JoeW4 Profile Photo
#1THE FAR COUNTRY at Atlantic
Posted: 12/7/22 at 8:48am

Anyone else see this? I understand why some find the show uneven, or find the 2nd act to be a letdown. But still I thought it was pretty great! 

See my full thoughts here

#2THE FAR COUNTRY at Atlantic
Posted: 12/7/22 at 9:09am

I thought it was lovely, and that Suh managed to craft a play with an interesting narrative structure that was also speculative and poetic at times. The acting is really great -- especially Shannon Tyo, Eric Tang and Amy Kim Waschke. I was dazzled by the several reveals in Clint Ramos's set design (no spoilers) and how they connected with the text.

NYfanfromCA Profile Photo
#3THE FAR COUNTRY at Atlantic
Posted: 12/7/22 at 3:29pm

This new play has been on my radar since it was announced, because my ancestors are from the Taishan province and spent months at Angel Island.  Saw this on Sunday and thought that it was well done, and it even mentions my hometown once!  I felt that the first act built up a good momentum, and that the end of the play needed just a few more seconds/a minute to truly bring it to a strong finish.  Very glad that I saw it, and would recommend it.

#4THE FAR COUNTRY at Atlantic
Posted: 12/7/22 at 8:12pm

LarryD2 said: "I thought it was lovely, and that Suh managed to craft a play with an interesting narrative structure that was also speculative and poetic at times. The acting is really great -- especially Shannon Tyo, Eric Tang and Amy Kim Waschke. I was dazzled by the several reveals in Clint Ramos's set design (no spoilers) and how they connected with the text."

Please ruin the design for me! 

JoeW4 Profile Photo
#5THE FAR COUNTRY at Atlantic
Posted: 12/7/22 at 10:15pm

Design spoilers:

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There are several notable elements to the set design - one of the most significant being that the central platform where the action takes place is surrounded by water on 3 sides (not unlike the city of San Francisco, and also conveying a sense of isolation). They only really make use of it once, but it’s a striking effect. 

And the other most surprising element is a rear wall made of crumpled paper (letters), that’s revealed in act 2. 

The glass panels of the floor are also sometimes lit from underneath, and there’s one moment of simple, but essential use of projections. 

