Book of Mormon - Friday SRO

#1Book of Mormon - Friday SRO
Posted: 4/2/13 at 12:33am

Hi all,

Hate to make another one of these posts but... could anyone tell me what time I should get in line this Friday 4/5/13 in order to get Standing Room Only tickets for the Book of Mormon evening show? I want to err on the early side-- absolutely don't want to get shut out.

I've already read the other threads on this issue, so I don't need a link to those. Just reply if you can give me a guesstimate for this particular instance.

Thanks much!

phan24 Profile Photo
#2Book of Mormon - Friday SRO
Posted: 4/2/13 at 12:53am

7am to definitely get a seat. 8-9am to most likely get a seat. 10am-probably the last few tickets?

WhatIWasBorn2Do Profile Photo
#2Book of Mormon - Friday SRO
Posted: 4/2/13 at 8:35am

I got in line at 3:30 on a Friday a few months ago and was like 6th in line. Every time I've gone tho, the first person in line got there anywhere from noon to 1pm. I've tried 5 times, and only gotten it once.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#3Book of Mormon - Friday SRO
Posted: 4/2/13 at 8:38am

Phan, it hasn't been that bad in quite a while, especially for a Friday. I did a Saturday matinee about month ago and got in line around 9:15 and was the 4th or 5th in line.

3:30 is too late for a Friday evening, unless the weather is bad. Get there around 1 for a Friday evening.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#4Book of Mormon - Friday SRO
Posted: 4/3/13 at 2:01pm

Thanks all! Appreciate your advice.

One more question-- I know SRO tickets are only sold when a performance is sold out. As of right now, there are a few tickets left for Friday's show (premium only).

What do you think the likelihood is of their actually selling SRO tickets?

madbrian Profile Photo
#5Book of Mormon - Friday SRO
Posted: 4/3/13 at 2:12pm

They'll almost certainly be selling SRO. My guess is that the cancellation line will buy any seats, which will probably be dropped down to regular prices.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson
