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Posted: 6/17/03 at 2:28pm

Hello Dolly to be released on DVD August 19th with Barbara Streisand.

I clicked on these two links and found that there were two different covers..? I wonder which one they will release,

Dollypop do you know anything about this?


#1How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 2:35pm

I have NOTHING to do with that film some people claim is HELLO, DOLLY! Absolutely nothing!!! It's a piece of garbage--miscast and overproduced.

It is because of that film that I have stopped going to the movies. Don't ever bring the subject up again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Rob Profile Photo
#2re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/17/03 at 2:37pm

I believe that the CD Universe one is the international release that's been out for a while, and the Amazon one is the cover of the new US release.


Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex Profile Photo
Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex
#3re: Please, not Barbara as Dolly!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 2:43pm

Hmmm, don't get me started on this!

In my humble opinion, Barbra Streisand as Dolly was the biggest casting error in film history. I'll buy a Hello Dolly DVD if they ever issue one of the stage version with Carol Channing!

Please note, it is not that I don't like Barbra, she was amazing in Funny Girl, but totally out of place in Hello Dolly.

My perfect day would begin at on the beach in Hana, Maui and end at a Broadway Musical.
Updated On: 6/17/03 at 02:43 PM

#4re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 2:44pm

Why do you hate the movie so much DollyPop? Just curious. I too think Barbara is too young for the role, but her voice (in my opinion) makes up for some of that. She was far better than Carol Channing in my opinion (of course I saw her in the most recent revival and she looked like she was gonna fall over she was so old.) I'm sure there was something about her in her younger days that made her so spectacular, I just didn't see it. Frankly the woman gives me nightmares. But no recording will compare to the Pearl Bailey one. Updated On: 6/17/03 at 02:44 PM

#5re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 2:49pm

Over and out Dollypop, I get the picture.

BudFrump23 Profile Photo
#6I am shocked!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 2:51pm

TGC is the most gracious, wonderful, awesome, sweetest, talented, CHARMING, glorious, stupendous, beautiful, lovely, silly, perfect woman to ever grace a Broadway stage! She is absolutely fantastic! A greater woman could never exist! She was THE original Dolly and will always be Dolly in my heart. No one else can compare to her. And let me say, if Barbara ever came into my dreams, I'm not sure I'd wake up...those nightmares would scare me to death! And don't call TGC old! She is 83 years young!

I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!

Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex Profile Photo
Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex
#7re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 2:52pm

I got away from the Theatre for a few years but when I saw the revival of Hello Dolly with Carol Channing I was hooked and have been a patron of Broadway ever since.. In my opinion, Hello Dolly with Carol is simply the best.

My perfect day would begin at on the beach in Hana, Maui and end at a Broadway Musical.

Albin Profile Photo
#8re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:11pm

"She was far better than Carol Channing in my opinion"

Look out! The wrath of Dollypop will be raining down on you soon!!!"

#9re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:12pm

Miscast yes...

But the end of "Before the Parade passes by" has to be one of the most vocally thrilling moments in the history of American Musical Film.

Albin Profile Photo
#10re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:13pm

Agreed. Vocally, she was never better.

#11re: re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:23pm

Wow am I making enemies or what? I just didn't care for her when I saw the show. She seriously looked like she was going to fall over. Sorry BudFrump23, Alvin, Albin and DollyPop...I will refrain from badmouthing Carol. I have respect for the woman, but I can say that I had nightmares of her when I was little after seeing Thoroughly Modern Millie. Wouldn't you think I would have nightmares about Beatrice...nope- I definetely woke up screaming because Carol Channing was chasing me around shouting "Rasberries!"

BudFrump23 Profile Photo
#12re: re: re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:24pm

That's Mr. Frump to you!

Besides, my parents have dinner with Channing, her son, sometimes. It's thrilling.

I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!

#13re: re: re: re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:30pm

re: re: re: re: re: How dare you ask!

Nightmares I tell you....Nightmares!!!

#14re: re: re: re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:32pm

I've actually never seen the film, or musical, or even heard the score. I'm totally left in the dark.

I have also never seen Carol or Barbara do anything live. Regretfully, I guess.

I do remember less than 10 years ago a tour of Hello Dolly came through my city of Los Angeles and played in Pasadena, if I'm not mistaken, and I didn't even have the slightest interest in seeing it. Then again, I was only 15 or so. What did I know about Broadway legends then. lol

#15re: re: re: re: re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:37pm


My nightmare would be Carol Channing at an orgy, naked with a champagne class in hand , braying at the top of her voice


And then



Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:48pm


That would be REALLY scary. I think you mean- WELCOME, WELCOME, EEEEEEEVERY-BODY, WELCOME!

And folks I'm not the only one who thought Carol was a little past her prime-

"She created the role, what, thirty odd years ago, and she wasn't precisely a spring chicken then, so of course she has aged and of course she would sound it. But you expect her to sound older ... not old. Happily, Ms. Channing's boundless enthusiasm is still palpably in place ... but the vibrato has widened into self parody, and the signature drawl has become a kind of growl."

CapnHook Profile Photo
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:55pm

To answer a previous question, yes, the CD Universe cover is of the International release. has the correct cover for the August 19th release in the US.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex Profile Photo
Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex
#18re: They cast who as Dolly!!!!!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 3:56pm


Some brief background, this controversy has raged ever since the day back in 1968 when it was announced that Barbra Streisand would play the lead in the film version of Hello Dolly, instead of casting Carol Channing.

Since then there have been two camps, the Barbra Streisand supporters and those of us who knew better.

