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lensman Profile Photo
#50re: re: Adoring TGC
Posted: 6/20/03 at 7:19pm

>Anyone who posts negative remarks about Carol Channing is >challenged to meet me in Bryant Park where I will beat them to >a pulp to protect the honor of my beautiful >goddess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No negative comments, I have a lot of respect for Ms. Channing, (one of the few people to have a strong enough sense of humor to parody themselves in the cartoon series "Rescue Rangers")

Ms. Channing is seen best live, you say so yourself. So it wouldn't make much sense to cast her in the film. There's a lot of films out there that should have had there original cast members... I don't disown film for that.

BTW, if they ever release a special edition of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" are we going to have to go through this all over again?

#51re: re: re: Adoring TGC
Posted: 6/20/03 at 7:24pm

To Lensman: Yup

To ARF: You may like Ann Reinking very much, but would you be willing to lay down your life for her, as I would for TGC???? I think that's the difference!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#52re: Adoring TGC
Posted: 6/20/03 at 8:21pm

Dollypop... you most definantly take the tiara for dedication, and I will never challenge your spot on that throne! ( :

"Life without music equals death."

lensman Profile Photo
#53re: re: re: re: re: How dare you ask!
Posted: 6/21/03 at 9:50am

>That's Mr. Frump to you!

>Besides, my parents have dinner with Channing, her son, >sometimes. It's thrilling.

Thanks a lot! Now I have "Mr. Frump In His Iron Lung" running through my head! (Weird Al Yankovitch, I think it can be found on the CD "The Early Al")

Broadwaylady Profile Photo
#54adoring Carol Channin
Posted: 6/21/03 at 11:29am

Dollypop: There is nothing wrong with adoring a star with passion. We all should find someone that we enjoy so much and who lifts our spirits through rough times.

Areinkingfan: You are always a class act. Glad to see you back on the boards. adoring Carol Channin

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by moments that take our breath away." "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."
Updated On: 6/21/03 at 11:29 AM

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#55re: adoring Carol Channin
Posted: 6/21/03 at 12:46pm

Hey Lady!!

Glad to BE back! Looks like a nice new place you've got here. Hope you've been doing well...

"Life without music equals death."

#56re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/22/03 at 9:57pm

I had just calmed down and was putting this thread behind me when Scooter posted a flattering comment about Michael Crawford's performance in this so-called movie!!!!!!!!!! I'm so angry I'm throwing things at Butch (the ex-con who has taken up residence with me!)


"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#57re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/24/03 at 8:43pm

Here's some juicy news for those of you who like That Streisand Woman:

As many of you know, I work with That Streisand Woman's cousin. She and I have become fairly good friends and she shares lots of Barbra stories with me. The latest is that since 9/11, That Streisand Woman refuses to fly. She even missed her own mother's funeral because she wouldn't get onto a plane and come to NY. As a result, my co-worker's daughter is getting married next year and the family isn't bothering to invite Mr & Mrs. James Brolin to the reception. It's too bad, because I know I am invited and I had ever intention of cornering that horrible woman and giving her a piece of my mind about how she backstabs people to get cast in films she has no right to appear in. (By the way, my co-worker calls Barbra "Sugar Knife" behind her back!)

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#58re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
Posted: 6/24/03 at 8:55pm

Well, even if she were to go to the wedding, it would be very rude of you to harass her at a function for one of her own family members. If her own family calls her things behind her back then I think she's better off without them. They say nasty things, but they probably brag that they are related to her when it suits them.
And you shouldn't assume she didn't go to her own mother's funeral because she was "afraid to fly." Perhaps there were other circumstances that her "family" didn't know about. It isn't right to judge without hearing both sides of the story.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#59That Streisand Woman
Posted: 6/24/03 at 8:59pm

She e-mailed the family when her mother (Mrs. Kind) died and told them she would never fly again after 9/11. Don't try to stick up for this woman--she's a b1tch!!!!!!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#60re: That Streisand Woman
Posted: 6/24/03 at 9:11pm

To Dollypop

I guess I will have rethink my idea of giving you a "Hello Dolly" dvd for Christmas. One good thing about the movie is they did not gut the score. At times it is overproduced but the title # is done quite well

Re Babs, it is known she is an extremely nasty individual . She is also cheap beyond words. I love her when she says she cannot appear on stage because she has stage fright but when somone offers her millions of dollars for concert tours, her fear diappears. Her backstage demands are legendary

She has obvious talent as a singer & a director . As a human being with feelings, she must have been hiding behind a tree the day they were giving out humility, civility & compassion. Mr Brolin has my sympathies

Poster Emeritus

#61re: That Streisand Woman
Posted: 6/24/03 at 9:14pm

Dear DollyPop,

For a very short time I thought your comments were funny no matter what the subject. Now my perception is that you're simply mean and myopic. Channing is great in her own way. Streisand is great in her own way. Both of them totally unique still the world doesnt revolve around either of them, neither does the Broadway musical. Next topic, please.

