Lonely I'm Not PREVIEWS

#1Lonely I'm Not PREVIEWS
Posted: 4/11/12 at 6:11pm

Has anyone gone to the previews yet?

After Eight
#2Lonely I'm Not PREVIEWS
Posted: 4/11/12 at 11:27pm

Happy, I very much am not.

An uniniterrupted longueur, unfunny, uninteresting, and glacial in pace. It's like being stuck in a traffic jam for 90 minutes.

#2Lonely I'm Not PREVIEWS
Posted: 4/11/12 at 11:32pm

Caught this tonight and was not impressed. The whole thing felt like a bad indie movie adapted for the stage. Comedic timing was especially off. There were so many moments that should have been funny that played to silence. Sometimes the cast was to blame, but more often than not it was the play. Topher wasn't bad, but not particularly good either. It is a character he has played before and dramatically goes nowhere.

There may have been a few moments of sweetness, but we never really learn enough about the two leads to care. Overall the show went nowhere and contained nothing of note,except a set that was sometimes interesting, but mostly irritating. ( large neon signs and projections that would flash words relating to whatever the next scene would be. For example EX would flash before we see a scene with an ex girlfriend. )

It was all too much. It could make a sweet if slight film, but instead is a dull and irritating play.

timothyj91 Profile Photo
#3Lonely I'm Not PREVIEWS
Posted: 4/14/12 at 4:19am

I saw the first preview on Tuesday and I wasn't really impressed. It definitely had potential but the story seemed pretty underdeveloped. I thought Olivia Thirlby was believable as a blind person though.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#4Lonely I'm Not PREVIEWS
Posted: 4/14/12 at 7:30am

Did she fall off the stage?

Vagabond Anarchist Profile Photo
Vagabond Anarchist
#5Lonely I'm Not PREVIEWS
Posted: 4/14/12 at 10:54pm

I guess I'm in the minority here, but I enjoyed it, and there was a decent amount of laughter from the audience throughout the whole show. I agree that much of this show seemed better suited for a small quirky indie film than a stage show - especially with how brief some of the little snippets of action were - but overall I found it sweet and enjoyable.

#6Lonely I'm Not PREVIEWS
Posted: 4/15/12 at 12:27am

I also enjoyed the show - was great to see Topher Grace in person. Fast-paced 90 minute romantic comedy.

The only suggestion I had is to tone down the brightness of the LCD lights that flash words during scene changes. I found myself closing my eyes tightly during each super-bright word since it was really hurting my eyes. It's like when you're walking on a country road at night and a car comes by flashing its' bright lights at you, or when a policeman shines a flashlight in someone's eyes. Very painful on the eyes.