Overall, although the movie did moderately well, it never achieved the blockbuster status that was anticipated. And come Oscar time it did receive 5 Oscars in the areas of score, sound, and art direction but most noticeably Barbra Streisand did not receive an acting nomination for her performance.

My perfect day would begin at on the beach in Hana, Maui and end at a Broadway Musical.
Updated On: 6/17/03 at 03:56 PM

#19re: re: They cast who as Dolly!!!!!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 4:00pm

Barbara not recieving a nomination certainly says alot about her performance. Besides it's very rare that the person who did the movie did better than the original broadway actor.

I was always amazed that Chita Rivera wasn't asked to do Bye Bye Biride, or West Side Story!!

and the greatest one is Mary Martin not reprising her roles in Sound of Music, or South Pacific, or anything for that matter.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#20re: re: re: They cast who as Dolly!!!!!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 5:11pm

What about Julie Andrews not be cast in the film version of "My Fair Lady!" I love Audrey Hepburn, but I wish it would have been Julie. re: re: re: They cast who as Dolly!!!!!

Now, onto Carol and Barbra. Love them both, I adore Barbra's voice, but even she hated Hello, Dolly! The only reason she even filmed the movie was because she was stuck under her contract. I happen to love much of the movie, but it was definitely miscast. Barbra was way too young for the role...but my God is her voice awesome!

Does anyone remember the episode of Laugh-In when Carol Channing was on and she sang a song with Goldie Hawn about Blondes not being dumb? LOL I love that one, I have it on tape......Just a reminder, I am not old enough to have watched laugh-in live; I saw it in re-runs.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

Albin Profile Photo
#21re: re: re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 5:26pm

"Sorry BudFrump23, Alvin, Albin and DollyPop...I will refrain from badmouthing Carol."

No apology neccessary here. I am not a big fan of Carol Channing. I am however a fan of Streisand in the movie version of TWHM. Vocally, she was at the top of her game and I will definitely be buying it on DVD.

#22Why do I hate the movie?????? Why do I hate the movie???????
Posted: 6/17/03 at 5:35pm


Dollypop is SEETHING with venom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are people on this message board who would impugn TGC!!!!!!! All I can say is OFF WITH THEIR HEADS (if they have any!!!!)

First off, if you're going to talk about That Streisand Woman, you should spell her name correctly although she didn't. It's B-A-R-B-R-A. Obviously this stupid woman was so busy chewing her hangnails at Erasmus High School that she neglected to learn how to spell her name. She's missing an "A", which she may have given to Hester Prynne for all I know.

Secondly, That Streisand Woman pulled every trick imaginable to get cast in what is supposed to be the film version of TWHM. She pretended to be TGC's friend, but was pulling strings behind her back to steal what Carol calls "her baby" from her.

Thirdly, she is much too young to be worried about "the parade passing her by". The whole number is laughable because it centers on a woman who is barely out of her teens!

Fourthly, the character's name is Dolly Levi, born GALLAGHER. The character is IRISH, yet That Streisand Woman played the part with a Jewish accent.

Fifthly, Walter Matthau hated working with That Streisand Woman and it shows in the movie. There is absolutely no chemistry between them. (Matthau had more chemistry with Jack Lemmon in THE ODD COUPLE--figure that one out!)

Sixthly, Mrs Molloy is a young widow who runs a hat shop in lower Manhattan. Then explain to me how she has a rococo ceiling in her shop?

Seventhly, The Waiter's Gallop is one of the most exhilerating moments ever presented on any stage. In the film it's so stupid that I had to turn away from the screen. Where did they come up with those steps? There isn't a waiter on screen who doesn't look gay. On stage, TGC the title number aimed to fill the theater with "quivering clitorises" (The words of Gower Champion) because Dolly was returning to life--and her sexuality. The waiters in the movie's Harmonia Gardens all seem to be imported from Fire Island. Why would Dolly get excited over them? Don't tell me she's a "fag hag"!

Eightly, did Michael Crawford have to use that de-nasel voice? He was playing a 33 year old man, not an adenoidal teenager!

...and by the way, whatever happened to Mary Ann Snow and EJ Peaker??? They were touted as being the "stars of the future".

I hate the film and have turned the soundtrack recording of it into a candy dish (easily done by placing an old record album into a pan of boiling water).

I kid you not when I say that I stopped going to movies after seeing this filthy piece of garbage. If Hollywood could be responsible for desecrating one of the greatest works of musical comedy, then I won't patronize it. Quite frankly, I don't understand why they are still making movies in this day and age. Haven't we reached a point of enlightenment yet!!!!!!

I HATE MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#24re: re: re: re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/17/03 at 5:41pm

WOW! I am one of Barbra's biggest fans, and I am baffled as to what TWHM stands for!?
That's gonna bug me re: re: re: re: re: How dare you ask!

Funny Girl, Hello, Dolly!, On A Clear Day You Can See Forever, Funny Lady, The Way We Were, Up the Sandbox, What's Up Doc?, The Main Event, The Owl and the Pussycat, For Pete's Sake, All Night Long, Yentl, A Star is Born, Nuts, The Prince of Tides, The Mirror Has Two Faces............Help me out here!

She dropped the A on purpose. To distinguish herself from other Barbara's, and to spell it the way it sounded. She did this when she first began her night club singing at the age of 18. She put the A back when her son was born, but dropped it again in later years. She wasn't trying to make Dolly sound Jewish, just give her a NY accent.
I agree that she was not the perect choice for the role, but just because she was chosen over Carol is no reason to attack her.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~
Updated On: 6/17/03 at 05:41 PM
