Costumes and Playbills

#1Costumes and Playbills
Posted: 8/14/18 at 8:49pm

I am responsible for clearing out the apartment of a neighbor who has passed.  She was an excellent seamstress and has many costumes she has sewn for a small regional theater she was involved with.  She also has a large collection of Playbills.  Any thoughts on where these items can be donated?

yesraccoons Profile Photo
#2Costumes and Playbills
Posted: 8/14/18 at 8:51pm

Local high schools with theater departments will likely take the costumes. They’re always looking for donations and theater is usually underfunded.

For playbills, I know they take donations for broadway flea? Not sure how you actually get the playbills to them though.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#3Costumes and Playbills
Posted: 8/14/18 at 10:41pm

You could also try reaching out to the tdf costume collection. They are an excellent resource for giving the clothes a second life.

SomethingPeculiar Profile Photo
#4Costumes and Playbills
Posted: 8/14/18 at 10:48pm

Broadway Cares will only accept donations of playbills from the 1940s or earlier. Unless the playbills are from historic older productions or signed by stars, you might have a hard time finding a home for the collection, unfortunately.

dearalanaaaa Profile Photo
#5Costumes and Playbills
Posted: 8/16/18 at 12:14am

Place them for bid on EBay! lots of young collectors would love them. Especially if it's Heathers or Dogfight, I know a lot of people looking for those.
