Boy from Oz

#0Boy from Oz
Posted: 10/12/04 at 12:51pm

Looking for a DVD of the Boy From Oz with Hugh Jackman.

#1re: Boy from Oz
Posted: 10/12/04 at 12:54pm

It was supposedly filmed, but its not available yet.

Also, for the future, don't ask for bootlegs of any kind on these boards. It jeopardizes the integrity of the board, and put us at risk of getting shut down. We DEFINATELY don't want that.

kec Profile Photo
#2re: Boy from Oz
Posted: 10/12/04 at 4:22pm

Actually, there is no indication that it was filmed other than what was done for the Lincoln Center Archives. The producers told the person in charge of the recent petition that a dvd would be done, but they did not say when one would be released.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#3re: Boy from Oz
Posted: 10/12/04 at 7:05pm

Do not hold your breath . I doubt it will ever see the light of day

Poster Emeritus

#4re: Boy from Oz
Posted: 10/12/04 at 7:09pm

No DVD was ever filmed whiole the show was on Broadway. It may be filmed in London at some point in the future but as of now no DVD has been made.

Cake or death?

#5re: Boy from Oz
Posted: 10/12/04 at 7:34pm

Ben Gannon ( one of the producers) was interviewed recently and he also talked of the possibility of a movie. He did say that Hugh performing in London is not likely due to Hugh's schedule.

Or is a movie even more remote than a DVD ?
