
"Loud, Desperate Need For Approval" Leads Tony Nominations

"Loud, Desperate Need For Approval" Leads Tony Nominations

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2"Loud, Desperate Need For Approval" Leads Tony Nominations
Posted: 4/30/13 at 4:22pm

The sting is perfection.

carolineorchange21 Profile Photo
#2"Loud, Desperate Need For Approval" Leads Tony Nominations
Posted: 4/30/13 at 11:48pm

I came here specifically to see if someone had posted this. Brava!

The closing line about Pippin cracked my sh*t up.

"...ah, gays and their wit. Hell must be a laugh a minute!" -Evie Harris

Idiot Profile Photo
#3The Onion Makes Me Cry
Posted: 5/1/13 at 2:41am

Sooo mean. So painfully painfully true and mean.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#4The Onion Makes Me Cry
Posted: 5/1/13 at 10:53am

That last line is just brilliant. The whole thing could be true for nearly any year.
