
Lyrics for "Summer of 42" that Idina did

Lyrics for "Summer of 42" that Idina did

Chip1012 Profile Photo
#0Lyrics for "Summer of 42" that Idina did
Posted: 8/20/04 at 2:34pm

does anyone have the lyrics (you can PM them to me since I know you can't post lyrics here) for "Someone to Dance With Me" from Summer of 42? Idina Menzel sang the song.
Thanks in advance

#1re: Lyrics for 'Summer of 42' that Idina did
Posted: 8/20/04 at 4:35pm

If anyone has them, could they do me a favor and PM them to me too? thanks!!

"It means that the other guys didn't win!" --Jeff Marx on what winning a Tony would mean to him

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#2re: Lyrics for 'Summer of 42' that Idina did
Posted: 8/20/04 at 4:38pm


starlyricist Profile Photo
#3re: Lyrics for 'Summer of 42' that Idina did
Posted: 8/20/04 at 4:46pm

yeah i second that. plus there was a duet that Idina did with Ryan Driscoll during the run, unless this is that song. i can't remember.

There are some people in the world who say that writing stories, or composing music or dancing sparkly dances is easy for them. Nothing interferes with their ability to create. While I celebrate their creative freedom, a little part of me just wants to punch those motherf*ckers in the teeth...[tos]
