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The British Royal Family

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#1The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/9/24 at 5:58pm

Beginning this new year with a new thread for and by those who appreciate The Royal Family.  And to start, "Happy Birthday" to Kate, Princess of Wales (and future Queen).  She shares this January 9th birth month and day with Imelda Staunton...and me.

I hope she receives this honor detailed in the video.



Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#2The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/9/24 at 6:30pm

Happy Birthday, HG.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#3The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/9/24 at 9:26pm

Highland Guy said: "Beginning this new year with a new thread for and by those who appreciate The Royal Family."

With this post, you've established with absolute certainty that you're a pathetic troll. Kudos to Jay for not taking the bait.



#4The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 9:55am

"With this post, you've established with absolute certainty that you're a pathetic troll. Kudos to Jay for not taking the bait."

Please stop. The OP has often posted about love of the Royal Family and the UK in general. Not everything is about "Jay", and your comment is just flat out wrong in this case. I will note for you that I am no big fan of the OP, and I made comment about HG that got me suspended months ago. 

Updated On: 1/10/24 at 09:55 AM

#5The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 10:00am

"Happy Birthday, HG."

That is very nice of you.

#6The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 11:13am

kdogg36 said: "Highland Guy said: "Beginning this new year with a new thread for and by those who appreciate The Royal Family."

With this post, you've established with absolute certainty that you're a pathetic troll. Kudos to Jay for not taking the bait.

Agree with both comments!

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#7The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 12:27pm

Thanks for the support, guys.

Never thought I'd defend Highland Guy, but I imagine he was just reacting to my thread about the Danish royal family. Which he seems to perceive as a personal attack on him.

Disclaimer: it was/is a light-hearted effort to show that other royal families exist and to highlight the ridiculousness of one particular royal family getting more attention than others. Also to express bafflement that such institutions still exist. Let's see how much airtime the coronation of Fredrik gets.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#8The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 1:24pm

A go-to resource.

Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#9The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 5:40pm

HG, I'm just reading up on your birthday wish for Kate. Please tell me, what exactly is the point of the Order of the Garter? Seriously. It might have made some sort of sense back when it was founded in the 1300s, but WHY is it still around today? And why would anyone want to join? How would this add to Kate's life?

Did you know they have an annual procession every June? This is your window to get tickets. Jan 1 - Mar 1. You apply and might get lucky. Then you get to see almost the whole royal family up close in the grounds of Windsor Castle, and the whole order of knights parade around in their elaborate robes, lead by the sovereign on a horse drawn carriage.

Applications sent to


Disclaimer: This may seem mocking, but please be assured it is not. I have a genuine interest in royalty, just for different reasons to Highland Guy. His interest is devotional, mine is morbid.

Disclaimer to the disclaimer: It is absolutely mocking of the royal institution, but not of HG personally is what I mean.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
Updated On: 1/10/24 at 05:40 PM

#10The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 6:52pm

Princess Kate has been a wonderful addition to the Royal Family. She has accepted her responsibilities and handled them with dignity and class. She is a beautiful woman and has a nice sense of style, I do understand she does have help with fashion choices. It seems to me she as "down to earth" as much as anybody could be in her position. I like how most of the pictures of her children that get released to the public are taken by her and not the "Royal Photographer". I am happy that she actually seems to enjoy tennis and it does not seem like part of her job to sit in the Royal Box for Wimbledon matches. BTW - she is personal friend of tennis great Roger Federer. 

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#11The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 7:23pm

I'm sure Princess Kate* is a lovely person, and I wish her well. I just don't understand why you, or I, or anybody else, should have any interest in her. I could not care less what she wears. I do find it a shame that she is restricted to the more formal stuff, and can see no reason why a princess can not dress like Miley Cyrus, Cher, or Lady Gaga. I feel sorry for her children. Louis. George. Charlotte. I find it weird that I even know their names, but here we are.

* Aren't we supposed to call her "Catherine" now?