Yours for a better Broadway!

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#62re: the HELLO DOLLY film
Posted: 6/24/03 at 9:46pm

Appearantly, when HELLO DOLLY! was bought by Fox, the original intention was to have Elizabeth Taylor play Dolly. You'd have thought Fox might have learned after CLEOPATRA, but with the possible exception of Doris Day, Liz was the biggest female movie star ofthe 1960s, so Fox's thinking still made some twisted sense. And Barbra was signed for DOLLY before her FUNNY GIRL film had even opened. Reviews of Barbras misbegotten 1967 TV special THE BELLE OF 14th STREET mention the fact. And Barbra was signed for Taylor's salary - one million dollars - a staggering sum in the mid-1960s.

Marianne McAndrew was not first choice for Molly Malloy, either. No less a star than Ann-Margaret tested for it (though you can bet that Barbra would not have stood for Ms. Va-Va-Voom one bit)! I would LOVE to know why and how Matthau was cast, as he's even more miscast than Barbra. I'd also love to know how Kelly got involved. His "Call on Dolly" opening is pretty sensational, and the "Put on Your Sunday Clothers" number is an outright homage to "On the Atcheson, Topeka and the Santa Fe" from THE HARVEY GIRLS and "Love is Only Love" strongly recalls "No Love, No Nothin'" from THE GANGS ALL HERE.

And yes, Barbra is miscast, and I suspect she knew it too. But I find the film improves with age, and what was over-the-top silly twenty years ago now has a patina of lush nostalgia, bee-hive hairdos and all. As another poster has mentioned, her "When the Parade Passes By" is one of the most thrilling vocal moments in musical film.

The one big mistake Fox did was to film it in Deluxe color, which is not as stable as classic Technicolor - most prints have faded to red. The dazzling FUNNY GIRL restoration demonstrated the absolute superiority of the Technicolor process.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#63re: the HELLO DOLLY film
Posted: 6/24/03 at 9:47pm

Appearantly, when HELLO DOLLY! was bought by Fox, the original intention was to have Elizabeth Taylor play Dolly. You'd have thought Fox might have learned after CLEOPATRA, but with the possible exception of Doris Day, Liz was the biggest female movie star ofthe 1960s, so Fox's thinking still made some twisted sense. And Barbra was signed for DOLLY before her FUNNY GIRL film had even opened. Reviewer of Barbras misbegotten 1967 TV special THE BELLE OF 14th STREET mention the fact. And Barbra was signed for Taylor's salary - one million dollars - a staggering sum in the mid-1960s.

Marianne McAndrew was not first choice for Molly Malloy, either. No less a star than Ann-Margaret tested for it (though you can bet that Barbra would not have stood for Ms. Va-Va-Voom one bit)! I would LOVE to know why and how Matthau was cast, as he's even more miscast than Barbra. I'd also love to know how Kelly got involved. His "Call on Dolly" opening is pretty sensational, and the "Put on Your Sunday Clothers" number is an outright homage to "On the Atcheson, Topeka and the Santa Fe" from THE HARVEY GIRLS and "Love is Only Love" strongly recalls "No Love, No Nothin'" from THE GANGS ALL HERE.

And yes, Barbra is miscast, and I suspect she knew it too. But I find the film improves with age, and what was over-the-top silly twenty years ago now has a patina of lush nostalgia, bee-hive hairdos and all. As another poster has mentioned, her "When the Parade Passes By" is one of the most thrilling vocal moments in musical film.

The one big mistake Fox did was to film it in Deluxe color, which is not as stable as classic Technicolor - most prints have faded to red. The dazzling FUNNY GIRL restoration demonstrated the absolute superiority of the Technicolor process.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

#64re: re: the HELLO DOLLY film
Posted: 6/25/03 at 11:40am


I hope Barbra DOEs go to the wedding.

Just so we can hear how her security force beat the living s*** out of you ....

As Barbra stands there going:

"Dolly, Dolly who? Ya know what I mean?"

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#65re: re: re: the HELLO DOLLY film
Posted: 6/25/03 at 2:18pm

"Don't try to stick up for this woman--she's a b1tch!!!!!"

Why shouldn't I stick up for someone I'm a fan of!? So it's ok for you to defend Carol Channing, but I can't defend Barbra Streisand when someone says something nasty about her? That's very hypocrtical of you! Reputation or not, you do not know her personally (no matter what her so-called family says about her). You can hate her acting, singing, and directing if you want; but to say you hate someone that you don't even know because of their personality that you have never witnessed first hand, well then you have issues.

