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Member Name: dearalanaaaa
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The Teeth producer screwed the pooch
 Jan 29 2025, 11:35:00 AM

I enjoyed Teeth as much as the next guy, but the decisions made between Playwrights Horizons and NWS made it go from a top tier comedy gem hidden on Off-Broadway to a show that suffered from over-direction, an over-dose of shock value, and less than compelling advertising. I also think Playwrights smaller size gave it the feeling of being a very time sensitive event to see. I’m not sure where I’d place it after playwrights, but I definitely think adding so many elements hurt it. B

A WONDERFUL WORLD To Close on February 23, 2025
 Jan 26 2025, 05:54:08 PM

It's sad to hear, but I'm so surprised everybody is saying this was an expensive ticket to get or playing to filled audiences. I went to the Thursday matinee this week on a $25 student ticket, and I saw gaps in the audience, plus I got my rush ticket probably an hour after the box office opened and it was a front row, center orchestra seat. The show was fine, but nothing that struck any chords. I'd rather see Tammy Faye than spend another minute watching this at Studio 54. Hoping

 Jan 15 2025, 07:15:39 PM

I'm surprised nobody posted this, but a pleasent surprise for the understudy today was Jennifer Laura Thompson in for Jessica Hecht! she barely stuttered, I really enjoyed the show! Longer review later if I remember.

Poll: Best and Worst Broadway Show of 2024?
 Dec 15 2024, 11:48:42 AM

Some of the shows under best I'm surprised to see. On the flipside, on the worst end I can guarantee the dogpiling on Tammy Faye is only because it closed recently and nobody saw the worse shows (Patriots anyone? Most of the shows we've forgotten by now). If Lempicka closed recently I guarantee that would be the one getting all the hate. Not that I'm defending Tammy, it definitely wasn't the best but it doesn't jump out anywhere close to the worst shows I've seen as of

Whoopi Goldberg in ANNIE at MSG?
 Dec 15 2024, 01:16:56 AM

I've seen this both with Whoopi and her understudy earlier in the run, and I think Whoopi's comedic timing really enhances the role, but ultimately her understudy had the better performance and synergy with the cast. I agree with the others who have stated that Whoopi just saying things that probably are not in the script at times, but that's what makes her so hilarious in this production. As for the rest of the cast, I really love how the ensemble puts in the work for every group

 Dec 11 2024, 12:56:43 AM

Once anybody knows about hte cancellation line/rush policy/student tickets please let me know. Because if not this is becoming my splurge of the season, I adore one of the cast lineups! 

 Nov 23 2024, 05:11:54 PM

lesbiansarecrazy said: "Hi!!! Sorry to hear you didn't love the show :/ I know on her instagram story, Roberta Colindrez (Pippa), said something about the back orchestra being special. My friend and I are huge fans of hers, so we're trying to figure out the best place to sit specifically to see her. Does she do something cool in the back orchestra? Any particular sections/seats you'd recommend? Thanks!!"

Hi! I saw left front orchestra and thought it had a

 Nov 22 2024, 12:38:49 AM

I saw this tonight and honestly? I didn't like it all that much. My spoiler-free (ish) thoughts.

I'm a fan of the entire family drama setup, but I didn't like how disjointed and thrown together a lot of this felt at times. Evie and her wife Pippa are struggling against the homophobia she's facing within the religious background of her family, and then the next second nothing's happened and they're all singing as a happy family. This is clearly a deliberate contr

 Nov 21 2024, 12:48:10 PM

Sauja said: "It has some commonalities with Appropriate and The Hills of California, but with a much lighter tone throughout."

Seeing it tonight and this description alone has me excited! Best play of last season combined with my favorite this season thus far is a great description

 Nov 16 2024, 03:57:17 PM

Charley Kringas Inc said: "Kad said: "It should be noted that the musical whitewashes Jim Bakker’s relationship to Jessica Hahn. It’s portrayed as simply an affair- her allegations of being drugged and raped are not mentioned at all."

I would be fascinated to know why they made this choice.

