
Make up designer in serious trouble

Make up designer in serious trouble

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#2Make up designer in serious trouble
Posted: 5/23/15 at 1:54pm

More details

Apparently this goes back to February.

#2Make up designer in serious trouble
Posted: 5/23/15 at 6:31pm

There was a thread about this when the news first broke.  Obviously, his mistake was taking a photo of someone of the same sex.  If he'd actually had sex with a young female, like an underage sister, then Jesus would forgive him and Mike Huckabee would defend him.  Tough break, sinning homosexualist.

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#5Make up designer in serious trouble
Posted: 12/18/15 at 11:14pm

in serious trouble of his own design

#6Make up designer in serious trouble
Posted: 12/18/15 at 11:26pm

If they were 15 year old females he'd be back on Broadway by now.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

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#7Make up designer in serious trouble
Posted: 12/18/15 at 11:30pm

Namo, it wasn't funny the first time.

Anyway, I wonder who the "colleagues who traveled from across the country to speak on his behalf" were….

AHLiebross Profile Photo
#8Make up designer in serious trouble
Posted: 12/19/15 at 1:44am

Namo and others, even though Georgia is Georgia, I think this guy's sentence resulted less from the fact that the victims were male, but from other factors: 1) He engaged in unprotected sex knowing he was HIV positive; and, less seriously, 2) there were multiple teenagers involved; and 3) somehow, this got into federal court, where sentences are often stiffer than in state courts.

I cannot imagine someone's getting 30 years for nonforcible sex with 15-year-olds without the aggravating circumstance of being infected with HIV.

Audrey, the Phantom Phanatic, who nonetheless would rather be Jean Valjean, who knew how to make lemonade out of lemons.

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#9Make up designer in serious trouble
Posted: 12/19/15 at 1:50am

No, it wasn't funny the first time, but it sure as hell was funny the second time. Drag James and that double standard, Namo.


That being said, this is equally as disgusting. Not all of us can get lucky like Mr. Barbour. I mean, has anyone else in Broadway history ever been a rapist and played a rapist not five years later? What a guy.

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."