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#12The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 11:21pm

Why do you have interest in Danish Royalty? I believe the OP has posted several times the reason for the interest in the Royal Family and the UK in general. Maybe you don't care what Kate wears, but millions of people do. Why do people care what Hollywood stars wear at award ceremonies? The more formal attire is because she is representing her country at events, and it is the proper thing to do. There are plenty of times when she is dressed pretty casually. Once again Jay, if you don't have any interest in them or see why anybody else has interest in them why are you commenting on this thread?

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#13The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/10/24 at 11:36pm

I am not a fan of the institution or concept of “royalty”, but that does not mean I have no interest in it or that I should be prohibited from speaking about it.

Somebody needs to shout “the emperor has no clothes!” for people to wise up to the fact that the whole thing is a nonsensical sham.


Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
Updated On: 1/10/24 at 11:36 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#14The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/11/24 at 10:39am

It's a bit past Christmas, but this video called out to me.  Here is Queen Camilla decorating a tree with "Little Helpers".  I believe this is at Clarence House, but not certain.   


Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#15The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/11/24 at 11:40am

What an honor... for Camilla to meet those children. Not the other way around.

A somewhat convincing case that the institution has at least SOME merit, but hardly enough to warrant the billions of pounds spent on it. I wish those poor kids nothing but health and happiness, I hope they don’t mind being used as props in these propaganda videos... which to me really only serve to highlight the sheer privilege that Camilla and the rest of this family enjoy at the taxpayer’s expense.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#16The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/15/24 at 6:21pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "What an honor... for Camilla to meet those children. Not the other way around.

A somewhat convincing case that the institution has at least SOME merit, but hardly enough to warrant the billions of pounds spent on it. I wish those poor kids nothing but health and happiness, I hope they don’t mind being used as props in these propaganda videos... which to me really only serve to highlight the sheer privilege that Camilla and the rest of this family enjoy at the taxpayer’s expense.

The Royals live in your head rent free. Pathetic. 

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#17The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/15/24 at 8:15pm

I have served them an eviction notice, but they won’t leave.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#18The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/17/24 at 11:56am

Sending positive thoughts to the Princess of Wales during her recovery.

Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#19The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/17/24 at 1:22pm

I don’t believe in magical thinking, so no positive thoughts from me because I do not believe such things exist or at least not the power of “sending” them across the Atlantic.

I do of course hope that Catherine makes a full and speedy recovery, along with every other patient receiving medical treatment across the globe. Not everyone is as lucky to get the best care available, or can afford it. Some poor souls even have their hospital wards bombed, but we won’t go into that here.

In other news, I see King Charles has an enlarged prostate, and will begin treatment soon. I of course wish him all the best too, and hope that at least the Royal family media attention can raise awareness for men in regard to this issue. Get yourself checked! Especially guys (and trans women) of a certain age.


Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
Updated On: 1/17/24 at 01:22 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#20The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/17/24 at 3:06pm

Just some of the good work performed by the Prince and Princess of Wales through the Royal Foundation.  Their honorable service is noteworthy.   And, of course, continuing to send my positive thoughts to the Princess for what must have been a significant surgery. 

Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#21The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/17/24 at 4:20pm

Their honorable service is indeed noteworthy. Inspirational, even. How do apply for that job? Oh, wait, I can’t. Nobody can.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
Updated On: 1/17/24 at 04:20 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#22The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/22/24 at 10:43am

Sending positive thoughts to the Duchess of York as she faces additional health issues.

Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#23The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/22/24 at 1:10pm

To repeat, I do not believe in magical thinking, so no positive thoughts from me. 

I do of course hope that she makes a full recovery, like I do for cancer victims everywhere. Perhaps her position of privilege can help in in this matter.

On an unrelated note, how is her former husband doing these days? I hear he is in for a rough year.


Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#24The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/22/24 at 3:38pm


Sending prayers for His Majesty, Katie, and Sarah. I pray they may persevere in 2024. The British Royals and America's Royalty (Beyonce) continue to make the world a kinder, safer, and more loving place.


Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#25The British Royal Family
Posted: 1/22/24 at 5:17pm

"God Save the King"

What God? Do Kings have to be religious? Specifically protestant Church of England?

I think the days of Elizabeth I versus Mary Stuart should be over by now. Thanks for reminding me of another facet of the ridiculousness of this institution. Still, I'm glad you enjoy.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