Just a small modification, she does mention being coerced, which is a form of rape. Musical Jessica specifically states "H

 Nov 14 2024, 01:24:52 PM

Reviews aren’t even out yet and people are already upset, really?

Anyway, I hope somebody has a ocmprehensive grasp of what made the show great for London but the transfer to the USA a disaster.

Is it the audiences familiarity with the show? I enjoyed it because I wasn’t familiar with Tammy Faye (as I assume the UK audience was) but the couple next to me who were familiar with the story had been asleep by the middle of act one. After watching the documentary with Gar

Telecharge, StubHub, and, Oh, Mary, The Ripoff
 Nov 14 2024, 01:11:27 PM

Jay Lerner-Z said: "Is it SO remarkable that a very queer show can charge such high prices? Its target demographic (historically) is one with high levels of disposable income.

Actual question.

It is, because not all very queer shows are treated equally.

A Strange Loop didn’t recoup, Fat Ham didn’t recoup, Some Like it Hot never recouped, and yet this did. It incentivizes producers to bring more daring and loudly queer shows to Broadway

MCC's 'SH!T. MEET. FAN.' Cast Announced
 Nov 8 2024, 07:51:59 PM

Saw this yesterday and totally forgot to drop a review.

I agree with Boys in the Band as a comparison, and I thought it was solid but this was a crazy caliber of cast to have on such simple material.

I enjoyed it in the moment right up until the last 25 minutes. It was trying to comment on too many things and then the ending just didn't work. Cut the entire "All 3 on their phones, also they talk about having a no phone hangout" thing because it's beyond confusi

 Nov 8 2024, 10:18:05 AM

EDSOSLO858 said: "To everyone considering selling their tickets now, you’ll miss Tom Francis in his boxer briefs, which is quite the sight. :)"

And you can even see it on a Tuesday night where you'll be supporting Mandy Gonzalez AND Tom in his boxer briefs. And producers might see demand increased on those nights, and the moment having Nicole Make "Jesus" Great Again Scherzinger in the cast harms their wallets but Mandy doesn't maybe we'll

THE GREAT GATSBY to open on the West End April 2025
 Nov 6 2024, 06:50:18 PM

This whole transfer has me wondering if A.R.T. Gatsby even has a future. I thought it was brilliant, but if this Gatsby tours and hits LA/Chicago as well as London, there’s no way to recover it. Which is so sad because I loved that production, and there’s no recordings that can easily be found anywhere.

 Nov 3 2024, 02:56:06 AM

FWIW, I saw a matinee of Roommate and didn't hear Hell's Kitchen because they don't play until 2, and Roommate ended at 2:30. On the flip side, however, I saw Hills of California and I think I heard a piece of Hell's Kitchen, but both could totally bleed through I can imagine.

Lupone is in the right, if they can make small changes to make each shows experience better, that's a good thing! and Mia Farrow signed the flowers as well. There's a Roommate costume crew

BC/EFA Fundraising + Appeals Fall 2024
 Oct 30 2024, 11:06:24 PM

Heads up! Oh Mary! has the $40 cast signed playbills and I believe $100 signed posters (didn't ask)

Back in NYC next week for work - should I see Titanique or something else?
 Oct 29 2024, 12:37:11 PM

I'll second hills of California! It's really emotional but if you want fun, Tammy Faye has it. Also, if you only have a monday night slot open that may limit what you have available to visit by quite a bit.

 Oct 24 2024, 03:59:01 PM

EvanstonDad said: "Wow, I don't know that I've ever seen a reviews thread generate less interest."

I don't think I've ever seen a show generate less publicity. Where's their advertising crew? All I've seen about this show is the literal marquee outside the JEJ, and it's about cancer and marriage. Couldn't be less engaging if they tried.

 Oct 24 2024, 09:29:42 AM

I saw this last night too, and just to preface my review: I went in completely blind, and I had no clue who Tammy Faye was prior to the musical outside a quick Wikipedia read. So I can't speak to any of the accuracy or sensitivity towards her life.

What I can speak to, is how visually stunning this is. The lighting and choreography help tell the story in such a way that I remembered why I'm beginning to miss these "big" musicals. 

I think act one was

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