And how can anyone say they feel sorry for James Brolin!? Obviously he's very happy! He looked past a reputation and got to know the real Barbra.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

sideshowfan Profile Photo
#66re: re: re: re: the HELLO DOLLY film
Posted: 6/25/03 at 4:56pm

I have no idea why were comparing. First of all Carol Channing is an amazing character actress and so much fun to watch in thi role and any other role she's done. Where as Barbra Streisand is singing the role and making it her own.

#67re: re: re: re: re: the HELLO DOLLY film
Posted: 6/25/03 at 9:32pm

It's not her role. It's Carol's.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#68re: re: re: re: re: re: the HELLO DOLLY film
Posted: 6/25/03 at 10:22pm

Nobody ever said it was Barbra's role! Don't shoot the messenger (or in this case the actress). Barbra just did what movie Producers told her to do. It's not her fault they didn't want Carol for the movie. It's been 34 years; get over it already!

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

sideshowfan Profile Photo
#69re: re: re: re: re: re: re: the HELLO DOLLY film
Posted: 6/25/03 at 10:27pm

As Theatrebaby said I wasn't saying it was her role and if I offended you I'm sorry.

scooter38432 Profile Photo
#70Dollypop should get out more!
Posted: 6/26/03 at 11:50am

If Dollypop hasn't seen a movie in what, almost 35 years, I don't think she should be judging Barbra Streisand's work based on one movie. Along the same lines, nor should she be judging Channing's work for the performance of one role that she saw about 50 years ago (and subsequently thereafter).

We've all heard good things and bad about many a mega-star. Barbra is an easy target -- but Channing is almost an easier one!

Channing originated an impressive HANDFUL of roles on Broadway -- to great acclaim -- but that's about it. She never really had much of a film career (except for an incredibly undeserved Oscar nomination for THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE and maybe a small role here or there.)

Channing may have received standing ovations, but come on, Dollypop, don't you realize that Streisand is an international star with millions and millions of fans? Something tells me that Barbra has most certainly received her share of standing o's.

Dollypop asks "when was the last time Streisand did 8 shows a week?" Well, since you ask...

When was the last time Channing directed a major motion picture, won Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, wrote music, etc.? To not care for Streisand as a performer is understandable. To take to heart stories of how difficult she is to work with is all based on heresay anyway, unless you, personally, have worked with her. To call Streisand "stupid" and to say that she doesn't have one "iota" of talent is obviously and startlingly ridiculous. A stupid, or untalented person wouldn't have been working for umpteen years in the business, stretching herself, expanding her creativity, etc. Unlike the beloved Channing (whom I do happen to like) who played Dolly over and over and over and over again. Can you say limited?! Granted, she's a great Dolly, but that's about it. There's Lorelei, etc., but those roles have faded into oblivion.

And, just for the record, when you quoted my praise for Michael Crawford in the film HELLO DOLLY, it was the only time I have ever liked him in ANYTHING, so I thought I'd give him the credit where it was due. His Cornelius Hackl is terrific.

Both Channing and Streisand are Broadway legends. Undeniable, Dollypop. Time to face the facts. Additionally, Streisand is ALSO a film legend. The same can't be said for Channing.

I like them both, but if we had to do a "career/talent scorecard" of sorts, I think every reasonable person reading this would know who would get the better grade.

Itty Bitty Geisha? Toyland? Gypsy Pasadoble? Just a few popular favorites...
Updated On: 6/26/03 at 11:50 AM

scooter38432 Profile Photo
#71re: Dollypop should get out more!
Posted: 6/26/03 at 11:58am

OH! I forgot something!

To those of you (of which I'm included, actually) who think that Streisand was too young for the film HELLO DOLLY, don't you think that 75+++ is a WAAAAAAYYY too OLD for Dolly as well? This latest revival was a little frightening. I, too, felt that she was going to keel over at any second.

Itty Bitty Geisha? Toyland? Gypsy Pasadoble? Just a few popular favorites...

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#72re: Dollypop should get out more!
Posted: 6/26/03 at 12:00pm

This has become quite an amusing topic for those of us who wish not to post on this one!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#73re: re: Dollypop should get out more!
Posted: 6/26/03 at 6:10pm

The reason Channing did not get it is the same reason many Broadway stars do not get the film role. It is bankability. Many people in the hinterlands & abroad did not know Carol Channing ( no offense intended) but knew of Streisand. They wanted the movie to make money first & foremost. I doubt if Channing would have made the film into a financial success but would have made for a better movie in the long run. I find the movie enjoyable. No great shakes but enjoyable. I have seen worse. Jesus Christ Superstar comes to mind

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 6/26/03 at 06:10 PM

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#74re: re: re: Dollypop should get out more!
Posted: 6/27/03 at 11:06am

Yeah for scooter38432. You said that very nicely.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~
