
Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run

Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run

#0Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run
Posted: 8/17/03 at 9:31pm

It is on right now in Ohio (9:36pm)

CCM '10!

Amneris Profile Photo
#1joel grey
Posted: 8/17/03 at 11:51pm

is it me or does he look sickly?

#2re: Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run
Posted: 8/17/03 at 11:56pm

Damn it, I missed it again!

Well, I have mid "Hello, Dolly" until the end... but I really would like to see Lansbury, et al. Any plans to re-run it that anyone is aware of?

From the D.C. area--

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#3re: re: Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run
Posted: 8/18/03 at 12:08am

Paulie, don't fret. Just wait for the DVD in October. It will have some material not on the PBS broadcast and you won't have to put up with all that pledge drive drivel!


#4re: re: Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run
Posted: 8/18/03 at 12:09am

Paulie.. I would go to MPT.org or the DC PBS webiste and see if they will do it again. They usually have it listed. I did not see it listed for MPT.org (maryland public television)

Albin Profile Photo
#5re: re: re: Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run
Posted: 8/18/03 at 12:01pm

Paulie...you'll be disappointed. Lansbury lip-synced "Worst Pies in London."

I was disappointed with the entire show. Mostly a bunch of performers past their prime schlepped out to reprise their big numbers. My local PBS talked it up like it was the second coming...

#6re: re: re: re: Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run
Posted: 8/18/03 at 5:20pm

Lansbury really lip-synced "The Worst Pies in London!!" It was extremely visible. Amneris, who were you talking about when you said, "is it me or does he look sickly?"

CCM '10!

Jenny Thompson
#7re: re: re: re: re: Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run
Posted: 8/19/03 at 1:36am

I would like to state for the record that this week I love "A New Argentina" more than life itself. I've had the Evita CD for eons, but this was the first time I ever saw video from the production. I had no idea how funny Peron was. And Mandy the callow youth! Well, maybe not callow, but definitely youthful. What is that odd vaudeville-ish side-stepping move he does across the stage? It doesn't even look like he's singing at the time, just performing an inexplicable dance step. I laughed so hard that the two cardboard Mandy's who live in my sitting room were insulted.

Of course Patti is and always will be my goddess.

Why in Heaven's name did PBS decide to include those revolting Annie orphans in the telecast but consign "Buenos Aires" to the video? Why?? Are they trying to drive me madder than I already am?! And, while I'm asking questions, why couldn't somebody broadcast all of Evita? There has to be footage of it. It's not my fault that I wasn't born when it was on Broadway--I need to see the whole darn thing! Tempting me with little bits and pieces...how can they be so cruel?

#8re: re: re: re: re: re: Broadway's Lost Treasures Re-run
Posted: 8/19/03 at 3:13am

tommy tune was looking sickly??