
So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2- Page 2

So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#25So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 2:41pm

Considering Andy Samberg is one of those cheerleaders, I think we'll be okay. Bobby Moynihan and Taran Killam are also cheerleaders. I'm not sure who the hot bearded one is though.

So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2

#26So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 2:43pm

Yeah and I would like to believe that the "all in good fun" would include Kevin James NOT freaking out over the presence of Andy Samberg's giant bulge on the other side of his car window. The reason it seems dated to me is that I would like to believe most guys would laugh and point and try to get Maria Bello to laugh, not FREAK OUT AND PANIC as he does in the clip that I keep seeing whenever anybody related to the movie turns up on TV.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#27So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 2:45pm

I forgot about the car wash part in the trailer. I think you do have a point.

#28So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 2:51pm

That's the part I was originally posting about, then I stupidly worked in the naked diving. It's weird to me that even when a woman from the cast (THE woman from the cast?) appears on a talk show, that's the clip she brings. Kevin James freaks out over a clothing covered bulge because it contains a penis. Is that the funniest thing that happens in GU2? (That was what the production signs called it last summer in one of the coastal Mass towns they shot in.)

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#29So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 2:54pm

Has anyone seen this movie? Is there a reason the cheerleaders are high school girls and middle-aged men?

#30So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 3:01pm

My friend who lives in the town where it was shot was very excited to see familiar locations, but then they showed the preview before The Heat and he said he guessed he'd be skipping that. Of course, we would be totally lost without ever seeing GU1.

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carolineorchange21 Profile Photo
#31So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 3:06pm

Kevin James has a history of playing dumb fat guy roles. He is making a great deal of money doing this. From King of Queens, where Leah Remini was always busting his chops for being heavy to his string of 2000s buddy roles where he is a meathead, or schlub. I never called the actors Kevin James and Melissa McCarthy schlubs, have only said they have played these kinds of roles a great deal. Perhaps because those are the only lucrative roles out there for heavy actors? Not that Melissa's characters have necessarily been 'fat chick' roles, but I'm a bit sick and tired of only seeing heavy actors in those kinds of roles in high profile vehicles.

I stated I had lost weight because I feel as though I've been two different people in my life and maybe have a unique perspective. Your world view really is altered with such a change in your body.

Doubt anyone would have begun a thread expressing tired displeasure that, yet again, here is the same fat guy falling on skinny guy schtick. I don't think this scene was about gay panic so much as a contrived bit where Kevin James/Oliver Hardy/Jackie Gleason/Chris Farley falls on David Spade/Stan Laurel/Art Carney/David Spade(?)

"...ah, gays and their wit. Hell must be a laugh a minute!" -Evie Harris

#32So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 3:07pm

I think the trailer spells out the premise: First, they came back for a weekend. Now they are moving home.

And...you are up to speed.

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#33So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 3:08pm

I'm assuming they're at a college, and not high school. I haven't seen GU1 and I doubt I'll see this. I'm getting tired of Adam. He needs to break out of the goof ball child syndrome he's got going on before I start caring about him again.

I don't know any straight men who would be comfortable. It's not a homophobic thing, it's just a thing. I don't go to Hooters because I don't want to see big breasts in tight t-shirts. That doesn't make me boob-phobic.

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#34So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 5:53pm

There is at least one fat joke in Bridesmaids. It's when they're at dinner before going dress shopping and one of them says that they'll be bloated as they're trying on dresses. McCarthy says, "Not me. Physically I don't bloat." Would that be funny if Rose Byrne had said it?

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#35So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/12/13 at 10:11pm

I have no memory of that joke so reading it made me laugh out loud.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#36So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/14/13 at 11:53am

Gosh it really looks like we're missing a great film!

Matt Patches, Time Out New York: "Put it this way: In the first five minutes, a deer walks into the star’s bedroom and urinates on his face. It’s all downhill from there."

Even worse than Lone Ranger

Jungle Red Profile Photo
Jungle Red
#38So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/14/13 at 1:43pm

I saw Grownups during a flight and actually enjoyed it. I rented it last night and rewatched it in case I do see the sequel. I believe the clip from Grownups 2, it's all about the weight. In the first movie, each of the five guys insult each other about their various characteristics. In Kevin James's case, he even makes "fat" jokes about himself. There is a scene in the first one , while in a rowboat, Kevin urinates in front of the others. There are no gay jokes made, but simply that he cannot hold his bladder. In fact, unless I'm wrong, in the first movie, there wasn't any gay jokes. The character who received the most insults is Rob Schneider, because of the way he speaks, his Elvis Presley toupee and that he is married to a senior citizen.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#39So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/15/13 at 6:41am

If anyone actually sees the film, I'd like to know did they keep a scene of 7-year-old boys dancing in tights at a recital? (One of the little boys had his crotch padded for a sight gag.)

(My grandson played another of the kids and, considering how little I recall of GU1, I'd rather not pay to see GU2 unless I really have to do so.)

AnthVoice2010 Profile Photo
#40So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/15/13 at 4:03pm

Having actually WATCHED the movie – not a 2 minute clip…I was surprised to find not one but TWO gay characters in it..

One: The hunk yoga instructor every wife lusts after. He not only knows karate but manages, in the best Adam Sandler tradition, to projectile vomit at one point.

Two: The town alcholic-drug-head school bus driver. Adam Sandler puts two and two together and feels the characters need to self medicate is due to his latent homosexuality.

The car wash scene is a setup. Bello brings James to the car wash to look at girls - after confessing she looked at the gay yoga instructor - tit for tat – instead he gets stuck with the guys.

Yes, in a perfect world, the James character would embrace each one and tell them he stands in solidarity with the “fight”…however, this an Adam Sandler Summer Movie….not a pro-gay marriage rally…

Are there winks and nudges, of course, but here’s the thing…theres wink and nudges about EVERYONE…not just homosexuals…and, and this is important, the winks, nudges comes fast and furious at the stars too….....No one is safe.

That said, it’s cute harmless and even filled with good intentions with a scene stealing performance by Taylor Lautner (which is the real shock here).

"There's no damn business like show business - you have to smile to keep from throwing up." - Billie Holiday

Wynbish Profile Photo
#41So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
Posted: 7/15/13 at 4:07pm

Jungle, the bearded one is Will Forte

So OVER the gay panic clip from Grown Ups 2
