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#75re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/27/03 at 5:53pm

First off, Scooter, Dollypop is a male.

Secondly, Carol Channing is 82, NOT 75.

Thirdly, That Streisand Woman is unrecycled garbage!!!!

Fourthly, I DID see one movie in the past 35 years. I was flying home from Istanbul and the movie was THE BIRD CAGE. It was difficult for me to hear the dialogue over the roar of jet engines, but I thought it was a decent film and one Mr. Nathan Lane was quite good in it. However, WHY would anyone make a movie of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES without using that glorious Jerry Herman score? There's no justice in this world!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
Updated On: 6/27/03 at 05:53 PM

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#76re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/27/03 at 6:03pm

No, but wasn't she like 75 during her last revival (and God I hope it really was HER last revival) of the show?

Maybe when Carol dies (not wishing death on her at all, believe me...I would never do that), Barbra can sing "Goodbye Dolly" at the funeral.
LOL or even better "So Long Dearie." (an underappreciated, yet fun song from the show).

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#77re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/27/03 at 7:01pm

According to TGC, "So Long Dearie" is the greatest "Fu*k You" song ever written.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#78re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/27/03 at 7:13pm

LOL Yeah, it is. I can just imagine an updated version of it.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~
Updated On: 6/27/03 at 07:13 PM

scooter38432 Profile Photo
#79re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/27/03 at 8:15pm

Sorry about the gender goof-up on my part, Dollypop!

And, thanks TheatreBaby!

Itty Bitty Geisha? Toyland? Gypsy Pasadoble? Just a few popular favorites...

#80re: re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/27/03 at 9:57pm

...and Scooter, may I ask what your gender is?

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

scooter38432 Profile Photo
#81re: re: re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/29/03 at 8:49am

of course you may, Dollypop.

All male here.

Itty Bitty Geisha? Toyland? Gypsy Pasadoble? Just a few popular favorites...

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#82re: re: re: re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/29/03 at 11:43am

"AHHH, a boy-ee. I don't vurk with de males; cause I used to be one." LOL remember that line from "Mrs. Doubtfire" ? Makes me laugh every time. LOL

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

lensman Profile Photo
#83re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/29/03 at 3:12pm

dollypop said:

>I DID see one movie in the past 35 years. I was flying home >from Istanbul and the movie was THE BIRD CAGE. It was >difficult for me to hear the dialogue over the roar of jet >engines, but I thought it was a decent film and one Mr. Nathan >Lane was quite good in it. However, WHY would anyone make a >movie of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES without using that glorious Jerry >Herman score? There's no justice in this world!

Forgive my ignorance here, but I have to assume by "Jerry Herman score" you're referring to the musical. Am I right?

The Birdcage was a remake (and an improvement of) the original French move La Cage Aux Folles. I never liked the original's exageratted "cartoonish" characterizations (on the part of both the gays and straights) I think The Birdcage did a much better job.

#84re: re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/29/03 at 4:39pm

Yes, THE BIRDCAGE was a more "realistic" version of the French film LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. However, the Jerry Herman musical has a sensational score. Can you imagine Nathan Lane singing "A Little More Mascara" or "I Am What I AM"?

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Albin Profile Photo
#85re: re: re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/29/03 at 4:56pm

"Can you imagine Nathan Lane singing "A Little More Mascara" or "I Am What I AM"?"

Well whadya know? Dollypop IS capable of rational thinking.

Msrs Nederlanders, please consider this casting idea. Nathan Lane as "Albin" and Gary Beach as "Georges" in your upcoming revival of "La Cage Aux Folles." Hey DP, how about Patrick Wilson as "Jean-Michel?"

#86re: What?????
Posted: 6/30/03 at 10:12pm

Albin and Dollypop have agreed on something?? Watch out folks, there are pigs flying across the skies and they are now serving Bungalow Bars in hell!!!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#87re: re: What?????
Posted: 7/1/03 at 2:12pm

Well at least something good came from my innocent post. at least I thought it was innocent unitl 4 trillion people attacked each other over it.




#88re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 7/1/03 at 2:24pm

many of us cringed when Steisand was cast in the Dolly film. However, the film has clearly turned into a classic and I find it simply delightful. The work that is Hello Dolly simply shines through. As the New York Daily News critic wrote as the time: Streisand glows like a great big star.

she sure did in that performance. Maybe not Dolly perfect, but offering up many great pleasures.

Hello Dolly was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar (i believe the winner that year was Midnight Cowboy) and it holds the distinction of being Richard Nixon's favorite film.

with Roger Edens and Gene Kelley in tow it certain marked the last glorious throwback to the grand days of MGM musicals. As I have said before, with the film of Hello Dolly I often find myself smiling from start to finish.


TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#89re: re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 7/1/03 at 3:10pm

It really is one of the great movie musicals (even if it was miscasted). re: re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#90re: re: re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 7/1/03 at 5:06pm

With that blasted film I find myself vomiting from the opening credits to the dreadful wedding scene. Every copy of the film should be burned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I HATE MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#91re: re: re: re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 7/1/03 at 7:11pm

To Dollypop - Lighten up . It was not that bad . You have an old fashioned story with an old fashioned staging. What did you expect ? Break dancing. I will get a copy when it comes out. Despite being miscast, it was pretty much like the stage show , if I recall. At least, unlike Mame , the star could sing & that helps immensely . Before The Parade Passes By & Hello Dolly are very well done.

Poster Emeritus

#92re:Oh, come on!
Posted: 7/1/03 at 8:16pm

The title number is horrible!

Besides, the pacing of the whole film is incredibly sluggish! Did Gene Kelly think he was directing a Russian tragedy? The main character is named DOLLY, not SVETLANA. Geeze, THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV had more pep!

I stand by my initial comment on this film--it STINKS!!!!


"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
Posted: 7/1/03 at 10:40pm

Aww... and I was just going to ask you out for a friendly night at the local theater to go see Justin and Kelly's new flick, Dollypop!


"Life without music equals death."

#94re: Re:
Posted: 7/1/03 at 10:56pm

Somehow I don't think Dollypop knows who Kelly and Justin are.

I also think there's a good chance he'll be heading to the local cinema in December to watch "The Alamo".

#95re: re: Re:
Posted: 7/2/03 at 2:45pm

Sorry to disappoint you, but I've decided NOT to see THE ALAMO. I'm determined to maintain my boycott of all things Hollywood even though TSMrW is playing a mjaor role in the film.

I HATE MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#96re: re: re: Re:
Posted: 7/2/03 at 3:00pm

If you've been boycotting movies since 1969 (as you claim you have), then are you saying you've never seen "Thoroughly Modern Millie"?

If you say you've seen it (as I suspect you have because TGC has a starring role), then that means you have been misleading us! *Gasps in shock* LOL

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#97re: re: re: re: Re:
Posted: 7/2/03 at 3:08pm

I was heavily sedated when friends dragged me in to see the MILLIE film.

I admit I wandered into a Times Square movie theater last summer and saw SIGNS. The temperature outside was so fiercely hot and I had time to kill before OKLAHOMA! started. The movie theater's air conditioning was appealing. I must admit that it was nice to look at Mel Gibson, but I fell asleep while he was walking through some cornfields. Later at OKLAHOMA!, I thought I was back in those very cornfields. It was a very confusing day for me!

I HATE MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
