they were bad tickets I would say thank you very kindly and leave.. That being said they kind of treated me like a 2nd class citizen simply because I visited the box office frequently -- is there any rule that says you cannot inquire about day of tickets regularly? I don't think so.. I just like to spend my hard earned money on a good seat and I will go to the box office every day if that's what it takes! =)

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#10Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/17/12 at 3:46am

Every time I've been to the box office, I always end up speaking to the same box office gentleman, who is always pleasant - at best. When I went into the box office to see about rush over the summer, he originally told me there was nothing available in that price range, and just before I walked away he "magically" revealed there was standing room in the rear of the mezzanine for 31.50.

I'd dealt with the previously mentioned gentleman during Bye Bye Birdie as well, and he may not be the most friendly of people, but he certainly is attentive and pleasant. You want rude box office folk? Check out the Hirschfeld or the Broadway.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

followspot Profile Photo
#11Odd cancellation policy at Anything Goes
Posted: 1/17/12 at 9:54am

Let us know what explanation they give you, Dottie. Thanks.

"Tracy... Hold Mama's waffles."
